Jigar Shah – WordPress Plugin Selling Company | Envato Elite Author https://www.wpwebelite.com Mon, 01 Jan 2024 09:30:25 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.2 https://d2rzgim0tts5wa.cloudfront.net/uploads/2023/02/favicon.ico Jigar Shah – WordPress Plugin Selling Company | Envato Elite Author https://www.wpwebelite.com 32 32 How Much Does It Cost To Develop A WordPress Plugin From Scratch? https://www.wpwebelite.com/blog/cost-to-develop-a-wordpress-plugin-from-scratch/ Wed, 20 Dec 2023 12:41:26 +0000 https://www.wpwebelite.com/?p=2163

Table of Contents

  1. Market Research
  2. The BRD of the WordPress Plugin in consideration of the base plugin
  3. The Billing Rate of Your Developer or Agency
  4. Maintenance of WordPress Plugin after launch
  5. Conclusion

While trying to build a WordPress plugin and finding the true estimate of the WordPress plugin development, you need to know three things:

  1. What is your budget for developing the best WordPress plugin?
  2. How would you diversify and utilize your budget?
  3. What is the purpose of developing the plugin? (self-use or resale)

4 Factors Affect Custom WordPress Plugin Development Cost!

Let’s understand the factors in detail that affect the true cost of WordPress plugin development.

1. Market Research

Market Research

Before you start building a custom WordPress plugin from scratch, you must conduct market research; it is highly essential. You must know if any existing plugin is available in the market that may fulfill your requirement in full or part. You may then be able to use it as a base plugin. The base plugin makes your custom WordPress plugin development cost-effective and time-saving.

Let’s understand this concept with an example… Consider developing a coupon website; you may then consider “WooCommerce PDF vouchers” as the best WordPress plugin as a base plugin.

It may not include certain features such as in-built multi-vendor with commission calculations and frontend voucher builder, pay the price that customer enters, and more, that you may require; but yes, you can customize this plugin in various ways as it’s super flexible to customize. This will help you in reducing your WordPress plugin development cost. This plugin includes the features below, which you may require:

  1. Create & Customize PDF Vouchers for in-person/online redemption
  2. Easy Drag & Drop Builder
  3. Coupon Codes
  4. Quick Scan Codes
  5. Custom Gift Vouchers
  6. Option For Partial Redemption & Unlimited Redemptions
  7. Export Reports
  8. Check Voucher Validity
  9. Gift Recipient Notification
  10. Voucher Redemption Notification

Suppose you have a unique BRD (Business Requirement Document), and there is no plugin available in the market that covers any of the features of your said plugin. In that case, you can always focus on preparing strong BRD and hiring WordPress plugin developers. Once you get the final plugin, you will be able to sell it on various marketplaces such as the Envato market as you are developing a unique idea that does not exist. You will have a chance to earn the money that you have invested during the WordPress plugin development.

2. The BRD of the WordPress Plugin in consideration of the base plugin

The BRD of the WordPress Plugin in consideration of the base plugin

The BRD will have a list of the features that your WordPress plugin will require. Based on those points, you will evaluate the hours of each feature that your plugin requires. You can mention in the BRD that the base plugin already has many features, and the custom feature required is xx, and will take xx hours to develop the plugin.

Based on that, you will be able to evaluate the hours with your budget, and you will be able to know that you need to hire WordPress experts with a specific hourly rate. If it goes out of your budget, you can certainly remove a few features that are not requiring much in the first phase. My thoughts are that if you have a base plugin, you will always get a lesser evaluation than your budget.

You may hire a WordPress plugin developer who provides freelance development services or works in a WordPress plugin development company. Once you have chosen your developer, especially if you’ve hired a developer from a company like us, then you can always get in touch with us with various types of questions such as requesting an estimate of budget, timeline, milestones, and more.

We understand that your prerequisites may change during the project’s progression, but that’s fine with us. We always aim at achieving your development goals and delivering the best results.

3. The Billing Rate of Your Developer or Agency

The Billing Rate of Your Developer or Agency

A standard format of the estimation of hours and costs you can expect from the developer like below:

Hours Estimation

Hourly rate

Total cost

XX hours

YY USD/hour


Hours Estimation

XX hours

Hourly rate

YY USD/hour

Total cost


Now you have a total WordPress plugin development cost. The normal billing rates in a market range from 15 USD to 100 USD per hour in a market based on the complexity of the plugin features.

Freelancers may charge 15 USD to 50 USD per hour, but you cannot rely upon their work unless they are highly experienced. Suppose you are on a project with a strict deadline to meet. In that case, you should choose an agency specializing in WordPress plugin development services that include well-known plugin authors for any marketplace. We’re suggesting you go with these types of agencies because you will get high-quality work; they follow the best WordPress coding standards, which will offer you an end output plugin that will not cause any issue with any other plugin or theme.

We have witnessed cases where people hire freelancers without checking his/her expertise and experience and getting the final plugin. After ending the contract with the freelancer, they install the plugin on production and get so many conflicts with other plugins and themes.

You can find and hire freelance plugin developers on Upwork, CodeableFiverr, or Freelancer. On the other hand, agency billing rates range from 30 USD per hour up to 275 USD per hour! Before hiring anyone, please ensure that they are having previous proven experience in WordPress plugin development. Before we move on, we’d like to leave you with some suggestions that’ll help you make the most of your investment.

Divide your project into segments:

If you have hired a WordPress plugin developer for the first time, you should divide your complete project into smaller phases; believe us, it’s a great idea. In this way, you’ll be able to manage each phase easily, hold your budget properly, and take reports of the progress adequately.

