Plugins – WordPress Plugin Selling Company | Envato Elite Author Fri, 29 Dec 2023 07:16:52 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Plugins – WordPress Plugin Selling Company | Envato Elite Author 32 32 5 Best Social Login WordPress Plugins Thu, 14 Oct 2021 10:14:38 +0000

Several weeks ago, Jonas was browsing around eCommerce websites in search of a mobile. He noticed that the item was available for purchase at the same price and with the same features on three different eCommerce websites. Jonas chose the site to which he was already logged in.

Jonas attempted to purchase something from the site’s shopping cart but was unable to since he had forgotten his username and password. As a result, he was forced to drop the purchase and visit a different website. The next site needed him to create an account, but he chose not to do so because of the time commitment involved. Afterward, he moved on to another site. Using his social network credentials to log onto this website was an option. He finished the checkout procedure with a single click, utilizing his social media credentials as his login credentials to sign in. Voila!! Let’s see some of the benefits you will get after creating a website.

Benefits of Social Login WordPress Plugins

  1. Quick and simple registration: Social Login simplifies, quickens, and improves registration. It enables users to register with one click, reducing the time-consuming procedure of setting up an account.
  2. Boosts consumer signups: Given the simplicity with which Social Login makes it possible to register, the probability of positive signup rises. This results in a more positive consumer experience on a platform as a result of the process.
  3. Cart abandonment rate is decreased: Shoppers are frequently compelled to complete mandatory registration forms as part of the purchasing process while shopping online. With Social Login, it’s easier to ensure that consumers check-in with a single click, which results in a reduction in cart abandonment and higher conversion rates.
  4. Bounce rate reduction: It is one of the most effective options for people who dislike the process of filling out registration forms. These customers do not dither when it comes to leaving a website. By including Social Login, you may lower bounce rates while increasing average site time.
  5. Fewer failed login attempts: When customers are not forced to remember their credentials, the likelihood of a forgotten login is lowered significantly.

There are multiple other benefits you can have by installing a social login WordPress plugin and if you want some extra features, you can give a call to a WooCommerce Plugin development Company.

Why Companies should Implement Social Login on their Website!

  1. Increasing demand for Social Login: Users are increasingly demanding Social Logins, whether they realize it or not. Social Logins are preferred over creating a unique username and password for each website or app, according to a State of Consumer Privacy & Personalization poll.
  2. A better experience for the customers: The user experience is critical when it comes to Social Login. Indeed, 74% of respondents said that user experience was important when deciding whether to join a website or buy from an eCommerce store. Using Social Login allows customers to sign up for your app or website rapidly. Visitors can access your content immediately without having to create an account.
  3. Password fatigue is eliminated: A staggering 92% of website visitors would rather leave and never come back. Using Social Login on your website makes it easier for users to log in. This streamlines the account reset process and saves time for clients. Customers will no longer need to remember another login or risk their own password.
  4. Mobile-friendly option: Over 90% of the global internet population uses a mobile device. This is not going away. However, most login techniques make this difficult. By enabling Social Login, you are allowing consumers to connect to your website from their mobile devices. This can help you reach a larger market and would allow clients to use your app or website more easily.
  5. Boosts app and website sign-ups: Using Social Logins creates a uniform manner of authentication. Social Logins increase conversion rates. Signing up for a website or app via a social media account is not only safer but also more convenient for potential customers.
  6. Decrease fake accounts: Social Logins also help reduce the number of fake accounts. This can benefit both the website administrator and the customer. Fake accounts are generated to access personal data or charge for extra goods or services. Dummy sign-ups are decreased when linked to a social network account.
  7. Data collection: To increase conversions, optimize marketing efforts, and pinpoint your target population, you need accurate data. A fake account or misleading facts can make it difficult. An online service can collect users’ personal details, email accounts, ages, interests, and friends. This non-personalized data can be used to modify the experience. You can also Consider incorporating a WordPress vote plugin to empower users to actively participate in shaping the features and functionality of your website or app.

Some of the Best Social Login WordPress Plugins

1. Social Login – WordPress / WooCommerce Plugin

Social Login WordPress Plugin

If your eCommerce website has a verification system, it will take the customer an excessive amount of time to checkout, causing the user to become bored and decreasing your sales. However, if you use WooCommerce Social Login, it’ll save customers’ time, which will lead to an increase in sales.

When a visitor enters your site for the first time, you can streamline the checkout process and help them to check out as a guest. This, however, creates friction for clients who wish to make several purchases from your site. They will be required to generate a new username and password. WooCommerce Social Login simplifies and secures this process by allowing customers to log in using their Facebook, Twitter, Google, Yahoo, LinkedIn, Foursquare, Windows Live, VKontakte (, PayPal, or Amazon account rather than creating new user accounts.

Numerous studies have shown that if a customer can easily create an account during the checkout process, it is more certain that they are going to buy the product. This plugin simplifies the WooCommerce checkout process even more for consumers that prefer to log in using social media.

Key Features:

  1. One-click registration.
  2. Customers don’t need to remember another username or password to access their accounts.
  3. Increase repeat purchases – clients often stay signed into social networks, so they can easily sign back into your site.
  4. Using social sign-in increases security and trust.
  5. Sending account details to the user’s email.
  6. Auto-Integrate at Checkout.
  7. Includes a short code, [Woo Social Login], for adding Social Login buttons to any page, and a widget for any widget area.
  8. Set a custom redirect URL once a customer logs in using social media.
  9. Admin can drag and drop social network buttons.
  10. View each social network’s sign-ups.
  11. Create pie charts for each social network’s registration rate.
  12. Account linking on ‘My account’ and ‘Order received’ pages for future convenience.
  13. Even if social accounts are unlinked, WordPress user accounts can be accessed.
  14. A simple admin UI to manage everything.
  15. Allow just email sign-in or sign-up.

Price:- $39 USD (One-time payment) including 6 months of support and lifetime updates.

2. YITH WooCommerce Social Login

YITH Social Login

The use of YITH WooCommerce Social Login is yet another popular approach of allowing individuals to login and register. Before completing a purchase, clients will no longer be required to fill out questionnaires or provide personal information. You may also be able to target your customers’ social media profiles by linking their accounts to your store’s.

There are roughly 12 different social media platforms that may be connected with the plugin, which includes Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn among others. In general, this may aid in the speeding up of the checkout process as well as the rise of conversions.

Key Features:

  1. Specify the text that will appear instead of “Login with”.
  2. Customize the Checkout page’s text.
  3. View a report on the connection.
  4. View every users’ social connection in a row.
  5. Active connections for each user can be viewed from the (admin) user profile.
  6. On the “My Account” page, users will see a list of all connections and will also be able to log in with different providers and even deactivate the connection to one of the social networks available.
  7. Manage redirects from the administrator side when users log in.
  8. You can customize the position of login buttons on the “My Account” and “WP login” pages, as well as in post comments.
  9. You can utilize a widget to display login buttons.
  10. To display login buttons, you can use a short-code.
  11. If users register through a social network, certain information about them is retained in their WooCommerce profile, such as a description, their billing address, and their billing email.
  12. You can configure log registration for debugging purposes.

Price:- $79.99 USD / Year (Annual Subscription) including 1 year support & updates.

3. WooCommerce Social Login

WooCommerce Social Login

If you ask me, Social Login is one of the best solutions you can have for your eCommerce store. WordPress is an open-source solution with various themes which can be tailored to any product or layout. Owners of small businesses and retailers who sell a wide range of products can benefit greatly from owning this item.

Customers are often irritated by the checkout processes, which are frequently halted at various points. This substantially tends to slow your sales and leads to customer loss.

Using this plugin, users can link their store accounts to Facebook, Twitter, Google, Amazon, LinkedIn, PayPal, Disqus, Yahoo, and Vk. The Social Login makes it simple to sign in. Users can sign in with a single click once their accounts are linked. As an outcome, the simpler it is to sign in, the more visitors you will obtain to your webpage.

Key Features:

  1. A fantastic aide for customers to use their social network accounts to log in to your WooCommerce business.
  2. Easily connect to Facebook, Twitter, Google, Amazon, LinkedIn, PayPal, Disqus, Yahoo, and VK, among others.
  3. One-click login.
  4. Increased login security and conversion rate.
  5. More extensive info on Social Login and goods transactions.
  6. Works with the WordPress Product Reviews Plugin for WooCommerce.

Price:- $79 USD / Year (Annual Subscription) including 1 year support & updates.

4. UserPro – Community and User Profile WordPress Plugin

Userpro Social Login

UserPro is a consumer-centric product that generates visually appealing profile cards for your most popular users. It features an attractive member directory complete with badges and achievements for your most active users – an excellent way to keep your audience engaged.

UserPro is a high-quality front-end Social Login and registration system that you should consider using. User registration and login are made easier with this premium WordPress plugin, which allows users to register and log in using their social media profiles from Facebook, Twitter, and Google+. LinkedIn and Instagram.

From there, you can create a plethora of WordPress registration form types and assign them to various user roles. In the case of a website that is primarily concerned with user-generated content, separate sign-up forms may be provided for viewers and content developers. Forms can also be set up to require users to use strong passwords to protect their accounts.

Key Features:

  1. Create custom login and registration fields for your WooCommerce store using the WordPress Customizer.
  2. Create a community website with engaging user-profiles and post them on it.
  3. Administration panel with drag and drop functionality and a vast range of icons and skins.
  4. Integration with WooCommerce, BuddyPress, Mailchimp, and other popular platforms is seamless.
  5. Create numerous registration forms and display them selectively based on the roles of the users who will be registering.
  6. Create personalized email notifications to send to specific recipients.

Price:- $39 USD (One-time payment) including 6 months of support and lifetime updates.

5. Nextend Social Login

Nextend Social Login

Nextend Social Login is a WordPress plugin that allows site users to sign in while using the most popular social media sites, such as Facebook, Twitter, and Google, rather than their email address or username and password. By utilizing the one-click registration function, customers may simply link their website accounts to their social media profiles. A custom URL redirect will also be available to you as the website owner after users register with social media accounts, which you can customize as needed.

The option for consumers to utilize their Facebook, Twitter, or Google profile image as their WordPress website’s avatar is a great function of Nextend Social Login, and it is available to all users. Additional features such as login widgets and short-codes make it easier to make changes to plugin settings on your WordPress site.

Key Features:

  1. A Social Login form is displayed on your WordPress site when you use this plugin.
  2. Various social media sites are supported, including but not limited to Facebook and Twitter.
  3. The ability for customers to link their social media accounts to their WooCommerce profile will be available soon.
  4. It is possible to request usernames and email addresses separately for social media login.
  5. You can change the design of the login buttons to suit your needs and tastes.
  6. Depending on the user’s role, social media login options can be disabled.
  7. Detailed documentation and first-class assistance are provided.

Price:- $49 USD (One-time payment) lifetime updates & support

Comparison Summary of Supported Social Networks

To summarize, here is a quick side-by-side comparison of supported social networks to help you which plugin is best for you.


Features Comparison Chart

Here is a quick comparison of features provided by all plugins that will help you to decide which plugin is suitable for you.

One Click Registrationcheckmarkcheckmarkcheckmarkcheckmarkcheckmark
Works without WooCommercecheckmarkx-markx-markcheckmarkcheckmark
Work with bbpresscheckmarkx-markcheckmarkcheckmarkx-mark
Work with buddypresscheckmarkx-markx-markcheckmarkcheckmark
Work with Peepsocheckmarkx-markx-markx-markx-mark
Custom Redirectioncheckmarkcheckmarkcheckmarkcheckmarkcheckmark
Login on Checkoutcheckmarkcheckmarkcheckmarkx-markcheckmark
Shortcode Supportcheckmarkcheckmarkcheckmarkcheckmarkcheckmark
Manage Order of Buttonscheckmarkcheckmarkcheckmarkx-markx-mark
Signup Reportscheckmarkcheckmarkcheckmarkx-markx-mark
Link Other Social Accountscheckmarkx-markcheckmarkx-markcheckmark
Email Verificationcheckmarkx-markx-markx-markx-mark
New Account Emailcheckmarkcheckmarkcheckmarkcheckmarkcheckmark
Default User Rolecheckmarkx-markx-markcheckmarkcheckmark
Username Patternscheckmarkx-markx-markx-markcheckmark
GDPR Compatiblecheckmarkx-markx-markcheckmarkx-mark

Frequently Asked Questions

Why use a social login plugin on my WordPress site?

Social login boosts conversion rates by simplifying signup. Users prefer tapping their existing social accounts vs creating new passwords. The top plugins make integration easy.

What key features should the best social login plugins have?
  1. Robust support for major social platforms.
  2. Easy custom branding.
  3. Custom user data mapping options.
  4. GDPR compliance.
  5. User moderation abilities.
  6. Security protocols like reCAPTCHA.
How can I choose the right social login WordPress plugin?

Compare plugins based on platform support, ease of use, conversion lift data, active development status, recent updates addressing privacy laws, 5-star reviews showing stability/performance.

Choosing the Best Social Login WordPress Plugin

All of the Social Login plugins described above have one goal in common: to make it easier for visitors to your WordPress site to log in and log out. Social Login allows you to link new accounts to existing social media accounts, which speeds up the registration process on the site significantly. Social Login plugins make it easier and more enjoyable for users to interact with websites. These plugins will allow you to increase the number of visitors to your website. In addition, they improve the overall quality of your services and encourage users to spend more time on your site. Choose one of the following plugins to keep yourself safe.

Now that you’ve reviewed all of the above plugins and the comparison chart, you can see that Social Login – WordPress / WooCommerce Plugin excels in every category. Additionally, all of these additional capabilities contribute to an enhanced user experience, which elevates your WooCommerce store to new heights.

Additionally, educate yourself about more WordPress plugins that will benefit you when using the Social Login plugin, such as Social Auto Poster as it helps you in scheduling and auto-posting your content on various social media sites; this will help your business become more appealing to your audience.

The 5 Best WordPress Editorial Calendar Plugins for your Website Tue, 21 Sep 2021 06:22:39 +0000

After creating a website are you having a problem with keeping your blog updated? Having a good blog up and running presently is not really an easy process. First, you must identify a topic for your articles, a sector in which you are passionate and skilled. Next, you must generate various exciting post ideas, followed by the challenging task of creating a unique title.

With the help of the editorial calendar WordPress plugin, this process becomes easier as it helps you in posting consistently, and if you post consistently the reader engagement on your site also increases eventually. An editorial calendar plugin helps you in planning the content, assessing the draft, and finally publishing the post on a regular basis.

What is an Editorial Calendar?

An editorial calendar is a visual process that enables a team of content creators to plan their work every day, every week, or every month. Editorial calendars are used by many people for their work, like businessmen, publishers, bloggers. It is a tool that helps you plan the content from start to end. However, some of the very good editorial calendar plugins also help you with;

  1. Accessing the blog for a quick edit.
  2. You can schedule which posts will go live on your website, as well as when they will go live on your website.
  3. It also comes up with blog post ideas.

Furthermore, some WordPress editorial calendar plugins let you schedule and track the performance of every post across all social networks. Moreover, certain editorial calendar plugins allow you to create and see the activities required to complete the entire editorial process.

Here, I am listing the 5 best WordPress Editorial Calendar plugins you can install on your WordPress website, and grow your business.

1. Strive Content Calendar


Strive is the latest WordPress plugin for content creators that allows planning and scheduling blog posts in a snap. With the help of Strive Content Calendar, you are easily able to add, edit, and schedule your posts.

Have you planned a post for this Thursday? With the posts menu, an obvious question such as this is difficult to answer, but with the Content Calendar, the answer is evident right away. For the month, the calendar will show you all of your posts that are scheduled and the posts that are published. This makes planning, reviewing, and changing your publishing schedule a breeze. It’s also more than a visual aid. The calendar is also a lot of fun to use, and it is also very highly interactive.

You can also change the status of your draft, Strive gives you 4 possible statuses:

  1. You have not started yet
  2. You are writing
  3. You are editing
  4. The process is complete

Also, you can stay in control of the pipelined post, The Pipeline gives you a bird’s-eye view of all your site’s posts that are drafted.

Features of Strive Content Calendar:

  1. A content calendar helps you in planning all of your posts.
  2. With the help of the post revision, you can easily update your outdated content.
  3. Post checklist makes your work easy because you can check off the items while you write.
  4. Post statuses help you track all of your progress.

Strive Content calendar is very user-friendly, and you are able to get the birds-eye view of the posts which are in pipeline but there is one setback of this plugin and that is if you want to enjoy all of its features you won’t get it in the free version.

Price – $7 USD/month (One-time payment), they also offer 1 month of free trial.

2. Editorial Calendar

Editorial Calender

The Editorial Calendar is an excellent plugin for everyone who has a blog. However, it works best for individuals who write drafts ahead of time and schedule their posts. With the drag-and-drop calendar view in Editorial Calendar, users can constantly keep track of each of these drafts and reorganize them. This overview will assist you in determining whether your material is scheduled for publishing in the most logical order and at the most appropriate time for your audience.

If you need to edit the drafts at the last moment, you can quickly access them from the editorial calendar, and this will save a lot of your time, as you don’t need to search through all of your other drafts for the specific one you are finding.

When you want to post something new, all you gotta do is hover over the date you want to publish the new post, and then you should click on add a new post button. When this is done you’ll have access to the edit feature, and it will allow you to add the post title and the content inside it, and lastly schedule it for publication.

Features of Editorial Calendar:

  1. Drag-and-drop interface for simple and painless blog reorganization.
  2. The latest draft drawer function allows you to easily update and maintain drafts.
  3. You can rearrange your scheduled post and rearrange them by dragging and dropping on a specific date.
  4. It offers a calendar view of all your articles on your WordPress Admin Dashboard, along with their various statuses.
  5. Put it in your CSS and you can change the color or style of the post in the can readily manage content written by several authors.

This plugin is very easy to use, and the dates are shown in the calendar along with the status of the respective post. As well as the calendar draft drawers to manage drafts easily. But it only provides the essential features and nothing out of the box.

Price – Only a Free version of this plugin is available.

3. CoSchedule


CoSchedule is a full-service editorial calendar that helps the teams to manage their content calendar. You can create tasks by using this tool and allocate those tasks to certain coworkers. These responsibilities can include blog postings, email messages, webinars, etc. CoSchedule also works as a social media marketing tool in addition to making it easy to organize your publication calendar, because you can use the platform to program your social messages.

The best thing about this plugin is the developers have made sure that it is properly integrated with WordPress so that when you pay for the CoSchedule and sign in, you don’t need to leave WordPress to work on the calendar.

Features of CoSchedule:

  1. You can assign the tasks to the specific author.
  2. With the help of Google Docs, you can integrate the plugin with multiple third-party platforms.
  3. You are able to edit the calendar from within WordPress.
  4. Easily create and manage tasks.
  5. With the help of the CoSchedule built-in tool, you can analyze the effectiveness of your headlines.

The best thing about this plugin is that you can have an intuitive drag and drop interface, and with the help of workflow management you can get great team coordination as well as you can integrate your social media, but it is very complicated for beginners and also the premium plugin is very expensive.

Price – Premium version of this plugin is $29 USD/month (billed annually) and one year of support is included.

4. Nelio Content

Nelio Content

Nelio Content is a native WordPress editorial calendar plugin that will boost your complete editorial process of publishing posts and boosting them on social media simply by installing it. When you install the plugin it will automatically create social publications on the social media channels.

They keep their plugin up to date so that the plugin is integrated perfectly with the latest version of WordPress. It has more than 6000+ active installs at the moment, and they provide great support to every single one who has installed this WordPress Editorial Plugin.

Features of Nelio Content:

  1. An easy editorial calendar that helps you to brainstorm and plan your efforts in order to complete your project successfully.
  2. It offers a drag and drop interface.
  3. Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Linked In, Google+, Tumblr, and more social media networks integrated. With tools like Google
  4. The analytics you can measure your performance.
  5. It allows you to tag content with photos to explain your ideas, link to prior posts, and more.
  6. Multiple users can work on it so that you can work together and coordinate with each other.
  7. A lot of beautiful features including editorial comments, suggested references, external featured images, tasks, and more.

This plugin is one of the best as you can have effortless team coordination, it also gives you all the assistance so you can take care of details and the performance can also be measured. The only negative point is most of the features of this plugin are locked in the free version.

Price – Premium version of this plugin is $9 USD/month for 1 site (billed annually).

5. SchedulePress

Schedule press

What makes SchedulePress different from other plugins is that it gives you control over the scheduled posts of yours. You are able to easily schedule the content you want to post through an editorial calendar and enable the auto-scheduler. It can schedule a bunch of posts at a time and also manage multiple authors. Also, it lets you post your content automatically without any notifications.

And if you’re not present at the work and still want the website to be live, you can prioritize it, therefore you have no need to stress about that. You can immediately see an overview of your blogs, and you can change them directly from the SchedulePress editorial calendar.

Features of SchedulePress:

  1. Allows you to manage yours with a great visual schedule calendar.
  2. You may use the drag-and-drop interface to organize, schedule, and manage your postings.
  3. Provides a dashboard widget that enables users to access your scheduled posts straight from your WordPress admin panel.
  4. You can instantly make a new post from the WP planned calendar without having to return to your eliminates the need for any additional configuration or theme customization.
  5. It offers seamless integration with other WordPress tools like BetterDoc, NotificationX, EmbedPress, and more.
  6. It provides both a free and a premium version, giving you the freedom to select the version that best meets your needs.

The best thing about the plugin is it has an auto-scheduler in it and provides you with a premium kind of support, but the main drawback of this plugin is the free version doesn’t offer enough features.

Price – Premium version of this plugin is $39 USD/month for 1 site, free support and updates for 1 year.

Choose the Best Editorial Calendar

Here’s a list of the top 5 WordPress editorial calendar plugins to help you manage your content strategy. Essentially, the appropriate plugin can assist you in getting your content marketing projects on track so that you really can post your content on a consistent basis. Furthermore, I included features, benefits, and drawbacks of all the above-mentioned plugins, and after evaluating everything, Strive Content Calendar out thrive in each and every feature from other plugins. Therefore, if you want to increase the number of visitors, members, and even consumers I recommend you should opt for Strive Content Calendar.

If I missed any of the other important editorial calendar plugins, let me know in the comment section, and also let me know which plugin you think is the best out of all mentioned above. After making a schedule of your posts, you can choose the best WordPress Plugin for Social Media Auto Posting which will help you in scheduling or quickly sharing all of your posts and publish it on all the major social media platforms.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why should I use an Editorial Calendar Plugin for my WordPress site?

An Editorial Calendar Plugin helps you maintain consistency in your content publishing, plan ahead, and visualize your content strategy. It can streamline collaboration among team members and make it easier to manage multiple content pieces.

Is it possible to reschedule or rearrange posts easily with Editorial Calendar Plugins?

Yes, one of the main features of Editorial Calendar Plugins is the ability to drag and drop posts to reschedule or rearrange them. This makes it convenient to adjust your content calendar according to your needs.

Do Editorial Calendar Plugins offer support for custom post types?

Many Editorial Calendar Plugins are designed to support custom post types. This feature is beneficial for websites that use different types of content beyond standard blog posts.

Top 10 Easy Digital Downloads Payment Gateways Mon, 13 Sep 2021 05:23:31 +0000

Top Payment Gateways For Easy Digital Downloads

  1. PayPal Commerce Pro Payment Gateway 
  2. Stripe Pro Payment Gateway
  3. Payment Gateway
  4. Braintree Payment Gateway
  5. Apple Pay
  6. EDD CCBill
  7. EDD PayU India
  8. EDD PayU Romania
  9. Check Payment Gateway
  10. SOFORT Banking

There are several platforms where you can sell your ebooks, plugins, themes, software, and digital prints online. But if you don’t want to sell it on other websites and create one of your own, where you have full control over, and that’s your only platform where you need to do business, then the Easy Digital Downloads WordPress plugin is an excellent choice for you.

If you already have a WordPress website, you can hire some experts for Easy Digital Downloads Development Services. EDD is a powerful and readily customizable plugin that may be extended with other WordPress plugins.

Importance of Payment Gateway

If you’re in the eCommerce industry, and you have a web-based eCommerce platform you’ll require a payment gateway to accept payments online.

A payment portal is a technology that transfers your customer’s payment to you. Your payment gateway verifies the customer’s information, guarantees the payment is allocated, and finally transmits that to you. A payment gateway is a final step in an eCommerce site’s online sales process. You won’t be able to charge your customers when they buy something from your website if you don’t have a payment gateway.

Therefore, below I am listing down best payment gateway for digital products (With Easy Digital Downloads) for your business to run smoothly without any problem. These are some of the best payment gateways you can integrate with your EDD store, and you don’t have to worry about the security of your store because most of them require SSL certificates which will help in protecting your EDD store.

Top Payment Gateways For Easy Digital Downloads

1. PayPal Commerce Pro Payment Gateway

paypal commerce pro payment gateway

We all know that PayPal is the best solution for online businesses. Every business heavily relies on PayPal as it is supported everywhere; PayPal Commerce Pro for Easy Digital Downloads enables Easy Digital Downloads-powered eCommerce stores to accept credit card and PayPal payments directly on their store. Therefore, whenever you make a purchase through the PayPal Pro tool, you directly give your credit card data without even leaving the site. This feature helps in giving a better user experience, and the conversions are more effective than ever. Also, if you are thinking that the process of checking out will be complicated with PayPal Express and not as easy as standard PayPal, then you are wrong. The process is very easy, and it is also safer than standard PayPal. And lastly, you can also checkout through the in-context checkout.

So, if you want to enhance the user experience of your store, you should add PayPal Commerce Pro Payment Gateway to your store. You can easily do the setup and the payment is accepted in just 5 minutes. It is the World’s most loved payment gateway with the most number of countries adopting it, and it accepts all the major credit cards and debit cards. Also, PayPal Commerce Pro Payment Gateway processing fees are very low.

Checkout Type: on-site

Accepts: PayPal – credit cards + bank

Fees: 9% + 30¢ per transaction for local payments. 9% transaction fee for international payments.

Currency: PayPal accepts more than 20 currencies including USD, GBP, AUD, and CAD, etc.

Country: PayPal Pro supports businesses in more than 200 countries.

Recurring support: Yes

SSL required: Yes

2. Stripe Pro Payment Gateway

stripe payment gateway

Stripe Pro Payment Gateway is one of the best solutions when it comes to online credit card processing. Also, many people prefer Stripe as it is one of the most popular payment gateways for Easy Digital Downloads.

The Stripe Pro Payment Gateway plugin allows stores to take payments from credit cards on EDD store. Moreover, this extension provides Easy Digital Downloads with the most feature-rich payment gateway integration possible. Stripe is the best option if you want to sell digital products in your store. They say that they have done thorough research on the websites that use Stripe and on those websites that use PayPal, and according to the research they have conducted, they show the stats that the sites that use Stripe generate 47% more revenue than the site that is using PayPal.

Checkout Type: on-site

Accepts: Visa, MC, Amex, JCB, Diners

Fees: 4% tax on each transaction plus 0.25¢ for European cards. 9% tax on transaction plus 0.25¢ for non-European cards

Currency: Stripe supports processing payments in 135+ currencies

Country: Stripe is available for business in 26 countries

Recurring support: Yes

SSL required: Yes

3. Payment Gateway

Authorize Payment Gateway Payment Gateway provides you with a rapid transfer of transaction data that is trustworthy and secure. It is highly popular and effectively utilized by many people, which helps in building customer confidence. If you use as the payment gateway then through this extension, you can directly accept the payment made through a credit card on your Easy Digital Downloads powered store.