Keep away from fixed-cost projects:

Fixed-cost projects are a good idea only if you require adding a patch to your existing plugin. If you are looking for a full-fledged 70+ hours custom WordPress plugin development deal, then a “Fixed-cost project” is not something you should be looking for.

Save money with an experienced team:

Budget is an essential factor that can affect the progress of your project; thereby, look for a team with experience and expertise. It will keep you away from unforeseen glitches, inaccurate estimates, and missing deadlines. It will also help you to avoid infinite loopholes, which keep you going back and forth. All these issues can cost you a fortune. An agency providing experienced and expert WordPress plugin development services may offer your premium-budget services, but in the end, it will be all worth your money.

PS: At WPWeb, we have an experienced team who will provide you with custom WordPress plugin development services within your set deadline and budget.

4. Maintenance of WordPress Plugin after launch

Maintenance of WordPress Plugin after launch

Maintenance is something that everyone overlooks when they plan to develop a plugin; however, do not forget, it is an imperative stage to look forward to. The maintenance process has variant scenarios. Let’s have a look at them in detail.

Scenario 1:  You developed the plugin for your business only

You need to check your plugin’s compatibility with the current WordPress version, with the theme, and with other plugins installed on your website. You will not know if WordPress or any plugins will come up with any major updates; therefore, your plugin will lose compatibility with other plugins or WordPress.

In such cases, you will require help from your webmaster or your original plugin developer. Keeping in touch with freelance developers can be challenging, especially if you have already paid them in full. The best way out here is to hire a WordPress plugin developer from an agency like us to develop your required plugin. Agencies offer codes with comments, making the coding simple, and easy to understand, and anyone can fix the glitch with minimal effort and time.

Scenario 2:  You developed the plugin for selling purposes only

As an author of the plugin, it’s your responsibility to keep your plugin compatible; thereby, you must frequently check your plugin’s compatibility with WordPress and its well-known themes. You should also make sure that your plugin is compatible with other available platforms in the market.

These days, you can hire a dedicated developer from an agency, which offers maintenance services and can dedicatedly help you with improvements and fixes. With such a WordPress plugin development company, you can utilize their developers in improving your plugin, fixing issues, managing launches, and gaining technical support at all times.

Are you still not satisfied with the information that we have provided you? No problem!

We will provide you with the contact details required to end your search for the best WordPress plugin for your business. Contact us now.

Please note: The quotations listed below are purely based on previous experience, subject to change. The information given below offers you a general idea and must be confirmed with the company you hire. Moreover, the costs listed below do not include maintenance charges.

Low Range: 2,000 USD – 5,000 USD

Low-range costs are valid for small-size plugins, which are good for adding only a few features to your website. This is the least you should be expecting when you want a small plugin development.

Medium Range: 5,000 USD – 20,000 USD

If you are looking for a plugin with an evolved, complex version, this is the budget you should be planning for; however, you will get an exact idea only when you request a formal quotation from a WordPress plugin development company.

Average Range: 20,000 USD – 45,000 USD

If you have a comprehensive plugin requirement, your idea will likely fall under this average budget. The low and medium range of development shall only serve your purpose at the beginner’s level.

High Range: 45,000 USD and Above

You will fall into this budget if you have a plugin requirement that requires a unique concept, detailed research, and in-depth requirement analysis. Your plugin here shall be feature-rich and shall involve comprehensive coding and complex development. This is where you will get custom WordPress plugin development services.

Frequently Asked Questions

What factors influence cost for custom WordPress plugin development?

Plugin complexity, features, security needs, design, integrations, custom admin interfaces, and ongoing support/updates impact costs. Budget more for enterprise-grade plugins.

How can I estimate costs for a custom WordPress plugin build?

Get quotes from several developers outlining project scope, rates, time/talent needs. Small plugins may range $3K-$5K+. Enterprise plugins $15K+. Provide detailed requirements.

What monthly costs are typical for maintaining a custom WordPress plugin long-term?

Plan for $1K-$3K+ monthly for plugin maintenance like fixes, feature additions, WordPress version testing, security hardening, performance monitoring, user support.


Developing a custom WordPress plugin is a significant investment, but the long-term benefits for your business can make it well worth the initial costs. Through upfront market research, creating a detailed requirements document, understanding developer rates, and budgeting for ongoing maintenance, you can determine if building a new plugin is the strategic choice for your needs and budget.

By following a structured development process, clearly documenting requirements, allowing adequate time for iteration and testing, partnering with an experienced WordPress developer can deliver immense value through customization. While building a plugin from scratch requires serious capital investment on Day 1, choosing the right strategic features aligned to your business goals can pay dividends for years through increased efficiency, revenue, and competitive advantage.

WordPress SEO Guide: Must-Follow Tips for Rankings https://www.wpwebelite.com/blog/wordpress-seo-tips/ Sun, 17 Dec 2023 10:53:00 +0000 https://www.wpwebelite.com/?p=2740

Table of Contents

  1. What is WordPress SEO?
  2. Install SEO Friendly Plugins and Themes
  3. Keyword Research
  4. Use an Optimized Title Tag
  5. Write a Proper Meta Description
  6. Use Optimized Headings
  7. Check your Site’s Visibility Settings
  8. Rich in Content
  9. Make Sure Your Website has SSL
  10. Optimizing Image
  11. Add Proper Internal Links and External Links
  12. Create SEO-Friendly Permalinks
  13. Core Web Vitals
  14. Boosting Page Load Speed
  15. Mobile Friendly
  16. Broken Link Optimization
  17. Adding XML and HTML Sitemap
  18. Use Multilingual WordPress Plugins
  19. Social Media Signals
  20. www vs Non-www in URLs
  21. Proper use of Tags and Categories
  22. Adding your Site to Google Search Console
  23. Do Follow, No Follow, UGC, and Sponsored External links
  24. Do SEO Audits
  25. Hosting Provider
  26. What is Local SEO and is it Important?
  27. Avoid Comment Spamming
  28. Create Evergreen Content
  29. Build Some Backlinks
  30. Follow These WordPress SEO Tips for Better Ranking in SERP

Online landscape bustling is evolving every day, where attention spans are fleeting and digital landscapes are ever-evolving, the need for a website to be swift, seamless, and user-friendly cannot be overstated. At the core of this digital transformation stands WordPress, a powerhouse content management system that fuels a significant portion of the internet. 

Yet, even with its myriad capabilities, the speed at which your WordPress website loads can be the defining factor between a captivated audience and a lost opportunity. One of the strategic entries can be opting for WordPress Speed Optimization Services – crucially in the pursuit of a lightning-fast, engaging, and responsive web presence. 

As we undertake this journey, let’s unravel the pivotal role played by speed optimization in not just elevating user experiences but also in securing a coveted spot at the forefront of search engine rankings. Join us as we explore the intricacies of enhancing your WordPress website’s speed, seamlessly blending performance with user satisfaction.

What is WordPress SEO?

Let’s take an example: you have written a blog about interior design ideas. When someone will search for interior design ideas, what do you think about how many pages they have to go through to visit your link?

So, now let’s say you have a WordPress website, so I guess you have a general idea of SEO. WordPress SEO services are one step ahead of everyone else because WordPress itself is SEO-friendly, and that’s one of the reasons why people prefer WordPress over any other site.

“Today It’s Not About ‘Get the Traffic’ — It’s About ‘Get the Targeted and Relevant Traffic.” – Adam Audette, Chief Knowledge Officer, Rkg

Google keeps changing its algorithms. In the past, if you wanted to be on the top of the Google SERPs, you just had to stuff the whole blog with keywords, but now Google, with its new algorithm, has thrashed this method out of the way.

But there is still a ray of hope to come to the top of the Google search list, and I will show you how. So, sit back and enjoy reading and gaining some valuable knowledge.

1. Install SEO Friendly Plugins and Themes


Use SEO Plugins

Building a WordPress site nowadays is as easy as making cup noodles. You can make it instantly without any difficulty. Plugins are extensions of the site to make it rank higher in Google searches, so I recommend you should use SEO-friendly plugins. As I have said, WordPress is already SEO-friendly, but you can under some of the best SEO practices to a whole new level by using SEO plugins.

WordPress is swarming with so many different types of SEO plugins, but there are few which are overpower others.

In this recent times, Yoast has gained a lot of popularity. It helps you in many ways, like focusing on the best SEO keywords, and writing the meta description, titles, and tags. It also analyzes every page based on the updated algorithm.

Rank math has gained so much popularity that it has millions of downloads. This shows us how much value this plugin contains. Rank math focuses on on On-page SEO. When you start writing for your page/blog, it will tell you the keywords that need to be inserted. Once you do that, it will be checked by Rank math, and it will underline the things that need to be changed. It is also used to create an XML sitemap, and Google Analytics integration, and tracks the ranking of keywords.

There are millions of websites prefer All in One SEO Plugin. It can easily optimize the website, add meta description, and title tag, and easily implement Google AMP SEO and it will automatically generate a sitemap and generate it to popular search engines. But make sure you don’t go crazy about adding plugins because it will slow down your website speed.

Use Light Themes

Like plugins, it is necessary to choose a WordPress theme wisely, and you have to keep in mind that the theme is SEO-friendly because themes also play an important role in SEO. The code has to be clean and not complicated to give the best performance for your site.

Make sure to use a theme that is light weighted. This is necessary as it helps your website load quickly and in turn, helps your website rank higher.

Doing research is the most important thing when you are here to compete in the market. Choose the best theme and also test its performance by following the method.

  1. Find the theme demo site from its official website
  2. Paste the URL into Google PageSpeed Insights and run the tool

I prefer you to use responsive themes where you can do specific changes. Responsive themes help you to interact with users, and this will increase your user experience. And when I can do specific changes like changing the head tag, it will help me improve SEO.

It’s a theme that you can employ for multipurpose. You can do anything with the help of this SEO-friendly theme there’s no limitation. You can even customize it with the Divi Builder tool, which is integrated into the theme. There are many layouts available in Divi that you can fine-tune without changing the codes.

Benefits of using Divi:

  1. Fully Responsive
  2. 20+ Premade layouts
  3. Fully Customizable
  4. 6 different demos
  5. 40+ Content elements
  6. Video background

One of the best SEO-friendly themes. It is easily customizable and comes with 3 featured website demos, and not only that it is well suited with Yoast SEO leading search engine optimization plugin.

Benefits of using SEO Crawler:

  1. Three Demos
  2. Multiple pre-built inner pages
  3. 19 header style
  4. Drag and Drop Page Builder
  5. Various layouts of Every Section
  6. One-page function

But today, people always go for customized SEO-friendly themes, because these days everybody is fighting for first place. They always want unique styled themes for their website as per their demand which you won’t get from pre-built themes, so you can reach out to a WordPress theme design and development company that can make a customized theme for you as per your requirements.