Users submit their credit card data during the checkout process when buying digital products through the gateway and never leave your website. This provides an improved experience, which will lead to more successful conversions. Payment Gateway features:

  1. Credit card processing
  2. Mature content
  3. Digital as well as physical products

Checkout Type: on-site

Accepts: Visa, MC, Amex, Disc, JCB, Diners

Fees: 2.9% + 0.30 per transaction

Country: Currently, the plugin supports the United States, the United Kingdom, Europe, Australia, and Canada


Recurring support: Yes

SSL required: Yes

4. Braintree Payment Gateway

braintree payment gateway

This Braintree Payment Gateway extension lets you directly accept credit cards via your Braintree Payments account on your store. So, whenever the user is going to order something, they directly make payment through Braintree. If you have a Braintree extension installed on your store, the user enters their credit card credential during the checkout process, and the process is so smooth, easy, and fast, therefore the user never has to leave the site for the payment process. This results in a better user experience, and because of this, the conversion rate also increases.

Also, according to many people, Braintree is one of the best alternatives to Stripe if you are in need of some good experience, but don’t want to use Stripe. You can integrate Braintree into your EDD store with the Braintree add-on for $89 and accepts directly on-site payment.

Checkout Type: on-site

Accepts: Visa, MC, Amex, Disc, JCB, Diners

Fees: 2.59% + $.49 per transaction

Country: Australia, Canada, Europe, Hong Kong, Malaysia, New Zealand, Singapore, United States

Currencies: 135+

Recurring support: No

SSL required: Yes

5. Apple pay

Apple Pay Payment Gateway

Initially, Apple Pay was a mobile payment service. However, it is only available in new products launched by Apple. Initially, the payment service was based on NFC technology for the iPhone, i.e. near-field communication.

You can allow your clients to buy with Apple Pay in physical shops and not simply in online stores. However, in specific applications, such as Airbnb, Starbucks, and Kickstarter, integrated purchases can also be made.

Several online retailers have also opted to use Apple Pay as a means of payment since its launch. Formerly it was exclusively available in the United States one and now the service is available in France, United Kingdom, and Switzerland. Also, Apple Pay is anticipated to continue to flourish even more in Europe.

Apple Pay features:

  1. Easily allow payments both online and also in-person
  2. Accepts almost all credit and debit cards
  3. Integration with WooCommerce via Stripe

Checkout Type: off-site

Accepts: Apple Pay

Fees: Apple charges 0.15% per transaction on US purchases

Country: There are 30+ countries and regions that support Apple Pay

Currencies: it supports all the major credit and debit cards, including American Express, Visa, and Mastercard, etc.

Recurring support: Yes

SSL required: Yes

6. EDD CCBill

edd ccbill gateway

CCBill is a leader in the high-risk processing of credit cards. It has created a brand on which consumers may trust every year as millions of transactions are conducted. This plugin adds CCBill to your Easy Digital Download-powered store. You can trust CCBill as an online payment expert to manage your transactions safely from everywhere in the world.

You may offer payment methods that are familiar and convenient to your users, regardless of where they are. Your customers can buy your products or services whether they use credit cards, electronic checks, bank debit, telephone billing, or are in Europe, Canada, or the United States.

EDD CCbill feature:

  1. Transaction from anywhere in the world
  2. Automatic Updates
  3. gives you the tools, data, and intelligence to maximize your revenues

Checkout Type: off-site

Accepts: Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and JCB credit card

Fees: 3.90% + $0.55 per transaction

Countries: 45+ Currencies: USD, EUR, GBP, AUD, CAD, JPY

Recurring support: Yes

SSL required: Yes

7. EDD PayU India

edd payu india

If you operate a business in India, this is a robust payment gateway solution that you may use. PayU India works with Visa, Mastercard, Credit Cards as well as Debit Cards. This means you can easily accept credit card payments as well as direct payments through any of the affiliated banks.

When the order is approved, the user is directed to PayU for secure payment. There is no requirement for an SSL certificate on your website. After payment, the order is confirmed, and the user is directed to your thank you page. The plugin includes features such as physical products, on-site check-out, credit card processing, digital products, e-wallet balancing, and mature content.

PayU India Feature:

  1. No requirements to start the integration
  2. Best checkout experience
  3. Custom check out experience

Checkout Type: off-site

Accepts: Visa, MasterCard, Amex Business Card

Fees: 2% + GST per transaction

Country: India

Currencies: 100+ foreign currencies

Recurring support: Yes

SSL required: No

8. EDD PayU Romania

edd payu romania

You can use this comprehensive payment gateway option if your business is based in Romania. If you want to take payment via PayU Romania, you should consider installing this gateway plugin that works easily with Visa cards, Credit cards, and Mastercard. Therefore, you can do direct payments as well as payments through credit cards through any bank involved in the process.

The user shall be sent to PayU for secure payment when the order is executed. On your site, you do not need an SSL certificate. The order is confirmed after payment, and the user is brought to the thank you page.

PayU Romania Features:

  1. Documentation is very simple
  2. Automatic updates
  3. Secure payment

Checkout Type: off-site

Accepts: Visa / Mastercard (Amex not accepted) Masterpass• iTransfer for BT and BCR• Wire transfer• PayPal• Selfpay (for Zebra pay-Self pay terminals)

Fees: 2% per transaction

Country: Romania

Currencies: RON, USD, EUR, GBP, HUF, BGN, CZK, DKK, PLN, SEK, HRK, and UAH.

Recurring support: Yes

SSL required: No

9. Check Payment Gateway

check payment gateway

Check Payment Gateway is meant to develop digital downloads purchases easy to accept handwritten checks and other types of manual payment. The gateway has a number of additional features that allow you to show the buyer how to finish their transaction.

The purchase is generated with pending status when a user makes a buy and decides to pay with a check. The site administrator will log in after a check has been received and designate the transaction as “Complete,” and after that is done the email purchase receipt is triggered.

Check Payment Gateway Features:

  1. This gateway is flexible enough to be used how you’d like and will work for any EDD merchant
  2. Mature content

Checkout Type: on-site

Accepts: Checks or manual payments

Recurring support: No

SSL required: No

10. SOFORT Banking

Sofort Payment Gateway

In several regions of Europe, Sofort payment is one of the most well-known and trusted payment methods. The company owned by Klarna, allows users to make direct payments in numerous currencies, e.g. Euro, Swiss Franc, British Pound, Swedish Krona, Czech Corona, Hungary Forint, and Polish Złoty, with their bank account details.

Your security is our primary concern at Sofort. You use your own online banking information and do not need to provide the merchant with any private info or credit card details. You enter your online banking information on Sofort GmbH’s secure payment page, which merchants do not have access to. The online banking access data, such as PIN and TAN, are never visible to the merchant or third parties, including Klarna, or to SOFORT GmbH employees.

Checkout Type: off-site

Accepts: Visa, MC, Amex, JCB, and many more

Fees: From 1% + € 0.15 per transaction.

Country: Austria, Belgium, Netherlands, Poland, Italy, Spain, and Switzerland.

Currency: CHF, EUR, GBP, PLN

Recurring support: NO

SSL required: Yes

Now for the bonus tip. If you are in the e-commerce industry, you can even use a payment plugin to collect payment for your products or services. Meet Paymattic! This multipurpose plugin helps you collect payment through various payment gateway such as Stripe, PayPal, Square, Xendit, and more.

This single plugin covers 11 payment gateways and supports 135+ currencies. The best part? Paymattic seamlessly integrates with platforms like FluentCRM, Mailchimp, Active Campaign, Slack, Telegram, and also with popular LMS plugins. Plus, it’s able to provide a smooth user experience with its mind-boggling features that most payment plugins are yet to introduce.

Another fact worth mentioning about Paymattic is that it has an unbelievably simple pricing plan and offers all features at every pricing plan. Sounds strange! You don’t need to believe my words, try Paymattic by yourself and experience the magic.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Easy Digital Downloads?

Easy Digital Downloads (EDD) is a WordPress plugin designed for selling digital products online. It provides a complete solution for managing digital sales, including a range of payment gateway integrations.

Why are payment gateways important for EDD?

Payment gateways are crucial for processing online transactions securely. They provide the infrastructure to accept and process payments from customers, which is essential for any e-commerce platform like EDD.

What should I consider when choosing a payment gateway for EDD?

Key factors include:

  1. Transaction Fees
  2. Supported Payment Methods
  3. Security Features
  4. Ease of Integration with EDD
  5. Customer Support Quality.
Do these gateways support international transactions?

Many payment gateways for EDD offer international transaction support, allowing businesses to accept payments in multiple currencies from customers around the world.

Can I use multiple payment gateways with EDD?

Yes, EDD allows you to integrate multiple payment gateways, giving your customers various payment options and enhancing their checkout experience.

Are there any additional costs associated with integrating these gateways with EDD?

Some payment gateways may have setup fees, monthly charges, or transaction fees. It’s important to review each gateway’s pricing model to understand any additional costs.


Different Payment Gateways for Easy Digital Downloads allow you to process online transactions on your eCommerce store. This is an excellent approach to appeal to a broader customer base while also increasing overall revenue for your business. You can start receiving payments by selecting any payment gateway from the above list. Each option offers its own set of advantages and capabilities, but they’re all compatible with Easy Digital Downloads. The main distinction is that some work more effectively in specific settings than others. Our best picks are:

PayPal Commerce Pro Payment Gateway is idle for quickly setting up a way to accept payments for online businesses. CCBill is another excellent choice to manage your transactions safely from all over the world. PayU India is a great choice if your customer base is from India.

If you like this article, I am sure you will definitely love to read the article on must-have Easy Digital Downloads Extensions. From the above list, which one are you using, and what has your experience been? Let us know in the comments!

7 Best WooCommerce Checkout Plugins in 2024 Thu, 09 Sep 2021 07:57:43 +0000

Table of Contents

  1. Checkout Field Editor and Manager for WooCommerce
  2. WooCommerce Direct Checkout
  3. WooCommerce One Page Checkout
  4. WooCommerce Checkout Fields & Fees
  5. WooCommerce Currency Switcher
  6. WooCommerce Multistep Checkout Wizard
  7. Social Login – WordPress / WooCommerce Plugin
  8. Don’t Let the Customer Abandon their Cart

We have examined the 7 best WooCommerce checkout plugins in 2024, which according to us will be helpful for you and your WooCommerce store. It will enhance your client checkout experience and increase your revenue. The standard checkout on several websites usually takes time. It seems to be unclear for consumers, which makes the experience of customer checkout slow and causes them to leave the cart and abandon the page.
Think about all categories that you are able to delete from the checkout page. This deletion of the field is always dependent upon the items you’re selling from your eCommerce store; let’s say that you are selling digital products. There is no need to provide delivery and billing data. Similarly, you can utilize the checkout page on the same Event page and accept reservation data from consumers and the email address where the reservation information may then be sent if you are holding any event or booking any booking items.

Well, you will be thinking that this kind of stuff is really possible. Can you do this kind of thing with checkout? Yes, the plugins described below can really configure and improve the checkout experience as well as offer you a lot of extra functionality from social login to one-page checkout, and much more. So, that the customer can easily complete the checkout process.

1. Checkout Field Editor and Manager for WooCommerce

Checkout Field Editor

Check-out processes are sometimes excessively long and do not include all of the necessary consumer information. In certain circumstances, the Checkout Field Editor and Manager plugin comes and saves your day because it lets you control the WooCommerce Store checkout pages. This plugin has a drag and drop builder, which makes it easy for you to edit the checkout page. You may use it to add, change or conceal default checkout fields from WooCommerce.

The fields that you modify are shown on the checkout pages like the purchase information page and the customer email verification. You may also apply customized CSS and alter column widths so that it matches your brand. And all these features are available in the free version. The plugin has these fields:

  1. Text Field – type input text, this field can be used for single-line texts
  2. Email Field – this field is for email
  3. Password Field – you can keep this field for password input
  4. Textarea – Input check outfield, here you can write a multiline text
  5. Radio – you are able to set radio fields to choose from
  6. Paragraph – The field of a paragraph may be used to offer checkout instructions and can display messages between checkout fields
  7. Header – Header fields may be used to set the HTML header in checkout fields for WooCommerce. It provides H1 to H6 variations

And if you want more additional features you should consider upgrading to the pro version includes so many features. Many of them are listed below:

  1. All the features that are available in the free version
  2. More than 16 types of field
  3. A conditional checkout field
  4. Conditional checkout section
  5. Special rules are based on existing fields, product variants, category, user role, mode of shipment, and method of payment
  6. You are able to use new sections other than the default that is provided to us
  7. At 13 different positions, new sections are available
  8. If you want to edit, duplicate or delete a custom section you can do it
  9. Custom validation rules using RegEx for text and Textarea input
  10. On the basis of field selection, extra fees are added
  11. Option to add tax for an extra fee added

2. WooCommerce Direct Checkout

Direct Checkout

Is your checkout procedure very long? And because of this, the customers are getting bored? You may opt to install Direct Checkout for the WooCommerce plugin so that you can avoid cart abandonment. After this plugin cart page will never appear in the picture.

With the help of this plugin, it’s quick and easy to check out, as all add-to-cart buttons get converted into a purchase button when you click on them. That means you will directly land on a checkout page.

This is not the end. This plugin will also remove extra fields on your checkout page, you will see your cart summary on the checkout page, and the goods that you don’t want to buy can be simply removed from the checkout page. Shortly, you can examine the WooCommerce checkout process by eliminating superfluous fields of the form, direct visitors from the product page to the checkout, alter add to cart text, and also you are able to replace the cart with a custom link. In addition, with direct checkout, you can improve your store’s checkout process.

WooCommerce Direct Checkout Plugin Features:

  1. Simplify check out process
  2. Reduce cart abandonment
  3. Skip add to cart
  4. Avoid reloading the checkout page
  5. Remove checkout fields
  6. Quick purchase functionality
  7. Simplify Woocommerce

3. WooCommerce One Page Checkout

WooCommerce One Page Checkout

Why do most people often abandon the site? The main reason is because of the check-out process. According to a survey, 1 out of 10 people leaves the site because of this problem. And if you want to reduce the number of cart abandonment, try installing the WooCommerce One Page Checkout plugin, where you will be able to offer the entire purchase process on a single page.

Everything in one location is usually easier to handle. Therefore why are we letting consumers go through 3 separate pages when they are going to buy a product? Using a One Page Checkout plugin, you can make a cart and checkout process on a single product page.

The plugin is extremely straightforward to use and has several features that make it amazingly easy to create a one-page checkout. If you have a one-page website and you don’t want to redirect customers to other websites to finish an order, this plugin is for you. However, even if you have a multi-page website, it works well with your site too. For instance, when you are permitted to book or sell tickets, clients will notice the reservation button on the same page, since it is usually irritating to return consumers to their basket while you sell items for reservation.

WooCommerce One Page Checkout Plugin Features:

  1. Product Selection + Checkout
  2. Simple Code-Free Setup
  3. Custom Landing Pages
  4. Curated Products
  5. Product Type Support
  6. Built-in & Custom Templates

4. WooCommerce Checkout Fields & Fees

WooCommerce Checkout Field and Fees

Yes, this is another plugin providing the same features as others to manage the checkout fields, but there is something more interesting about this plugin, and that is its conditional fees.

According to this, the plugin will decide if the additional fields which are there should be shown in the checkout forms and if the fees need to be applied to the checkout cart. You can apply depending on user rank, zip code, billing of payment/shipment, goods in the basket, and the amount paid, among other things, depending on the logic rules.

The plugin supports custom fields, however, conditional checkout fields are taken into account. You may add custom fields to checkout pages and govern the behavior, using dependent logic like an admin or store manager. The plugin decides if additional fields must be displayed in checkout forms in line with these conditional criteria and whether the charge must apply to the checkout cart.

WooCommerce Checkout Fields & Fees Plugin Features:

  1. Custom checkout fields
  2. Field conditional logic
  3. Fee conditional logic
  4. Sort checkout fields
  5. File upload
  6. Select/Multi-select fields
  7. Date and time fields
  8. Fees and discount
  9. Free shipping
  10. Custom CSS and JS

5. WooCommerce Currency Switcher

Woocs Currency Switcher

Because of having brief check-out pages and social connections, you can optimize the check-out process by two approaches that you have. However, did you even know that when you customize your shopping experience, people adore it?

If you show the prices in the local currencies, they will be happy, and you will also make shopping easy for them. If you want to expand your store, it is essential to selling in multiple countries all at once. And you do not need to break a sweat to accomplish the functionality with the WooCommerce Currency Switcher plugin.

WOOCS – The currency switcher for WooCommerce enables your visitors to change goods pricing in their currency in real-time and pay in the selected currency according to the fixed currency rates (optionally). WOOCS are multi-currency plugins that allow the WooCommerce Store to add any currency, an Ideal option for making a site in several currencies with WooCommerce!

WooCommerce Currency Switcher Plugin Features:

  1. The checkout process in the selected currency
  2. Geo IP rules: different countries – different currencies and prices
  3. Fixed prices and fixed amounts rules for each product
  4. Prices based on User Role
  5. Prices based on Country
  6. Rates auto-update
  7. Statistic: currencies and orders
  8. Payments rules on the checkout page
  9. Individual GeoIP rules for each product
  10. Individual fixed prices for each product for each currency
  11. Compatible with the cache plugins

6.WooCommerce Multistep Checkout Wizard

Multistep Checkout

Some plugins act simply as a cosmetic part of the checkout page to enhance the checkout experience. To generate traffic to your store, you can do your best. You can even have shoppers add items to your basket, but you are in danger of losing business if your checkout page is difficult to understand (or annoying to see).

The default WooCommerce checkout page is not particularly optimized and the consumer information needs to be collected in all areas of the checkout page. You may now convert and make your check-out page short. In general, WooCommerce Multistep Checkout Wizard is used to convert your checkout form into several steps and improve the consumer experience. The plugin helps you to design gorgeous, super smooth multi-step checkout pages. Your client will not wait to click the purchase button.

WooCommerce Multistep checkout assists with easing and enhancing checkout processes to improve your conversion rate. The checkout wizard will be created by separating several sections of the standard WooCommerce checkout page to ensure that users have pleasant shopping experiences.

WooCommerce Multistep Checkout Wizard Plugin Features:

  1. The Layout is responsive.
  2. You can fully customize the checkout page without any problem.
  3. There are multiple styles available.
  4. It is compatible with WPML.
  5. If you want to do vertical orientation or horizontal orientation with the help of this plugin it is possible.
  6. It is compatible with all browsers.
  7. There is form validation for each of the steps.
  8. It is fully extendable through plugin hooks.

7 . Social Login – WordPress / WooCommerce Plugin

WooCommerce Social Login

You probably do not want to complete the lengthy checkout forms whenever you purchase something online if you’re more or less like me, nor do many of the consumers enjoy it, resulting in a more cart abandonment ratio. You may use the power of social connections to prevent the long checkout page that enhances sales.

Now, for that, you can implement the Social Login plugin. This will simplify the checkout process by allowing customers to log in or register using social media accounts on the checkout page only. The details will autofill with whatever information available from the social media accounts they are using.

This plugin provides a way to link other social media accounts to the already linked one so, no matter if you have linked your account with other social media accounts, you will get the same interface and histories while using different social media platforms to log in.

Whenever a customer visits your site, you are able to simplify the checkout process for them by allowing them to check out as a guest. But this adds difficulty for clients who are more than once interested in buying from your shop, and I hope many of them do. So, for that, they have to create another username and password. That’s where WooCommerce Social Login comes into play because it makes the process easy and as secure as possible – customers can easily log into your site using their Facebook, Twitter, Google, Yahoo, LinkedIn, Foursquare, Windows Live, VKontakte (, PayPal, and Amazon accounts instead of creating a new user account credentials.

Social Login – WordPress / WooCommerce Plugin Features:

  1. One-click easy registration
  2. WooCommerce social login works with WooCommerce, BuddyPress, bbPress, or PeepSo independently
  3. Enable quick and seamless access and checkout — clients do not have to memorize a different login id and password
  4. Reduce the friction for repeat purchases – clients usually stay logged in on their social accounts, which implies that with one click, they can quickly sign back to your website
  5. Enhance safety and trust with the help of social signup
  6. Ability to transmit user email information for freshly established accounts
  7. Auto Integrate on the checkout page
  8. It includes [woo social login], a shortcode that can be utilized to add the social login buttons on any page and to employ a widget in any widget area
  9. Ability to create custom URL to be routed to social media after the client login
  10. The administrator may use the drag-and-drop builder to change the order of social network buttons
  11. View the number of signups for each social network
  12. Creates a pie diagram for each social network registration
  13. If you want to check out on future purchases easily you can do it with the help of linking the accounts on the ‘My Account Page’ and ‘Order Received’
  14. Social accounts are connected to a WordPress user account so that accounts are accessible even when there is no connection between social accounts
  15. A clean & user-friendly admin UI to manage everything
  16. Allow users to log in or signup with email only

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I make WooCommerce checkout better with a Plugin?

You can improve your WooCommerce checkout experience by using a dedicated plugin like Checkout Field Editor and Manager. This plugin allows you to customize and optimize the checkout fields, streamline the process, and collect relevant information, providing a more user-friendly and efficient checkout for your customers.

How do I choose the best checkout plugin for my WooCommerce store?

When selecting a WooCommerce checkout plugin, consider your specific needs, such as customization options, compatibility with your theme, and user reviews. Evaluate the features of plugins like WooCommerce Direct Checkout or One Page Checkout to determine which aligns best with your store’s requirements, ensuring a seamless and tailored checkout experience.

What are the benefits of using a WooCommerce checkout plugin?

Using a WooCommerce checkout plugin offers several benefits, including the ability to customize fields, simplify the checkout process, and add additional features like currency switching or social logins. These plugins contribute to a smoother user experience, reduced cart abandonment, and increased overall efficiency in managing your online store’s transactions.

Don’t Let the Customer Abandon their Cart

We hope the plugins listed above assist you in optimizing your WooCommerce checkout page for increased conversions and sales. You don’t want to put your eCommerce store in jeopardy because of the lengthy cart check-out process which leads to cart abandonment in the end. So, therefore you might need to add a few of the plugins and shorten the length of the cart check-out process. Each option has different benefits and features, but they all work well with WooCommerce.

I believe the primary reason for cart abandonment is asking for registration when performing checkout, and you can decrease 50% of cart abandonment by providing a quick login function at checkout. You may accomplish this by using WooCommerce Social Login, which allows consumers to sign up with a single click and remain on the checkout page. Even if you don’t use any of the above checkout plugins, social login is becoming increasingly important in order to speed up the checkout process and minimize the cart abandonment rate. Also, if you want to develop a custom WooCommerce plugin as per your requirements, you should hire a WooCommerce Plugin Development Company which is an expert in this field.

Top 15 Must Have Easy Digital Downloads Extensions for Your WordPress Site Thu, 05 Aug 2021 09:41:58 +0000

15 Must Have Easy Digital Downloads Extensions

  1. Easy Digital Downloads – Social Login
  2. Easy Digital Downloads – Points and Rewards
  3. Easy Digital Downloads – PDF Vouchers
  4. Easy Digital Downloads – Purchase Limit
  5. Software Licensing
  6. Easy Digital Downloads – Frontend Submissions
  7. Mailchimp
  8. Easy Digital Downloads – Currency Converter
  9. PDF Invoices
  10. Easy Digital Downloads – Download Image Watermark
  11. Recurring Payments
  12. Paypal Pro & PayPal Express
  13. Easy Digital Downloads – CCBill Payment Gateway
  14. Easy Digital Downloads – PayU India Payment Gateway
  15. Easy Digital Downloads – PayU Romania Payment Gateway

In recent years, the sale of goods through the Internet has undergone fundamental changes. With the reasonable cost of the eCommerce platform, business owners, artists, musicians, etc., have opened their own online stores, and therefore Easy Digital Downloads Development has become necessary.

We also know that WooCommerce is the best and most popular plugin available, if you want to sell the product physically. Still, if you ever want to sell digital files to someone, then the option you should choose is Easy Digital Downloads. WooCommerce’s main focus is on the broader side, like selling physical goods and services revolving around them, and that’s the reason it left the opening for niche solutions for selling digital downloads. This adaptable and simple-to-use free eCommerce platform focuses on digital downloads, offering a plethora of useful features necessary for running an online store. However, you can extend the platform in many different ways. Let’s take a look at 15 must-have Easy Digital Downloads WordPress extensions.

Best Extensions for Easy Digital Downloads

There are so many Easy Digital Downloads Extensions to choose from that it can be difficult to narrow down your options. As a result, in order to save you time and effort, we’ve compiled a list of some of the best and most interesting EDD extensions.

Most of the EDD Extensions which is available in this collection are specially designed for WordPress companies and developers. Therefore, if you sell products or services such as plugins or web design packages, you can get some kind of inspiration from these extensions on how to improve the way you list, promote and manage your catalog.

And if you have recently built a website, or you want to upgrade your old website for product selling or services respectively, then your search ends here.

We have listed down many types of extensions over here. We have tried to cover every single thing about the extensions so that you don’t have to go anywhere else when you are looking for the best Easy Digital Downloads extension. Some extensions which are listed below, incorporate some specific kinds of services. However, you will also find extensions that cover incorporation with other services.

1. Easy Digital Downloads – Social Login

edd social login

This plugin mostly helps to make the checkout experience faster and reduce cart abandonment rates. While doing checkout, if a store asks to create an account, it will always be annoying, and customers leave the site most of the time. The plugin simplifies the checkout process by allowing customers to log into your website with their social media accounts, even from the checkout page. With the help of EDD – Social Login, users’ time will be saved, and sales will increase.

Customers who want to log in via their favorite social networks will find the Easy Digital Downloads checkout procedure even easier with this plugin.

Easy Digital Downloads Social Login enables users to connect to and checkout from Facebook, Twitter, Google, Yahoo, LinkedIn, Living Windows, VK, Amazon, Apple, or PayPal via social networks.

EDD Social Login Features

  1. Registration with a single click
  2. Integrates your store’s customer accounts with Facebook, Twitter, Google, Yahoo, LinkedIn, Foursquare, Windows Live, VKontakte (, Amazon, Apple, and Paypal
  3. It makes account access and payment simple, and straightforward-customers do not need to remember different usernames or passwords
  4. Reduce retail friction – usually, people stay on social networks, meaning they sign in with one click
  5. Enhance safety by using social login and increase trust
  6. Ability to send user email information from the newly created account
  7. Automatically integrated into the payment page
  8. Includes a shortcode [edd social login] to place the social connection buttons on any page and a widget to be used in any widget area
  9. The ability to set a custom URL to redirect the user to, after social media log in
  10. Admin may drag and drop the order of social network buttons
  11. See the number of registrations for each social network
  12. Create a pie chart of the percentage of social media registrations
  13. To facilitate future checkout, link accounts at the “My Account” page and “Order Received.”
  14. Social accounts are connected to a user account WordPress so that even if social accounts remain unlinked, they can be accessed
  15. A clean and easy-to-use administration UI to manage all

2. Easy Digital Downloads – Points and Rewards

edd points and rewards

According to the marketing principle, it is believed that retaining previous customers is tougher than obtaining a brand new one. It is, therefore, necessary for future purchases to keep your customers obsessed with your brand. Therefore, help your customers, who have an acquisition history, to save after support and response.

The addition of Easy Digital Downloads Points and Rewards enables you to reward consumers for shopping for other activities and allows points to settle discounts for future shopping.

You can configure the number of points awarded for the purchase globally, by category, and even by product to give you full control of the reward system. You can also set the number of points awarded by controlling the number of points awarded. Let’s understand this by an example: you can set 1 point = 1$, or if you want to, you can set 100 points = 1$; it is all up to you how you want to set the point system.