2. Keyword Research


The SEO game is all about keywords. The right keyword helps you with better rankings. And for that, you may need to hire SEO experts in case if you are new to online business.

There are also many tools for advanced keyword research. Some of the best tools are SEMRush, Ubersuggest, keywordtool.io, Google Trends, and even Google keyword planner; they do SEO keyword research for you; which will give you a basic idea of what people are searching for and what is trending. Keyword research helps you to determine the user intent while the user is searching for any services and products.

While Choosing keywords Make sure you do proper research. Using High volume keywords is the main funda as we all want a bunch of audiences to visit our site, but is that easy? 

For that, you also need to focus on Keyword difficulty. Higher difficulty means hard to rank on the first page of Google(Mark my words: Hard but not Impossible)

Take an idea from the keyword research tool for volume and its keyword difficulty. Don’t forget to select the location of your target audience.

3. Use an Optimized Title Tag

As per Google,

“Titles are critical to giving users a quick insight into the content of a result and why it’s relevant to their query. It’s often the primary piece of information used to decide which result to click on, so it’s important to use high-quality titles on your web pages.”

Title tags are important because it says a lot about your pages or posts. Try to keep the keyword in your title tag, so you can get the targeted audience you are aiming for, but avoid keyword stuffing. And keep it under 60 to 65 words around 580px. More than that Google won’t display your full title tag.

4. Write a Proper Meta Description

In any way, your Meta description will not have a direct effect on your SEO, but it sure has on your CTR (click-through rates.)

A good meta description is where you tell what is there in your blog or what service you are providing in just 150 to 160 characters around 990px. This will help the readers to understand the overall nuance of your blog and they will click on your blog/ page instead of clicking on any other search results.

Let’s see what Google has to say about this:

“A meta description tag should generally inform and interest users with a short, relevant summary of what a particular page is about. They are like a pitch that convinces the user that the page is exactly what they’re looking for.”

Few points which you should keep in mind before writing a Meta description to make the best SEO Meta Description:

  1. Accurate Summary
  2. Use Keywords
  3. Close to Search Intent
  4. What best you are providing than others!
  5. Make Sure you Write the Description Within 150 to 160 Characters

5. Use Optimized Headings


When heading tags are utilized appropriately in WordPress websites, they provide a logical structure for your text and aid in the natural flow of information across the text. They are also employed by search engines to determine the most important aspects of a topic. Heading tags are incredibly advantageous in terms of the accessibility of the website.

A total of 6 headers are there starting from H1 to H6. H1 is the most important header and should often be used only once. It is used as the title so make sure you use the main or focus keyword in H1. In the remaining article, you can use the H2 and H3 tags to separate sections.

H2 and H3 have equal importance when it comes to optimizing your content. Use your other related or LSI Keywords in H2 and H3 for better rankings.

H4 to H6 headers are used very rarely however if needed you can certainly use them.

6. Check your Site’s Visibility Settings

search engine visibility

Before optimizing your page or post all the way first check if your website is crawlable! WordPress incorporates a feature that stops websites from being indexed by search engines, known as the “noindex” attribute. While this approach may be useful during the development of your website; mostly when the website is under construction mode, developers enable this mode to keep it away from Google crawlers.

Make certain that you enable search engine exposure so that you can benefit from expert assistance as efficiently as possible.

Follow these simple instructions to double-check your web visibility in WordPress settings.

  1. Navigate your site to “Settings”.
  2. Click on “Reading” on the WordPress admin dashboard.
  3. Go to the section titled “Search Engine Visibility”.

If the box for search engine visibility is enabled, uncheck it right away. This will help in WordPress SEO and will showcase your website on Google.

7. Rich in Content


Good, unique, shareable, and relevant content is still the king of SEO. Keeping every point aside, quality rich content is the life of your website.

Now you’ll be thinking about what good, unique, shareable, and relevant content is. If you reach out to a Digital Marketing Agency offering Experienced Content Marketing, then they will provide Content Writing and Marketing services, and you don’t have to think about all this. They will do all your work for you.

But if you like to work alone, you need to do a lot of research. Google doesn’t entertain anyone who copies others and plagiarizes others’ content; because of this, you’ll have a low engagement rate, and you will lose your SEO ranking. Also, if your content is rich in quality and relevant, more people will be engaged and share it with their friends and followers.

Content that is highly informative, educative, and helps the users will be considered higher quality.

8. Make Sure Your Website has SSL


Securing your website is important. When your website is secured, google and the user will trust you and will have a sigh of relief that their information is safe and without any worry, they can engage with your website.

To make your website secure you need to follow these steps.

  1. Your current host should support HTTPS and SSL
  2. Purchase an SSL certificate or get it from let’s encrypt
  3. Install the SSL certificate on WordPress site.
  4. Check if it’s working.
  5. Redirect all your files from HTTP to HTTPS.

Many websites will claim to be HTTPS secured, but if they are not, Google will give you a warning before you enter. Securing your WordPress website from hackers is a must so that it keeps on performing well without any problems.

9. Optimizing Image


Is there an increase in bounce rate on your website, and you are wondering why? Check your page speed, and if it’s slow, check the size of your image because if the size of your image is big, it will take time to load your page. And people tend to lose interest and get frustrated if your website is loading slowly, and they will move on to another page, and this will affect your page ranking SEO.

You can use different plugins or websites to optimize images or we suggest you use tinypng.com to optimize them. But still, if you want to go for plugins, below I am suggesting a few of them that you can take into consideration while optimizing your images:

  1. Imagify
  2. ShortPixel Image Optimizer
  3. Optimus – WordPress Image Optimizer
  4. Smush

Adding Image Title Text

For WordPress SEO ranking you don’t need to add image title text, you do it so that when a user is on your website/ page and hovers over the image, your image title text appears. So, that user understands without any difficulty.

Now to change your image title text

  1. Go where you have placed the image
  2. Click on the pencil icon, you will be able to see the edit option on the Image
  3. Click on the advance option and change your Image Title

Adding ALT Text to Your Image

ALT text, also called alternative text, is used by the search engine to understand what your page is about, so if you want, you can also target keywords while adding ALT text or variations of targeted keywords to describe what your image is about.

Steps to add ALT text to your image:

  1. Hover over the image you have added
  2. Click on the pencil icon
  3. A pop-up box will appear with your image details
  4. You will see a field called Alternative Text

Now You can enter your targeted keyword there. There is one more way to optimize your image size which is used by a lot of companies/people nowadays.

Name your Image File Wisely

File names, similar to alt text, can assist search engines in understanding images. As a result, instead of using an ID-based label such as IMG 0001.jpg, be descriptive when naming your images.

It is not necessary for file names to be as accurate or extensive as alt text, but they must always contain a keyword. Additional recommendations include writing file names in lowercase and replacing blank spaces with hyphens in accordance with Google’s guidelines. As a result, the URL for the file will be tidy and readable.

Start Using Image CDN

Images are one of the primary problems regarding file size and slow websites. A huge JavaScript file may take up 4kb of space uncompressed, but even if you compress it by 75%, you save just 3kb. On the other hand, an image could effortlessly exceed 500kb; if you can lessen it by 25%, you will save 125kb. Thus, compressing the image is 40 significantly more efficient than compressing the Javascript; when it comes to speeding up your site, your photos should be your primary priority.

An image CDN, a specific sort of Content Delivery Network that distributes optimized images, is among the top preferred alternatives for images on the web. A content delivery network for images consists of three components: device detection, automatic image optimization, and a global content delivery network.

WebP Image Format

Everybody is using Webp image format to optimize their site/ page images as it provides superior lossy compression for images. It has the capability of reducing 32% the image size compared to PNG and JPEG.

Webp uses predictive coding to encode an image, this method is the same as the method used by the VP8 codec to compress the video while maintaining the quality. WebP image format checks the value in the neighboring blocks of pixels to predict the value in the block, and then it only encodes the difference between them.

 Adding Image Title Text

Internal Link

When you link one blog/ page to the other blog/ page of your website, it’s called internal linking.
Still, you are not getting the idea of internal linking.

Let me give you an, eg: Pretend that you are writing a blog on “10 best cars to buy”, now you have previously written blogs on the best engines, suspensions, and mufflers, so in your current blog, you can add your links of best engines for people to understand that why is that car best, and they don’t have to leave your site, cause all the necessary thing they need to know, is available on your website only. And this will reduce the bounce rate of your site. People will stay longer on your site, and because of this, your site will come in good light.

Because internal links can aid Google in deeper recognizing and evaluating your website, it is critical to have internal links on your website. It is possible to notify Google about which pages on your site are important and about what they are all about by providing Google with links to follow along with descriptive anchor text. Connections within a company improve the user experience and may even aid to increase engagement.

When developing your internal linking strategy, there are a number of considerations to keep in mind. Although the specifics of your approach will vary based on the nature of your site and your aims, the steps outlined below serve as a good starting point.

  1. Choose the most appropriate structure for your site
  2. Determine the Critical material for your website
  3. Add contextual links
  4. Link hierarchical pages
  5. Consider adding a Related post section
  6. Try adding a navigational link
  7. Add a link to your taxonomies
  8. Consider including links to Recent or Popular Posts

External link

All SEO experts will agree upon the fact that external Linking is a very important ranking factor. And I would prefer that you should make external linking a habit. External links are considered a third-party vote of confidence by search engines.

You should add external links to authoritative pages in your blog or web pages so that you can help your readers with an accurate source of information. But giving them a link will pass on “Link Juice” to that particular website. I.e you are increasing their authority.

So, Whenever you are using an external link make sure to use the” NO Follow” Tag.

How to add a “ No Follow” link in WordPress?

  1. You can add it Manually
  2. In the “Link Relationship,” You can specify it to be “ NO Follow”

One more thing I would say is if you are adding external links make sure when they tap on the link it will open in a new tab. So that they can come back to your page when needed. To do it follow this step.

Step:1 Highlight the text you want to link and then click on the hyperlink


Step: 2 You will see a text box; check the text that says open in a new tab, click on it, and you are good to go


WordPress gives you a default URL structure for your site’s posts and pages, and generally this URL is not at all SEO friendly, and even the user won’t understand anything from the URL that what the page is about so, to make your URL SEO-friendly you have to change your permalink, and luckily it’s easy to change you need to go to setting → permalink.

The ideal permalink will be when you add the title of your page/post, the year, or even you can add a keyword in the URL because of which your page/post will soar high.

Let us Understand the Technical SEO and key elements to take care of!

12. Core Web Vitals

Core web vitals are key elements that evaluate the overall user experience on your website. There are three ways to measure.

Loading / Largest Contentful Paint (LCP)

It measures how long it took to load the largest content paint on your website; it’s important to load it fast for a better user experience. An ideal LCP measurement is 2.5 seconds; anything lower than that will be considered poor or needs improvement.