After the customer gets the points, it’s up to them when and how they want to redeem the point for a discount. And if needed, the admin can manually adjust the customer point balance.

EDD Points and Rewards Features

  1. Reward customers for purchases with points that can be redeemed for discounts!
  2. Based on the specified conversion rate, customers can settle points for rebates
  3. You can earn points for the sale of your products based on your conversion rate
  4. You can easily let your customers buy points based on your conversion rate. Just create a product with a product type of “points”; customers can buy it and then redeem the points for a discount
  5. Keep a check on the maximum discount
  6. Include former frequent customers in your system
  7. Reward points are given to customers who subscribe to other activities
  8. Check your customers for information on points and delete points for refunded orders
  9. Reset points from the user list using bulk action for all or specific users
  10. Provide information on points and benefits on a product page beforehand

3. Easy Digital Downloads – PDF Vouchers

edd pdf vouchers

PDF Vouchers for Easy Digital Downloads enable you to advertise voucher codes that can later be physically redeemed at the location. This is perfect for shops that desire to sell event tickets, on-site coupon codes, course tickets, etc.

You’ll be able to offer your customer the option to provide the recipient’s name, email address, and message as a present or purchase these vouchers for themselves. With the PDF voucher extension, you may create limitless coupons for local companies and even online retailers. It is very easy to use, and most importantly, it is very secure and has a powerful admin feature, and the reporting feature of this extension is also one of the best. Because of this, you can easily track your voucher codes without any problem.

Gift certificates, vouchers, and discount codes are nothing revolutionary, but what if you want to sell something that can not be downloaded or shipped? The PDF vouchers extension, which can be printed or redeemed in person, opens the door to any product or service; the Sky’s the limit! All the exposure, convenience, and security of online payment and orders are available, and you’re nevertheless capable of bodily supply of your products or services in the future.

EDD PDF Vouchers Features

  1. It’s simple to set up and utilize
  2. Link your business and online store with customizable PDF coupons
  3. Each download can be customized
  4. Add your logo to the PDF
  5. Customize the redemption instructions in the PDF
  6. Add as many locations as you want to the PDF where the voucher can be redeemed
  7. Allows you to create an unlimited number of unique codes without providing them
  8. Allows importing code via CSV
  9. Allows you to enter voucher codes in a comma-separated list manually
  10. The ability to limit codes to only being used once
  11. Codes can be used an unlimited number of times
  12. Detailed report on all voucher codes purchased and voucher codes used
  13. It’s also possible to export a list of all purchased voucher codes as a PDF or CSV file. This comprises all of the customer’s information
  14. With the Drag & Drop interface, you may build an endless number of voucher templates
  15. Capability for assigning the product voucher to seller users
  16. Send an email to the seller when the coupons are used up
  17. Supports using vouchers with variable products
  18. Clean and easy-to-use management interface to manage everything
  19. Enter a recipe name and/or message and utilize the receivers’ email field to send your voucher as a gift by emailing your customers on your shop frontend, and then customize your vouchers

4. Easy Digital Downloads – Purchase Limit

edd purchase limit

With Easy Digital Downloads – Purchase Limit, you can specify purchase limits per product on a per-product basis. And if you want, you can also limit the dates of purchase Downloads can be purchased by setting a start/finish date.

EDD Purchase Limit Features

  1. There’s no rocket science behind installing this plugin; it’s very easy to install
  2. If you want to set a purchase limit on a per-product basis, you can do that too
  3. For variable products, set varying purchase limits
  4. Date restrictions: You can limit products by date instead of limiting their numbers and can set a start date and/or end date. This means that you can do things, such as not selling until one date or closing all sales at a certain date, or permitting sales only between 2 days
  5. Custom message format: allows you to customize the purchase button of out-of-stock products, view the remaining number of products, date limit error messages, and also allows you to customize the error message in case someone visits the product’s checkout page to indicate that it is not in stock
  6. Notify the manager that there is a shortage of goods
  7. Ability to notify the manager that the warehouse is out of stock
  8. Clean and easy-to-use management interface to manage everything

5. Software Licensing

Software Licensing

If you have a website where you are selling a software or a music, or anything else that should be delivered with a valid license, this plugin will be an end to end solution from generating a license to license activation.

This plugin provides a complete license key generation, activation, and checking system. The plugin allows to deliver the license along with the actual digital product that can be used to properly license and activate the buyer’s copy of the software. As mentioned this plugin will become a huge asset for you if you are selling any kind of digital products on your website that needs to be validate with license like WordPress plugins, themes, music, or any other kind of software, including video games and desktop applications.

Software Licensing Feature

  1. License key management
  2. Licensing API to handle activation/deactivation and validation
  3. License renewals
  4. License upgrade paths
  5. Add one-click updates to your WordPress plugins and themes
  6. Supports WordPress and non-WordPress Products
  7. Releasing Beta versions

6. Easy Digital Downloads – Frontend Submissions

frontend submissions

If you are planning to build a marketplace website with a multi-vendor feature then this plugin would be the best solution because not all vendor users understand the WordPress backend and need an easy interface that can be managed from the front end. Also, this plugin covers all multi-vendor features that the marketplace website should have. In short this allows you to establish a third-party item shop. You may allow anybody to sell digital items through your store after FES is installed.

EDD Frontend Submissions Features

  1. It can moderate the vendors
  2. Moderation of the uploads is also possible
  3. If you add an extension, it can optionally track a submission also
  4. You can allow the vendor to see all the orders
  5. If the vendor wants to create/ edit or delete orders, he can do that easily
  6. Allows the vendor to access their own product dashboard

7. Mailchimp


If you have a blogging or digital service-selling website, you should be aware of the importance of newsletter. A list of email subscribers will be a more valuable asset. You can automatically subscribe customers to a specific list based on the product they bought or are trying to buy. Or the customer can subscribe to your newsletter themselves and enroll them-self into the list.

Mailchimp is a most popular marketing automation platform that helps to make it possible. Using Mailchimp you can bring your audience data, marketing channels, and insights together.

This is the plugin you can use for your EDD website and with detailed eCommerce reporting, you can observe which goods lead to more subscribers and which Mailchimp promotions lead to more purchases.

Mailchimp Features

  1. You can have a detailed report on eCommerce
  2. It can also segment your list in multiple ways
  3. Pair Mailchimp to expand your email list with free downloads
  4. You have all the power to control your subscription procedure
  5. After purchase, you can send receipts with the help of Mailchimp

8. Easy Digital Downloads – Currency Converter

edd currency converter

The Easy Digital Downloads Currency Converter Extension permits your clients to convert product prices into their chosen currency easily.

Currency Converter uses Open Exchange Targets to convert your product prices to your preferred currency! It includes detection of currency and reactive design. The orders remain completed with the base currency set in the settings of Easy Digital Downloads, and the converted prices are just for customer reference.

EDD Currency Converter Features

  1. Automatically detect the currency of your customers based on the location so that your customers can look at your products as much as they want to
  2. Responsive design, so all screen sizes and devices are going to work for this plugin
  3. Shortcode for displaying the customer’s saved currency in the menu label
  4. Choose to substitute the base currency prices for converted prices or show it in brackets next to the base currency price (when you select a currency that isn’t the basic currency)
  5. Choose whether to add a currency code to the product price
  6. Supports all locations
  7. Clean and easy-to-use management interface to manage everything

9. PDF Invoices

pdf invoices

Purpose can be different, but everyone needs an invoice for whatever they are purchasing. Whether you are selling digital, physical products or any kind of services, everything should be centralized with invoicing, which helps you improve your reports as well. This plugin easily generates invoices for the purchases. In addition, some customers want a copy of their purchase or a receipt, so it is possible with the help of this plugin. Once you activate this plugin, it will start generating invoices, and it will be available to customers and the admin with additional configuration.

Also, if you want to do your company’s branding by adding your mobile no and your company’s and customize your invoice, you can do that too by changing the PDF invoice setting.

This add-on is worth investing in when you interact with clients with special invoicing requirements for accounting purposes. Including 12 templates, each may be readily modified in the PDF Invoices package.

10. Easy Digital Downloads – Download Image Watermark

download image watermark

If you have a website where you are selling images and want to put extra security by adding a watermark on images, this plugin helps you to make this possible. Also, suppose you have a photography portfolio site, and you want to add your signature as a watermark. In that case, this is the best alternative to make this process automated instead of doing it manually. These image watermarks can be anything: an image copyright symbol or your company logo or a piece of branding text as a transparent PNG image. You can have different watermarks.

After the customer gets the points, it’s up to them when and how they want to redeem the point for a discount. And if needed, the admin can manually adjust the customer point balance.

  1. Full Image
  2. Large Image
  3. Medium Image
  4. Post-thumbnail Image
  5. Thumbnail Image

EDD Download Image Watermark Features

  1. Add watermarks for downloading images to a download page automatically
  2. You can also use watermarks to download images that have been uploaded
  3. You can position the watermark easily on the nine sides. You can place it in the center, center left, center right, top-left, center top, top-right, lower left, center-bottom & lower right
  4. The same watermark can be used multiple times on a single image
  5. It can be used multiple times with the same watermark on a single image
  6. If your image is of custom size, don’t worry; you can still add a watermark to that type of image
  7. The management panel with a clean user interface is very friendly and easy to manage

11. Recurring Payments

recurring payments

If you have a website focused on memberships and subscriptions, this is the plugin that you can use to get recurring payments. The plugin has all the features that a membership website should have. With recurring revenue, the revenue you generate becomes predictable, and therefore, that enables you to improve your business predictions and key choices.

Billing is automatic so that you don’t have to ask for a renewal fee or submit invoices every month or year. And because of automatic billing, the chances of late or missing payment also decrease. Chances of fraud also decrease. Customer retention often increases because they don’t have to make a new buying decision, or they don’t have time to enter all the payment information they have entered at once.

Recurring Payment Features

  1. Recurring Flexible Payments
  2. Emails of the client
  3. Subscriptions Multiple
  4. Trials Free
  5. Fees for registration
  6. Management of Subscription
  7. Reports on renewal income
  8. Download file limit
  9. Codes for discount
  10. Software integration of the customer dashboard
  11. Integration of all access
  12. Integration of content restriction
  13. Integration of custom prices

12. Paypal Pro & PayPal Express

paypal pro and express

In the world of online transaction platforms, we all know that PayPal is a perfect online platform for business organizations. You may take payment via PayPal Payments Pro or via PayPal Express Checkout using this two-in-one gateway add-on. When you buy a download with the help of PayPal Pro tools, you submit your credit card data and never leave your website. This gives the user a better experience and more effective conversions. The user experience is identical to the PayPal standard when checking out with PayPal Express, except that it is safer. You may also check out through the In-Context Checkout.

Overall, what I would say is if you are looking to add professionalism to your site adding PayPal Payment Pro or PayPal Express is the best choice for you. The features that are available in them for sure improve the check-out feature, but I would like to mention this thing that switching to PayPal Pro from PayPal has its own consequences. Therefore before upgrading, make sure you know about all the consequences and still you choose to do that.

PayPal Pro and Express Features

  1. Promotes repeated payments
  2. In-Context Checkout support
  3. Paypal Pro is only accessible in the USA, the United Kingdom, Australia, and Canada but is available in other countries via Paypal Express
  4. Paypal Pro needs SSL, but not Paypal Express. SSL is necessary

13. Easy Digital Downloads – CCBill Payment Gateway

edd ccbill gateway

CCBill is one of the leaders in the high-risk processing of credit cards. It has developed a brand that consumers can rely on every year while transactions are processed in millions. This plugin adds CCBill to your website with Easy Digital Downloads. CCBill Payment Gateway is the quick, easy and instant way to pay online and on mobile. As an expert in online payments, you can trust CCBill to securely handle your transactions from any location in the world.

14. Easy Digital Downloads – PayU India Payment Gateway

edd payu India

If you have an India-based business, then this is a comprehensive payment gateway option that you can use. Easy Digital Downloads PayU India is a gateway plugin to take payments via PayU. This Plugin exclusively supports the INR currency. PayU works with credit and debit cards of Visa and Mastercard. This means you can simply receive credit card payments and direct payments from any of the relevant banks.

Once the order passes, the user is sent to PayU for safe payment. On your website, you need no SSL certificate. The order is confirmed after payment and the user will be routed to your thankyou page. The plugin has functions such as physical products, on-site check-out, credit card processing, digital products, balancing of e-wallets, and mature content.

15. Easy Digital Downloads – PayU Romania Payment Gateway

edd payu romania

You can use this comprehensive payment gateway option if your business is based in Romania. If you want to take payment via PayU, you should consider installing this gateway plugin that works with credit and debit cards from Visa and Mastercard. That means that both credit card and direct payments can be made easily through any of the banks involved.

The user shall be sent to PayU for secure payment when the order is executed. On your site, you do not need an SSL certificate. The order is confirmed after payment, and the user is brought to the thank you page.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are Easy Digital Downloads (EDD) extensions?

EDD extensions are add-ons that enhance the functionality of the Easy Digital Downloads plugin for WordPress, offering additional features for managing digital sales.

Why should I use EDD extensions on my WordPress site?

EDD extensions provide additional capabilities like improved payment options, marketing tools, enhanced security, and better customer management, contributing to a more efficient and robust digital sales platform.

How do I install an EDD extension on my WordPress site?

To install an EDD extension, download it from the EDD website or another provider, then upload and activate it via your WordPress dashboard, similar to installing a regular WordPress plugin.

Are these extensions compatible with all WordPress themes?

Most EDD extensions are designed to be compatible with a wide range of WordPress themes, but it’s always best to check compatibility with your specific theme.

Can I use these extensions with the free version of EDD?

Yes, many of the must-have extensions work seamlessly with the free version of EDD, enhancing its functionality without requiring a premium EDD version.

Do these extensions impact the performance of my website?

While EDD extensions add functionality, they are generally optimized for performance. However, it’s advisable to monitor your site’s speed and performance after installation, as multiple extensions can sometimes slow down your site.