  1. Your server responding Slowly: If your server is responding slowly, you can do all these things so that it works properly, optimize your server, route your users to the nearby CDN if you are connected to any unnecessary third party, remove it, and shouldn’t unnecessarily create a cache.
  2. Your resources are loading slowly: Compress your images, or you can compress your text file so that this problem doesn’t occur.
  3. Client-side rendering: If this problem occurs, try to use minimal client-side rendering. if you don’t want to do that, do server-side rendering or use pre-rendering. Also, Google Page Speed Insights will show what is slowing down your page’s LCP.

Interactivity/ First Input Delay (FID)

It measures how long your website took to interact with users. If it takes less than 100 milliseconds, your website is ideal. If not, you need to improve it, or it will result in a poor user experience. FID is very important for the website/page, where user interaction is high, like logging in, signing in, or where the user has to click or write something.

To optimize FID, make sure you have optimized your page for interactive readiness, break the long tasks of JAVA so that the execution period of a task is less, or use a web worker.

Visual Stability/ Cumulative Layout shift (CLS)

It measures the number of unusual layout shifts on your website. The ideal time for a layout shift should be less than 1 second; anything more than that is poor or needs improvement.

Here are something you can do if you want to minimize CLS:

  1. Set image dimension: You need to do that, so your browsers know exactly how much space an element will take to load.
  2. Reserving space for Ads: otherwise, the ads will suddenly appear, pushing down your content and relocating.

There are some tools to check Core Web Vitals, and I have listed a few of them below:

  1. Google Lighthouse
  2. Google Pagespeed Insights
  3. Web Vitals Extension

Interaction to Next Paint (INP)

Interaction to Next Paint (INP) encompasses the seamless transition between user interactions and subsequent visual updates on the page. Optimizing INP involves minimizing the delay between user interactions, such as clicks or taps, and the corresponding updates or changes in the page’s visual elements. This optimization ensures a smooth and responsive user experience, contributing to improved overall Core Web Vitals scores.

To enhance Interaction to Next Paint, you can focus on reducing unnecessary delays in rendering changes, optimizing event handling, and prioritizing critical tasks that directly impact the user interface. By fine-tuning these aspects, websites can create a more responsive and engaging user experience, positively influencing Core Web Vitals and, consequently, search engine rankings.

13. Boosting Page Load Speed


The average human attention span is very low, so if your website is taking too much time to load, you are losing your audience left, right, and center. And because your page is loading slowly, the customer bounce rate will also increase as well as there will be a loss in traffic. So to check insight on your website, you can use insight tools like GTMetrix, and Pingdom Tools, or an SEO expert for WordPress speed optimization can be hired which will help you to speed up your WordPress website performance.

  • Pingdom Tools: Pingdom tool uses Onload time. Onload time is the time a page takes to completely load all the resources, however, javascript is not included in it. The benefit of using Pingdom is when you request a waterfall for you it shows a deeper look at every single HTTP link to your site. This is done to gain a visual understanding of how your site loads and where the bottlenecks are. Currently, its server is in 7 different locations for free speed tests.
  • GTMetrix: It uses Google page speed and Yahoo! To show how good your site is performing, like Uptrends, GTMetrix also requests waterfall so you can read it and can make necessary changes that are required to boost the performance of your website. But it will run the test from Canada by default. If you do the free registration, It will let you run the test from Dallas, Hong Kong, London, Mumbai, and Sydney.

14. Mobile Friendly

Your WordPress website should be mobile-friendly because nowadays, most of the searches are done through mobile, so make sure your website is made for mobile as well as a desktop so that it doesn’t affect your ranking.

You can also see how well your website is doing with mobile users, for that, you have to take Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test. And enter your site URL; this will give you an idea of how good your mobile version site is performing. A few years ago it was necessary that your website should be desktop friendly, but now everything is changed as most of the users browses on google through mobiles.

So from starting July 2019 Google considers mobile-first indexing all your new websites should be Mobile friendly because Google-bot primarily crawls and indexes pages with a Smartphone agent.


Whenever the user clicks on the link you provided and it takes them to a 404 error page, the user loses interest in your page and it will increase the bounce rate from your website, and because of that your ranking will be affected. The search engine will think that your site is not properly maintained and this creates a negative impression.

We suggest you check your links through Google Search Console or Screaming Frog because it’s the easiest way. It will show you where the broken link is so that you can fix it, or else you can use tools like Screaming Frog to check your broken links. Another tool for detecting broken links is Broken Link Checker by Sitechecker.

16. Adding XML and HTML Sitemap

XML Sitemap


If a search engine wants to find your content, how will you make it easy for them? By adding an XML sitemap. Adding it won’t help you in ranking higher in the search list, but it will make it easy for search engine crawlers to find your pages, and then it will start ranking them. So, because of that, your chances to score more on google site links will increase.

HTML Sitemap


You all will be thinking that you have already added an XML sitemap then why should we use an HTML sitemap?

The answer is XML sitemap is specifically for the crawlers but for the user to find a specific page on your site, you need to have an HTML sitemap. It doesn’t matter if your site is big if you have an HTML sitemap, they can direct themself to the page they want to visit through an HTML sitemap as HTML helps to structure the site and make it user-friendly because google also considers user experience to rank your page/ site.

17. Use Multilingual WordPress Plugins


If your website is developed and targets international audiences then the content of your website should be available in a different language as per the locations. It helps you to increase website visits. Neil Patel-SEO expert experienced a 47% boost in website traffic as a result of targeting 82 different languages for respective locations. Kinsta saw a 107% increase in organic traffic over the previous year when they added nine other languages.

If you improve your online appearance to a multilingual WordPress website, Google will not penalize you for duplicating material. However, it is crucial that you use the correct hreflang and canonical tags to avoid penalties. I recommend you to use WordPress plugins like WPML-The WordPress Multilingual Plugin, which helps you to develop a multilingual site.

18. Social Media Signals


A technique you used, and because of that, your page started ranking higher, so you use it again and again, and you will start thinking that you found that hack to rank higher. But let me tell you one algorithm change, and your website will be lost like a needle in a haystack.

So, I recommend you find a stable source that safeguards your site for long-term success, and that’s social media because it is not affected by SEO at all, but it can affect SEO not directly but indirectly. Having a good number of followers and making shareable content will help you reach out to more audiences.

From the world of Orkut, and Myspace we have now landed upon Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Pinterest, arguably the 4 largest social media platforms. Now how can you increase your site ranking with the help of these platforms? So, for that, first, create a business account, stay active, and try to engage with the followers. Secondary make shareable, unique, and relatable content. Third, make it easy for them to share your content. Fourth, share your content as well as other influencers who are relevant to your site.
Use our Social Auto Poster Plugin so that you can schedule the post. Not because it’s our plugin, but also because it’s one of the best plugins which are available in the market with more than 4700+ downloads, from scheduling posts to Google Analytics campaign tracking and everything in between Social Auto Poster Plugin offers.

Open Graph Tags

Developed by Facebook to standardize the usage of data to represent the contents of a webpage, Open Graph is an internet protocol that allows users to share information with one another.

You can focus on providing information as simple as a page’s title or as specific as the start and end time of a video in this section. Each of these elements works in concert to create a representation of a single web page on the computer screen.

In an attempt to reach as many customers as possible, the great majority of online information is created with the goal of being shared widely. This may not be important if you’re sending it to a single friend, but if you are planning to post it or have it posted on any social network or program that allows rich previews, you’ll want the preview to be as good as possible to maximize its effectiveness. As a result, more people will take the time to go through your stuff and, eventually, click through to it.

Basic of Open Graph

Each page must include the four fundamental open graph tags (og: title, og: type, og: image, and og: URL). It is important that these tags are separate for each page that you serve, which implies that the tags on your homepage should be different from the tags on your blog post article page.
Even though it should be obvious, here is an explanation of what each tag stands for:
og: title: This is your page’s title. Unless you wish to express it differently, this is normally the same as your web page’s “title” tag.
og:type: The og: type shows what type of category your website falls in.
og:image: This will be a URL to an image that symbolizes your material. It should be a high-resolution photograph that social media platforms may incorporate into their feeds.
og:url: This should be the current page’s URL

Use Cache Plugin

Another popular strategy for improving the performance of a website is to cache its content. This method allows site users to view temporary versions of site files stored in their browsers. When a user reloads a page, the browser can make use of the cached files rather than having to recreate the page from scratch.
It is possible to enable caching on WordPress websites with the use of a plugin such as W3 Total Cache or WP Fastest Cache.

19. www vs Non-www in URLs


Choose the web address format you want to use! Here I mean – Do you want your URL to be

  1. https://www.mysite.com? Or you prefer it to be,
  2. mysite.com (without WWW) format?

Here are a few notes on this topic:

  1. Mostly, all URLs have www. Today, many websites drop it. Ultimately, it’s up to you.
  2. The www version of a URL is considered to be a separate URL by Google. To avoid duplicate content issues, you must choose one.

    Go to Settings > General and type in your preferred format in both the “WordPress Address” and “Site Address” fields:

20. Proper use of Tags and Categories

Add site to Google Search Console

WordPress has built-in categories and tags that help you organize your content in a way that is already set up. A lot of your information can be better organized and classified with the help of categories.

Categories and Tags can help to improvise user experience by allowing users to find what exactly they are searching for! As well, let google understand what your post is about!

  • Tags: Tags are basically keywords! Let’s say your post is about “How to make Noodles” your tags could probably be “Schezwan”, “Chinese” and similar.
  • Categories: Categories means the distribution or grouping of a specific post. Let’s say you are having multiple niche blogging websites. You explain everything about food, fashion, Tech, and more.

Creating Categories like Food, Fashion, and Tech news will improvise your user experience. Also, It will let the user visit the right page that he/she is interested in.

Steps to create a category for your WordPress site. Visit WordPress “Settings” and click “Writing”.You’ll be able to see your Current Categories here as well there will be an option to add new categories.

21. Adding your Site to Google Search Console

Add site to Google Search Console

Google Search Console (GSC) is a very important tool for the best WordPress SEO practice, because of GSC you can keep a check on your website from anywhere you just need a stable internet connection. If you want to see how your site looks in search engines, GSC will help you do that. You can see other reports, and crawl errors of your website using Google Search Console.

  1. You can see how many times your page was clicked.
  2. What keywords do most people use to find what they are looking for.
  3. You will be alerted if something wrong is happening on your site.
  4. Troubleshoot issues for AMP, Mobile Experience, Core Web Vitals, and a few other features.

Earlier search engines like Google only follow Dofollow and Nofollow links attribute. In September 2019, Google announced two new attributes called “UGC” and “sponsored” to identify the quality of links. Here I’ll describe in more detail each link attribute.