Improve your Website Performance with These EDD Extensions

So here is the a list of some of the very best EDD extensions that address most of your Digital Store’s requirements. There are, of course, many more plugins to select from, but these plugins are what developers prefer nowadays. And if you love multiple extensions from this list and want to install them for your site, check out Ultimate Bundle – Easy Digital Downloads and download ten extensions that are there in the bundle at a very low cost. You can also check the detailed differences between WooCommerce and Easy Digital Downloads.

Top 5 WooCommerce Gift Cards Plugins Fri, 23 Jul 2021 08:18:50 +0000

In India, Gift cards are in a craze right now. Also, in the USA, they are the second-best thing to gift people, and according to the Australian market, the estimated Gift card market is between 1.5 billion to 2.5 billion annually. I can go on and on and tell you different stats from different countries showing why gift cards are in demand and will forever be in demand.

If we are really honest, buying gifts for people can be tiresome. So people prefer to give them Gift cards so that their loved ones can redeem them and purchase products from the store anytime they want to. Therefore you can see how much Gift cards are in demand, and so if you are having an eCommerce store, you should add Best WooCommerce Gift Card Plugins that can generate Gift cards, and users can gift it to their loved ones. If you want to increase your WooCommerce Conversion Rate, experts will say add WooCommerce Gift Cards cause it’s a very powerful tactic. And therefore if you needed a customized WooCommerce plugin for your eCommerce store you should opt for a WooCommerce Plugin Development Company.

There’s no better day than today, so if you haven’t started using WooCommerce digital gift vouchers, then do it today only. In this article, we are going to have a look at some of the best WooCommerce Gift Vouchers & Promotion Plugins, which you install in your WooCommerce store, and sell gift cards at your store. There are thousands of plugins that will help you to add Gift cards to your store. But I promise once you read this list you then don’t need to go anywhere else.

Benefits of Adding WooCommerce Gift Card Plugin to your Store

  1. Using Gift cards will boost your revenue and increase cash flow.
  2. There are templates for all occasions so the user can choose accordingly.
  3. You will be able to generate brilliant brand exposure.
  4. The customer can redeem the Voucher anytime they want to.
  5. Customers can create customized vouchers and gift them.
  6. At the time of the disaster, small businesses can discount their store gift cards. So, in tough times they can collect some upfront cash, and they can sustain their business.
  7. The customer can send the vouchers to multiple recipients.
  8. Your brand value will also increase as customers can easily purchase a gift voucher instead of spending hours deciding which gift to buy.
  9. It helps in reducing fraud when a customer tries to make an expired return of cash.
  10. You can bring some new customers through this. With the help of the Word of mouth strategy, you can reach a global audience through Gift cards & Gift certificates.
  11. With the help of the Word of mouth strategy, you can reach a global audience through Gift cards & Gift certificates.

1. WooCommerce PDF Vouchers

WooCommerce PDF Vouchers

WooCommerce PDF Vouchers is the best plugin and also very popular, that can create unlimited PDF Vouchers that a customer can redeem online or in person. It is the best solution for gift vouchers, rewards, promotions, event tickets, movie tickets, and also sports game tickets so that your customer can have total flexibility. You can create unlimited vouchers, either for Local Businesses / Local Stores or even online stores. WooCommerce PDF Vouchers plugin will give your business a subtle push. You can also redeem voucher codes at online stores or physical locations. The decision is all yours; this guarantees a smooth operation and makes the life of your customer easy.

This plugin allows you to create voucher products, and gift products, and also you can generate multiple voucher templates. The plugin is very well coded by following all WordPress Development Coding Standards, and you can easily extend it. Developer Docs and ready made code snippets are available which can be useful for those who want them. They also have a dedicated portal where users can submit their ideas about any feature addition to any of their existing plugins or for developing absolutely new ones.

The plugin does not come alone, but with a bundle pack of must-needed add-Ons like import vouchers which will help you to migrate the voucher system from other plugins to WooCommerce PDF vouchers. Reverse Redemption will help you if you redeem your voucher by mistake and if you want to undo your mistake. Also, OTP verification will secure your voucher and won’t allow strangers to redeem your Voucher. It’s automated, secure, and easy to manage with strong powerful admin and reporting features that will help you to keep track of your voucher codes.

WooCommerce PDF Vouchers Features:

  1. You can create vouchers easily with the help of, Drag and Drop builder
  2. You can deliver the voucher online or offline
  3. Online and offline voucher redemption is also possible
  4. Voucher can be redeemed in part(Partial Redemption)
  5. You can customize the voucher at micro level as per your requirement
  6. You can customize the mail to automatically notify the vendor when their vouchers are sold out
  7. For a gift voucher, you can automatically send a notification mail to the customer’s recipient
  8. You can allow unlimited redemption of the same voucher codes
  9. According to the limit given you can redeem the voucher
  10. You can export all the reports of the voucher in PDF and CSV
  11. OTP verification allows you to send OTP either on email or mobile via SMS on voucher code redemption
  12. Admin can resend the Gift cards
  13. Gift voucher is password protect and can be opened with correct password only
  14. Schedule delivery date option
  15. There are multiple discount methods for e.g. you can give a discount on cart subtotal or cart total
  16. Generate one combined PDF for all vouchers, instead of generating one PDF per voucher
  17. Before placing a purchase, preview a personalized PDF voucher on the Product Detail page
  18. It automatically generates coupon codes
  19. Vendors can set their own logo, Website URL, Location, and more
  20. Admin and Vendor can have detailed reports on all purchased, redeemed, and expired voucher codes
  21. Supports multi-currency
  22. Supports QR and BARCODE for easy and quick scanning
  23. Import Codes add-on enables importing and validation of voucher codes in large numbers
  24. you can undo the redemption that is done by mistake
  25. Vouchers are easily adaptable for variable products
  26. Effortless Voucher management

This is the best in the market that you can say ALL IN ONE as compared to other plugins in a market as this covered gift cards, product vouchers, offline and online delivery, and redemptions of the voucher codes. They also update the plugin regularly and customize the plugin as per the client’s requirement.

Price – 45 USD (One-time payment) including 6 months of support and lifetime updates.

2. YITH WooCommerce Gift Cards

YITH Gift Cards

WooCommerce Gift Cards, you will be able to sell gift cards on your WooCommerce store. And the best thing about this plugin is you can set a fixed amount for each of the cards you are selling or let the user decide the limit while purchasing the card. By applying for gift cards in your store, you enhance conversion and improve customer loyalty. It also has a smooth interface because of which you can customize the gift certificate easily.

It also provides shortcodes that you can use inside the voucher.  Also, in the premium version of the YITH WooCommerce Gift Cards, you can integrate the smart coupons, convert the store credit, and change Gift Certificate coupons into Gift card coupons.

Pro tips: To customize the email template for sending gift cards, you can use the YayMail Addon for YITH WooCommerce Gift Cards. While YayMail gives you the freedom to design your personalized emails, YayMail Addon allows you to craft more unique email templates with gift card elements. It supports the YITH plugin’s shortcode and WooCommerce email variables. 

Today, visit the YayCommerce website to learn more about Email Customizer for YITH WooCommerce Gift Cards and take your email marketing to the next level.

YITH WooCommerce Gift Cards Features:

  1. You can manage stock of each card product
  2. Optional QR code in gift cards is enabled
  3. Users can enter the sender’s name and customized message
  4. Allows users to enter a custom gift card amount
  5. You can set up an image gallery with limitless categories
  6. Your customer can upload the image they want to and build a unique gift card
  7. There can be multiple recipients
  8. If you want you can schedule delivery date options
  9. Advance management
  10. Advance customization of cart and checkout page option

The best part of this plugin is its seamless configuration into the website and its regular updates but the cost of this plugin is very high as compared to other plugins.

Price – 129.99 USD / Year (Annual Subscription) including 1 year support & updates.

3. Gift Cards

Gift Cards

WooCommerce users are very happy and satisfied with the gift card extension, which will handle all the functions needed. So, the customer can send a digital voucher as a gift, this will help you in gaining new followers and amplify the experience of shopping for existing customers. You can easily set up the plugin. You can easily set up gift cards at your nearby store in a matter of minutes. Also, it decreases the check-out speed cause the customer can use the available funds there’s in the card while checking out.

For any upcoming events, you can create gift vouchers or cards very easily without much effort. May it be a birthday, anniversary, valentine’s Day, or anything. Also, E-Gift cards are very much in demand so, offering digital gift cards increases customer loyalty, can drive more revenue, and you are able to introduce new customers to your store.

Gift Cards Features:

  1. It is suitable for each and every occasion
  2. You can send a personal message to the recipient
  3. Add multiple recipients
  4. Generate balance reports for issued, purchased, and expired code
  5. It can also create expiring codes
  6. Search and edit issued gift certificates by code, sender, or recipient
  7. Import and export gift card codes
  8. You can send the gift card to multiple recipients all at once
  9. You can log in and search the transaction that has been done store-wide. You can do it either by code or by the customer

The gift card plugin is good if you have a purpose to sell gift cards only and not planning to use it as an alternative like selling tickets, product vouchers, etc. The plugin will send gift cards as an email template so, if you want to design your own vouchers, you cannot do it. Also features like partial redemption, unlimited redemption, and cart total discount, which other plugins are providing are not in this plugin.

Price – 49 USD / Year (Annual Subscription) including 1-year support & updates.

4. PDF Product Voucher

PDF Product Voucher by skyverge

PDF Product Voucher by SkyVerge makes it easy for your online store to connect to an on-ground business, exchange gifts, and many more things. This plugin is used, for tickets to an online event, gifts for in-store purchases, and this plugin also provides redemption for a gift when you visit a retail store.

You can also gift these vouchers to your friends or family with a personalized recipient name. The core coupon of PDF product vouchers can offer discounts to the customer, but it is not allowed to sell this coupon in-store. So, therefore it can’t be redeemed in person at the store.

PDF Product Voucher Features:

  1. You can manually add a voucher. The manually added voucher will appear in My Account → voucher area for the customer
  2. With the help of “Edit Voucher,” you are able to customize maximum voucher details
  3. You can add product details such as SKU
  4. You can also mark the voucher as void so that it can’t be redeemed further.
  5. Customers can have a personalized voucher
  6. You can further redeem it in your online store
  7. With the help of voucher no. you can find the customer voucher
  8. It supports partial redemption
  9. You can create printable certificates with variable amounts and for that, you have to use the name of your price extension

This plugin can be used for selling gift cards and product vouchers, and you can design your vouchers using the voucher builder, but if you are building a website that has multiple stores to accept and redeem the code, this plugin is not for you as this plugin allows only admins to redeem the code at physical locations.

Price – 129 USD / Year (Annual Subscription) including 1-year support & updates.

5. WooCommerce Ultimate Gift Cards

WooCommerce Ultimate Gift Cards

With the help of WooCommerce Ultimate Gift Cards, you are able to create, sell and manage gift cards at your online store. And it is commutable through WhatsApp, SMS, and email, and this feature makes the plugin unique and best. And you can download the gift card very easily for offline printing.

The customization options of WooCommerce Ultimate Gift Cards are very extensive. You are able to send gift certificates as QR codes or BARcodes. As a vendor, you are able to design and create beautiful gift cards for special occasions and festivals so that they can attract more and more customers that too with the flexibility of amount. There are 20+ designs and templates available to use.

WooCommerce Ultimate Gift Cards Features:

  1. Vendors are able to create gift cards as a product in WooCommerce
  2. Varied price range: Default Price, selected price, user price
  3. You can also assign a gift card template to a product. So, when you buy the product that gift card will be assigned to you
  4. Vendors can exclude some categories from gift card coupons, the coupon codes will not be applied on excluded products
  5. Coupon amount can be used multiple times
  6. Vendors can also set the expiry date
  7. Minimum or maximum cart amount can be set to apply the coupon
  8. Vendors can also set that the coupon can be used by a single user or multiple users
  9. Email notification
  10. Vendors can schedule gift cards or resend gift cards if they want to
  11. Shipping of the gift card product can be done

This plugin was specifically developed to sell gift cards and is very easy to configure, but this is the gift card plugin that should follow the TAX rules for each country. The plugin does have that setting, but that is globally applied and not available at gift product settings so, you will not be able to sell single-purpose and multi-purpose gift cards together. Also features like partial redemption, unlimited redemption, and cart total discount, which other plugins are providing are not in this plugin.

Price – 30 USD (One-time payment) including 6 months of support and lifetime updates.

Gift Card Plugins Features Comparison Table

Voucher buildercheckmarkcheckmarkx-markcheckmarkcheckmark
nline redemptioncheckmarkcheckmarkcheckmarkcheckmarkcheckmark
Offline redemptioncheckmarkcheckmarkx-markcheckmarkx-mark
Product variation Supportcheckmarkcheckmarkcheckmarkcheckmarkcheckmark
Email notificationcheckmarkcheckmarkcheckmarkcheckmarkcheckmark
Partial redemptioncheckmarkcheckmarkx-markcheckmarkx-mark
Unlimited redemptioncheckmarkx-markx-markx-markx-mark
Voucher usage limitcheckmarkx-markx-markx-markx-mark
Voucher expirationcheckmarkcheckmarkcheckmarkcheckmarkcheckmark
Export reportscheckmarkx-markcheckmarkx-markx-mark
Custom CSScheckmarkx-markx-markx-markcheckmark
Resend gift cardcheckmarkx-markx-markx-markcheckmark
Voucher password protectioncheckmarkx-markx-markx-markx-mark
Gift date schedulercheckmarkcheckmarkcheckmarkcheckmarkcheckmark
Selling single and multipurpose codes togethercheckmarkx-markcheckmarkcheckmarkx-mark
Cart total discountcheckmarkcheckmarkx-markx-markx-mark
Automatic code generationcheckmarkcheckmarkcheckmarkcheckmarkcheckmark
Multiple voucher templatescheckmarkcheckmarkx-markcheckmarkcheckmark
Multivendor supportcheckmarkcheckmarkcheckmarkcheckmarkcheckmark
QR code supportcheckmarkcheckmarkx-markcheckmarkcheckmark
Bar code supportcheckmarkx-markx-markcheckmarkcheckmark
Voucher previewcheckmarkx-markx-markcheckmarkcheckmark
Check voucher validitycheckmarkx-markx-markcheckmarkcheckmark
Support All characterscheckmarkx-markx-markcheckmarkcheckmark
Reverse Redemptioncheckmarkx-markx-markx-markx-mark
OTP verificationcheckmarkx-markx-markx-markx-mark
Import voucher codescheckmarkx-markx-markx-markx-mark
One combine PDF for all vouchercheckmarkcheckmarkx-markcheckmarkcheckmark

Frequent Ask Questions

I’m looking to sell my own product voucher as well as gift vouchers on the same website. How do I combine two plugins?

There is no need to use two different plugins. The WooCommerce PDF Vouchers plugin allows you to do the selling of your own product vouchers and gift vouchers. If you use this plugin, you can sell both single-purpose (product voucher) as well as multi-purpose (gift voucher) vouchers to your customers.

I really want to know how QR code works? Does this require external machines to scan?

Not at all. You can scan the QR code with any Android or iOS app. After scanning the QR code, it generates the redemption URL which you can access using your authorized login credentials and the code will be redeemed.

I am planning to use one of the above listed plugin. But How I can migrate my existing voucher data?

None of the plugins include this as a default functionality. However, WooCommerce PDF Vouchers makes this very easy for you as it has added compatibility with a third-party plugin that will help you to migrate the existing voucher data like a breeze. Visit this link for more details.

I want someone to configure the plugin on my site and customize it as per my needs. How you tech gurus can help me?

Yes, we have this in our expertise bucket and can configure & customize any plugin. Let’s connect today and we’ll get you the right solution quickly.

From the above list of plugins, which plugins provide Free lifetime updates?

WooCommerce PDF Vouchers and WooCommerce Ultimate Gift Cards are the only plugins from the above list that provides free lifetime updates.

I have already sold around 500+ voucher codes offline. Can I bulk import all codes to the website?

None of the above plugins offers this feature. However, WooCommerce PDF vouchers plugin provides an add-on called Import Voucher Codes using which you can import as many voucher codes to the system in just a single click.

Choosing the Best Gift Card Plugin

To wrap up, for your business you may sell gift cards to boost the company’s income and expand its customer base. You will advertise your eCommerce store in time to new consumers that receive the gift card and make a loyal customer base. Hopefully, the above list allowed you to find the Best Gift Cards plugin for your WooCommerce store.

Now, if you check all of the above Gift Card plugins and also check the comparison chart, you can already see that WooCommerce PDF Vouchers is excelling in everything. And all these additional features help you to improve user experience and this will take your WooCommerce store to new heights.

Also be sure to learn more about more eCommerce plugins that will be beneficial for you with gift card plugins, like WooCommerce Points and Rewards Plugin and Social Auto Poster, this will make your WooCommerce store more appealing to your audience.

5+ Best WooCommerce Points & Rewards Plugins Fri, 02 Jul 2021 13:17:51 +0000

According to the marketing principle, it is believed that retaining previous customers is much more difficult than acquiring a new one. Thus, it becomes necessary to keep your customers obsessed with your brand for future purchases. Support and response to the customers help in saving your customers who have a purchase history with you.

A proven strategy suggests that offering Points and Rewards to your customers helps build long-term relationships with them. This blog will discuss some of the Best WooCommerce Points & Rewards plugins that you can use in your eCommerce store or if you are in need of another custom WooCommerce plugin for your store, you have to choose the best WooCommerce Plugin Development Company.

WPWeb Infotech has an exclusive list of the Best WooCommerce Points & Rewards plugins that help you in rewarding your customer during sign-up, referrals, product purchases, writing reviews, social promotion, and much more on your eCommerce website.

Your clients can easily claim the reward points to buy products from your eCommerce store or redeem them at your nearest physical store. You can also set the expiry date of the voucher and reward points generated by your site users. Some plugins can also allow customers to send reward points to other site members.

Advantages Of Using WooCommerce Points and Rewards Plugins

WooCommerce is the best eCommerce platform to choose from when it comes to developing an online store. In a survey, 82 out of 100 store owners stated that they were ready to witness increased sales and revenue once they introduced the WooCommerce Points and Rewards plugin.

So let’s move to the chase.

  1. Best WooCommerce Points & Rewards plugins are helping stores to extend sales numbers and revenue
  2. A point reward system can help build a loyal customer base at the end of the day
  3. WooCommerce rewards can help grow your brand value and Word-of-Mouth marketing
  4. You get to extend customer lifetime value which eventually increases revenue and reduces the churn rate
  5. Finally, an efficient WooCommerce reward system can assist you to stay before your competitors

Check out these WordPress WooCommerce reward points plugins and choose your favorite from the below list.

1. BRAVO WooCommerce Points And Rewards

Best WooCommerce Points and Rewards WordPress Plugins

BRAVO WooCommerce Points & Rewards extension allows you to set a limit of Points and Rewards per purchase of your customer. This threshold can be set at your convenience i.e. you can set it per product, per category, or globally. The plugin gives you control over the customization and reward point/loyalty point management. This plugin also allows you to manage discounts on the product Points and Rewards in each category. Other exciting features of this plugin are managing customers’ points, removing points for refunded orders, resetting points, controlling the maximum points, earning points for selling points, etc.

At WPWeb, we are also happy to develop a custom module based on your requirements to make the plugin successful for any user. We also have a dedicated portal where users can submit their ideas about any feature addition to any of our existing plugins or for developing absolutely new ones.  Hence if we receive more votes for any particular idea we usually add that feature to our main plugin or create an addon for existing ones. In case it is a site-specific feature we are also happy to develop a custom WordPress plugin from scratch.

BRAVO WooCommerce Points and Rewards Features:

  1. Earn Points for each purchase
  2. Points expiration facility
  3. Import/export or share user’s points
  4. Reward customer purchases with redeemable points for a discount
  5. The convenient offering of discounts based on the conversion rate you set
  6. Points can be earned for selling products based on the conversion rate set by you
  7. You can simply allow your customers to shop for points as per the conversion rate set by you
  8. Control the maximum discount
  9. Earning points for the first purchase
  10. Include previous loyal customers in your system for Points and Rewards for their future purchases
  11. Reward points to customers for actions like signing up
  12. Manage Customer’s Points
  13. Earn points for product variations
  14. Shows the history of Points and Rewards on a product page
  15. Exclude products and user roles from the points and the reward system
  16. Let your customers check their points of information
  17. Remove points for refunded orders
  18. Reset points for all or specific users from the user’s list using a bulk action
  19. Manage minimum cart total requirement to earn/redeem points
  20. Send email notifications for expiry, earned and redeemed points
  21. Prevent coupon usage when points are redeemed
  22. Automatic points redeemed on the cart page

The best part of this plugin is the active support. Support for this plugin is available 24*7 and is extremely responsive. This improves the efficiency and productivity of the plugin. Also, this plugin covers all the necessary features that a Points and Rewards system needs and the developer team keeps improving the plugin by making regular updates with the added new features by following all WordPress Development Coding Standards.

Price – 45 USD (One-time payment) including 6 months of support and lifetime updates.

2. YITH WooCommerce Points And Rewards


YITH WooCommerce Points and Rewards plugin will allow you to manage point collections to make your existing customers happy, and for every purchase, they’re going to collect points which will become a reduction amount on a replacement purchase. you’ll easily apply different filters supporting user roles and customize the earning and redeeming points for all the customers in your shop. It also allows you to notify the purchasers when their point credit changes and therefore the point’s expiry date.

YITH WooCommerce Points and Rewards Features:

  1. Allows you to line an expiry date for points
  2. Assign points to newly registered users
  3. Checkout Total thresholds
  4. Assign extra points for targets achieved
  5. Remove points for canceled or refunded orders
  6. Easily customize all labels for users
  7. Specify rules for product category and tag
  8. Increase or decrease the points
  9. Enable the shop managers to edit users’ points
  10. Assign points to simple and variable products
  11. Assign extra points for targets achieved
  12. Include in your system previous loyal customers
  13. Show the number of points provided by each product
  14. Show logged-in users’ current points
  15. Choose the way to calculate the discount
  16. Show points history
  17. Reset points option etc

The best part of this plugin is its seamless configuration into the website and its regular updates but the cost of this plugin is very high compared to other plugins.

Price – 129.99 USD/Year (Annual Subscription) including 1-year support & updates.

3. WPLoyalty


Reward customers for every action they perform in your store. WPLoyalty is a WooCommerce Points and rewards plugin that lets you reward loyalty points to customers for purchasing, signing up, writing a review, social sharing, and referrals & special occasions. Foster customer loyalty in your store by offering rewards and acquiring new customers by running a Referral program using WPLoyalty.

Allow your customers to easily discover the points and rewards they earned by displaying them on a customizable rewards page. WPLoyalty is equipped with a clean, user-friendly dashboard that lets you check your campaign data in real time. Getting started with WPLoyalty is pretty straightforward, no complex navigation & no coding knowledge is needed. You can launch a loyalty campaign within minutes, also make use of various reward conditions & create multiple loyalty campaigns right away using WPLoyalty.

WPLoyalty Features:

  1. Every customer gets a referral link.
  2. Fixed, Percentage & Free shipping rewards.
  3. Free product reward.
  4. Referral rewards for both Referrer and Referral.
  5. Points for birthday.
  6. Rewards for social sharing.
  7. Flexible reward conditions.
  8. Various goal-based rewards.
  9. View campaign data based on Currency & Timeline.
  10. The rewards page can be customized to suit brand style.
  11. Manually assign points.
  12. Reward customers based on lifetime order value.
  13. Cart subtotal-based rewards.
  14. Offer bonus points when a referral completes the first purchase.
  15. Specific product-based rewards.
  16. Real-time analytics on a clean dashboard.

Price –Get a WPLoyalty starter pack at 99 USD/yr.

4. SUMO Reward Points – WooCommerce Reward System


SUMO Reward Points – WooCommerce WordPress plugin will reward your customers for a signup, product purchase, referrals, writing reviews, and social promotion on your website. Your clients can easily redeem the points on their future purchases. It offers fixed points for product purchases or rewards by the share of the worth. it’s entirely compatible with WPML & is translation-ready, and you’ll set the utmost redeeming points limit within the cart on the settings page. Your members also can send the points to the opposite registered members. The reward points are often set at the merchandise level, category level, and global level.

SUMO Reward Points Plugin Features:

  1. Helps to make an efficient reward system on your WooCommerce (Woo)store
  2. Assign points for various scenarios like product purchases, reviews, referrals, social promotion, etc
  3. Set reward points for all products in your catalog, or just for specific ones or categories
  4. Allow customers to redeem points for cash, or transfer them to other customers
  5. Set minimum and maximum limits for points redemption
  6. Members can send points to other registered members
  7. Exclude Products/Categories from Redeeming Points
  8. SMS Notification using Twilio or Nexmo
  9. Import/Export Users and Reward Points in CSV
  10. User restriction

This plugin comes with many features and it’s everything that a simple point and rewards system need but the plugin has numerous settings that you have to configure which may be considered a drawback. Hence, it always takes time and complexity while configuring this plugin.

Price – 49 USD (One-time payment) including 6 months of support and lifetime updates.

5. WooCommerce Points And Rewards

wc points and rewards

WooCommerce Points and Rewards plugin helps you reward your customers for purchases also as other actions that you simply want them to require on your store. you’ll find out a scientific approach to grant points that are supported by different criteria relevant to your store. While using this plugin, you’ll have complete control over the reward system by setting limits to the allocation of points and associated discounts. you’ll allot points globally across your entire product range or only to get specific products or categories.

It gives you excellent scope to line up conversion rates for reward points. For instance, you’ll set a rate that defines a selected number of reward points that are only to be converted to discounts during a sale. More importantly, you’ll set limits that determine what percentage points are often availed for one purchase. Customers are going to be ready to view and manage their points balance from their My Account page. The plugin also offers extensive customization options to personalize your reward system, and also to speak with customers.

WooCommerce Points and Rewards Features:

  1. Easily create a gift system by defining points for purchases and actions and assign discount values for point redemption
  2. Encourage customers to check in for your newsletters or to go away with product reviews by assigning points for these actions
  3. Set limits to the utmost discount value at the merchandise, category, or cart levels
  4. Simple settings for patrons to manage their points balance
  5. Store owners can easily access the points changes made by individual customers
  6. Define what percentage points are earned for purchases, and therefore the value of points for discounts
  7. Control the utmost discount which will be earned using points at the cart, category, or product level
  8. Award points for actions like signing up or writing a product review
  9. Apply points earned to all or any previous orders so customers can start redeeming points for discounts immediately
  10. Quickly adjust the points balance for a customer
  11. View a log of all points changes made for patrons

This plugin is available on the WooCommerce store so definitely, the code quality is standard and it also covers all the features except the import/export feature. However, you are spending 129 USD for this plugin and thus it becomes obvious to check the reviews before buying this product. The overall ratings for this plugin are 2.9 on the WooCommerce store.

Price – 129 USD / Year (Annual Subscription) including 1-year support & updates.

6. WooCommerce Ultimate Points And Rewards


WooCommerce Ultimate Points and Rewards – The WordPress plugin will reward your customers on signups, product purchases, and reviews of the merchandise and therefore the customers will get the rewards for his or her or collect points for purchasing the merchandise from your store. The purchasers can easily convert these rewards to coupons and apply discounts on the cart, and therefore the merchant can set the expiry date of the coupons generated by the users.

This is another interesting choice to create a loyalty program in your store as you’ll assign points to customers for purchases and they are going to be able to redeem the points as coupons or discounts. With its unique settings, it’ll assist you to retain existing customers while attracting new customers. The plugin even allows you to make multi-tiered membership levels which will allow you to create different discount rates for points redemption.

WooCommerce Ultimate Points and Rewards Plugin Features:

  1. Purchase Products through Points
  2. Coupon Generation
  3. Per Dollar Spent Points
  4. Referral Purchase Point Feature
  5. Points Expiration
  6. Share Reward Point Feature
  7. Points Log Feature
  8. Assign Product Points
  9. Return/Deduct Points
  10. Sign Up Points
  11. Minimum Points Required For Generating Coupons
  12. Points Notification

The plugin is good overall as it covers the basic features of the points system at a commendable price. But keeping the fact in mind that no new feature is added to this plugin for a long time. Most of the features you can find easily in any free plugin.

Price – 39 USD (One-time payment) including 6 months of support and lifetime updates.

WooCommerce Points & Rewards Plugins Features Comparison Table

Point conversioncheckmarkcheckmarkcheckmarkcheckmarkcheckmark
Multi-currency supportcheckmarkcheckmarkx-markx-markx-mark
Email notificationcheckmarkcheckmarkcheckmarkcheckmarkcheckmark
Points expirationcheckmarkcheckmarkcheckmarkcheckmarkcheckmark
Import pointscheckmarkcheckmarkcheckmarkcheckmarkx-mark
Export pointscheckmarkcheckmarkcheckmarkcheckmarkx-mark
Sell product pointscheckmarkx-markx-markx-markx-mark
Discounts controlcheckmarkcheckmarkcheckmarkx-markcheckmark
Signup pointscheckmarkcheckmarkcheckmarkcheckmarkcheckmark
Review pointscheckmarkcheckmarkcheckmarkcheckmarkcheckmark
Apply points to old orderscheckmarkcheckmarkcheckmarkx-markcheckmark
Reset pointscheckmarkcheckmarkcheckmarkx-markx-mark
Adjust pointscheckmarkcheckmarkcheckmarkx-markx-mark
Prevent couponscheckmarkx-markcheckmarkx-markx-mark
Custom points for first purchasecheckmarkcheckmarkcheckmarkx-markx-mark
Variable product supportcheckmarkcheckmarkcheckmarkcheckmarkcheckmark
Force to apply pointscheckmarkx-markcheckmarkx-markx-mark
Exclude user rolecheckmarkx-markcheckmarkcheckmarkx-mark
Exclude productscheckmarkcheckmarkcheckmarkcheckmarkcheckmark
Custom points labelscheckmarkcheckmarkx-markx-markcheckmark
German law compatiblecheckmarkx-markx-markx-markx-mark

Frequent Ask Questions

What advantages do WooCommerce Points and Rewards Plugins offer for online stores?

WooCommerce Points and Rewards Plugins provide numerous advantages for online stores, enhancing customer engagement and loyalty. These plugins incentivize purchases by allowing customers to earn points for actions like buying products, writing reviews, or referring friends. This not only fosters customer loyalty but also encourages repeat business, contributing to increased sales and a positive shopping experience.

Can businesses customize the earning and redemption rules within Points and Rewards Plugins to align with their unique business goals?

Yes, businesses can tailor the earning and redemption rules within WooCommerce Points and Rewards Plugins to align precisely with their unique business goals. These plugins typically offer a high degree of flexibility, allowing customization of point values, redemption thresholds, and specific actions that earn points. This customization ensures that the rewards program aligns seamlessly with the business strategy and customer preferences.

Can businesses set expiration dates for earned points within WooCommerce Points and Rewards Plugins?

Absolutely, WooCommerce Points and Rewards Plugins often include the functionality for businesses to set expiration dates for earned points. This feature adds a dynamic element to the rewards program, encouraging customers to redeem their points within a specified timeframe. Setting expiration dates ensures timely utilization of points, contributing to program efficiency and customer engagement.


The ultimate goal of any business is to provide customer satisfaction, especially after the purchase. Providing Points and Rewards to your customers will help you in building a great long-term relationship with your customers.

I have listed 5+ best WooCommerce Points and Rewards Plugin for your eCommerce store which I feel are best in the market and also covered the feature comparison for all plugins, but if you check all of the above plugins and also check the comparison chart, you can already see that WooCommerce Points & Rewards Plugin stands out from the competition. This plugin is incredibly flexible to Reward your Customers with Points that they can redeem for a discount on their next purchase.

5+ Best Social Media Auto Posting WordPress Plugins (Compared) Wed, 23 Sep 2020 10:22:54 +0000

Today’s online user has certainly improved the speed of viewing content across different channels like sites and social media. For instance, consider this statistic – Social media users spend an average of 2 hours and 24 minutes every single day across an average of 8 social networking apps.

Now, you need to remain vigilant for your business to keep up with this lightning-fast of content consumption. Doing so not only helps maintain your competitive advantage but also ensures the marketing team can post new content on different social media sites periodically.

Here are the best WordPress plugins for social media auto-posting:

1. Social Auto Poster

Social Auto Poster - WordPress Plugin

This is the ideal selection to pick when you need to automate social media posts across a range of platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Tumblr, YouTube, Google My Business, Reddit, Telegram, Medium, WordPress, and Pinterest.

It offers complete flexibility to customize all details as per your specific marketing need. You can easily track KPIs like traffic through Google Analytics.

There are two key USPs that make the auto-posting tool stand apart from others

  1. It can work in any format including post, page, custom post type, and eCommerce products.
  2. Unlike other plugins, you can auto-post OR schedule based on the category and tags of the post type.

Social Auto Poster Features that Include

  1. Scheduling the intervals between publication
  2. Factoring in the age of the posts for reposter
  3. Google Analytics Campaign Tracking
  4. Exclude posting days, taxonomy, and specific posts
  5. Bulk scheduling
  6. URL Shorteners
  7. the number of times the same post can be shared
  8. Category and tag-wise posting
  9. Customize Message Format and more

Social Auto Poster typically caters to all the benefits that you have regularly required for posting via social media networks with less cost compared to other plugins. However, the UI design isn’t as good. Therefore, if you are looking for great features and functionality at a low cost then the Social Auto Poster plugin is well-suited for you.

The best part of this plugin is the active support. Support for this social media auto-posting plugin is available as per your time zone and is hyper-responsive. This improves the efficacy and productivity of the tool

Price – 45 USD (One-time payment) including 6 months of support and lifetime updates.



This plugin comes with a massive range of social media channels to integrate with. It covers Facebook, Twitter, Google+(Google Plus), Blogger, Tumblr, Flickr, LinkedIn,, LiveJournal, DreamWidth, Flipboard, Instagram, Telegram, Line, Diigo, Instapaper, Pinterest, Plurk, (VKontakte), YouTube, Scoop. It, WordPress, and XING.

Some features include

  1. You can now add both new and old posts automatically. All you need to do for older posts is to re-publish them on the various social media channels
  2. Auto-import imports comments and mentions from social media as WordPress comments
  3. Publish a post without creating a WordPress blog post
  4. Additional URL Parameters
  5. Ability to “Spin” message post templates
  6. Reuse Facebook comments as WordPress Comments
  7. It also auto-imports comments and mentions from social media as WordPress comments
  8. You are in full control of what to share, what type of posts to exclude, and schedule it efficiently

If you are looking for a limited social account for auto-posting then SNAP is the best plugin for you. The one big negative point is that the free version supports only those tools that don’t require an API integration. If you want to integrate with Google+ or Pinterest, you’ll have to pay a yearly fee of $49.95/Year for the “Pro” version.

Price – 49.95 USD / Year (Annual Subscription) including 1-year support and updates

3. FS Poster

FS Poster

This social media auto-posting plugin can help you automate posting across diverse social networks including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, Linkedin, Google my Business, Telegram, Medium, Reddit, Tumblr, VK,, and WordPress-based blogs.

FS Poster comes with some great features

  1. Direct share panel
  2. In-depth analytics with stats on post visits and link clicks
  3. Scheduled posts list on the calendar
  4. The plugin supports WordPress multisite platforms

FS Poster gives you a great opportunity to Auto-Publish social media posts on the most popular social networks. The only downside is that it does not support category and tag-wise posting and you need to schedule each post which may consume much of your time. We also observe that this plugin uses some unofficial API that sometimes blocks your social media accounts as well.

Price – 45 USD (One-time payment) including 6 months of support.

4. Revive Old Post

Revive Old Post

Smart scheduling of old posts for re-positing is made easy with this tool. Once you set the interval and messaging alternatives, you can forget about it, while the plugin makes sure to repost these old posts after the passage of adequate time. It works for Facebook, Twitter, Google My Business, Linkedin, Instagram, Tumblr, and Buffer.

Key features include

  1. You can share a post multiple times as per well-defined time intervals
  2. Provide different alternatives of messaging to ensure freshness
  3. Analytics on click monitoring and Google Analytics integration
  4. Define a postage
  5. Media Library Sharing

If you want to use some more features of this plugin then you have to pay some extra price. So, we recommend you go with the Social Auto Poster-social media auto posting WordPress plugin as you will get more features at a lower cost.

Price – 88.50 USD / Year (Annual Subscription) including 1-year support & updates

5. AccessPress


This WordPress plugin helps to auto-post WordPress website content to social media for better visibility. This ensures the automation of content sharing and spreading your valuable blog content at periodic intervals. Once you configure it, all new posts in the future will be shared automatically.

The premium plugin’s feature list includes

  1. Configure unlimited accounts
  2. Auto post of new posts, custom post types
  3. Publish simple text messages without creating a WordPress post
  4. URL shortener
  5. Posting logs available
  6. Ability to a customized message

If you are looking for auto-posting on limited social accounts like Facebook, Twitter, Twitter, and Tumblr then AccessPress is well suited for you. But the plugin has limited features compared to other plugins.

Price – 26 USD (One-time payment) including 6 months of support.

6. Social Media Auto Publish

Social Media Auto Publish

This free plugin helps to automatically post on social media platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter

Some of the key features of the tool include

  1. Attach post or share link to Facebook
  2. Publish to Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn with the image
  3. Powerful filter function based on categories and custom post types

If you are looking for a free plugin for your website with limited social networks then you should use Social Media Auto Publish plugin. The main drawback of this plugin is that it has limited features compared to other paid plugins.

Price – Free

Comparison summary of supported social networks:

To summarize, here is a quick side-by-side comparison of supported social networks to help you which plugin is best for you:


Feature comparison chart of Social Auto Posting Plugins:

Here is a quick comparison of features provided by all Social Media Auto Posting WordPress plugins that will help you to decide which plugin is suitable for you.

Category Wise Postingcheckmarkx-markx-markx-markx-mark
Google Analytics Integrationcheckmarkx-markcheckmarkx-markx-mark
Posting Statisticscheckmarkx-markx-markcheckmarkx-mark
Posting Logscheckmarkcheckmarkcheckmarkcheckmarkcheckmark
All settings at Post Levelcheckmarkx-markx-markx-markx-mark
Manually Share Posts More than Oncecheckmarkx-markx-markx-markx-mark
Multiple Accounts for Each Social Mediacheckmarkcheckmarkx-markcheckmarkcheckmark
Auto Post New Contentcheckmarkcheckmarkcheckmarkcheckmarkcheckmark
Support Custom Post Typecheckmarkcheckmarkcheckmarkcheckmarkx-mark
Hashtags for Tags or Categoriescheckmarkcheckmarkcheckmarkcheckmarkx-mark
Schedule Postingcheckmarkcheckmarkcheckmarkcheckmarkcheckmark
URL Shortnercheckmarkcheckmarkcheckmarkcheckmarkcheckmark
Emoji Supportcheckmarkcheckmarkcheckmarkcheckmarkcheckmark
Customize Message Formatcheckmarkcheckmarkcheckmarkcheckmarkcheckmark
Publish Single WordPress Postcheckmarkcheckmarkx-markcheckmarkcheckmark
Auto Post Already Existing Postscheckmarkcheckmarkcheckmarkcheckmarkcheckmark
eCommerce Supportscheckmarkcheckmarkcheckmarkcheckmarkx-mark
Exclude/Include Tags & Custom Taxonomiescheckmarkx-markcheckmarkx-markx-mark
Quick Sharecheckmarkcheckmarkx-markcheckmarkx-mark
Debug Logscheckmarkx-markx-markx-markx-mark
Bulk Scheduling / Unschedulingcheckmarkx-markx-markcheckmarkx-mark
Exclude Posting Dayscheckmarkx-markcheckmarkx-markx-mark
Lifetime Updates after the Support Periodcheckmarkx-markx-markcheckmarkcheckmark

Frequent Ask Questions

WordPress is not my interest. I wanted to go with another platform. Do you have any solution for this?

Yes, we have the perfect solution for this particular interest where you can simply buy this PHP script and can get a non-WordPress solution. Just click here and get your script.

I don’t want to post my NEWS content from my own website and want to post from another website. How can I do that?

Here – the social auto poster plugin is the only plugin which is compatible with WP automatic plugin that resolves your issue by providing the ultimate solution in which you can scrap the data from another NEWS website and simply post to your social networks.

Without wasting my time and giving much effort, if I wanted to share my own text or image instead of publishing my website post. Can I make this possible and save my time?

Yes, by using Social auto poster and FS Poster login you can make this possible as those plugins provide the quick share functionality by posting your content to the social media directly and that definitely will save your time.

Get Support for any Social Auto Posting WordPress Plugins

This was a review of the social media auto-posting WordPress plugins reigning in the market today. At WPWeb, we have developed the Social Auto Poster for clients that need extensive social media presence. This powerful plugin has helped us transfer a host of digital marketing and business visibility advantages to our client businesses.

With that said, we hope you pick the best one from the list that meets your requirements. If you’re still confused, from the comparison chart you can see that Social Auto Poster stands first on the podium because of its excellent features and at low cost compared to other Social Media Auto Posting WordPress plugins. This plugin is incredibly robust with scheduling/reposting or manual posting options with 11 different networks supported.

We are specialized in enterprise-level projects of WordPress Plugin Development. If you have any ideas or need any help kindly contact us! we are happy to discuss more on your idea.