In WordPress by default, each link created is marked as a do-follow link. Dofollow is a link attribute that implies that search engines will crawl the link and consider it as a vote of confidence. This helps build the authority of a website and it affects your website rankings too. Since link juice is passed from the linking page. So SEOs and webmasters are always hungry for building do-follow links for their websites. But experienced SEOs always balance between no-follow and do-follow links in order to look at more natural link building.


As mentioned above, experienced SEO experts always build both types of links do-follow and no-follow. So no-follow links are as important as do-follow. No-follow links help you to generate more website traffic and create brand awareness, even if they don’t pass your authority and link juice.

Nofollow links contain the ‘rel’ attribute of ‘nofollow’, as mentioned below:
Eg.<a rel=”nofollow” href=”https://cheese.example.com/Appenzeller_cheese” >Appenzeller </a>


This attribute should be used to markup any links uploaded in any website section designated for user-generated content (i.e., links that are posted in the comment section).

UGC links contain the ‘rel’ attribute of ‘UGC’, as mentioned below:

Eg.<a rel=”ugc” href=”https://cheese.example.com/Appenzeller_cheese” >Appenzeller </a>


If you get profit from an advertisement or link, or if you get money in any other way like affiliate marketing, you should use the “sponsored” tag. This is because Google sees links to a page as an endorsement. When you get money for putting a link to another website, your goal is very different. Perhaps it’s something you wouldn’t be interested in unless you were paid for it.

Sponsored links contain the ‘rel’ attribute of ‘sponsored’, as mentioned below:

Eg.<a rel=”sponsored” href=”https://cheese.example.com/Appenzeller_cheese” >Appenzeller </a>

23. Do SEO Audits


After doing all the steps, you are not getting the attention you want for your page! Do an SEO audit then. The main reason to do an SEO audit is to check why you are not getting satisfactory results after doing everything you can for a better organic search ranking.

A few things are covered in the SEO audit:

  1. Fixes your HTML code
  2. JavaScript Errors
  3. Speed test
  4. Fix indexing problem
  5. URL redirection
  6. Analyze all the backlinks
  7. Fix broken links
  8. Meta tags

SEO site checkup, Screaming Frog, SEMrush, WooRank, and many other tools are used for SEO audits. They run several tests on your website and give you proper SEO tips for improvement.

Regular Audits

We recommend you do an SEO audit of your WordPress website on a regular basis. There are multiple benefits you will get because of Regular audits of your website like,

  1. Improving website performance
  2. Content optimization
  3. The increased user experience of the website
  4. Better position of the website in the search engine
  5. High traffic on the Website

24. Hosting Provider


Choosing the best WordPress hosting provider is very critical. Many people overlook this point, but choosing the best hosting provider will boost your SEO. Also, we can’t neglect the security a hosting provider offers because they just have one single software. Considering all these points in mind, I suggest you read the detailed Cloudways review to understand the exceptional qualities of cloud servers.

From my experience I will advise you to choose WPEngine because we are also using it, and don’t worry, it’s affordable. But if you want to go for other hosting providers, here are a few hosting providers which I think you can choose from.

  1. Bluehost
  2. Hostinger
  3. Siteground
  4. Cloudflare

25. What is Local SEO and is it Important?


Google My Business indirectly helps your website rank, getting verified by GMB helps in ranking your business in the top 3 locally. GMB considers relevance, distance, and prominence to rank your profile. It is likely important for everyone however if you are into an online business you may not need Local SEO as there is nothing that you are serving near people searching.

  • Relevance: Make sure you are clear about everything you are adding to your GMB profile because it determines how well your business fits in the user’s search intent. Being vague about it will lower your ranking, whereas If your content is to the point, it will help Google understand your business, which will help you rank high.
  • Distance: Consider your business is in New Jersey, and it’s about nursery now; if someone from Manhattan will search for a nursery, they won’t be able to locate you but will see the location of the nursery situated in Manhattan and verified under GMB. Similarly, if someone from New Jersey will try to search for a Nursery, they will see your profile. Google uses the location of the search party to display the local business around them.
  • Prominence: Prominence is based on a lot of things like reviews and positive ratings given by the client this will help you in ranking higher locally. So, try to stay active by adding events, managing reviews, and posting good content on your site because nobody likes a dead place.

26. Avoid Comment Spamming


Preventing comment spamming is becoming vital practices nowadays because bots automatically come to your site and add spam links, and because of this, your site will look tidy and unprofessional. Also, the ones who genuinely follow you, their valuable comment will be lost in those bots spammed comments. So, people will start losing interest in your page, and they will slowly stop visiting your page, which will affect your SEO ranking.

Therefore I suggest you keep a check on your site/ blog comment section.

Some simple steps to avoid comment spamming:

  1. Reduce no. of links per post
  2. Only people who have registered on your site can comment
  3. Comments must be manually approved
  4. Use anti-spam plugins
  5. Set up a captcha code to avoid bot spamming

27. Create Evergreen Content


Creating evergreen content is essential for improving WordPress SEO and generating higher organic traffic. In this context, it refers to content that is relevant at all times, regardless of how long has passed after it was originally published.

As a general rule, authors who create evergreen content must update their blogs and articles on a regular basis in order to remain relevant.

When it comes to sharing, evergreen content has the added advantage of being shareable eternally, which enhances the number of backlinks and social signals it receives. Because breaking news is more recent than evergreen material, posting evergreen content is preferred over publishing breaking news.

It is recommended that you use the terms ‘last changed’ or ‘updated on’ to show when your content was most recently updated. This will help to build confidence with users and search engines by demonstrating that the information is current and relevant. You can also use such WordPress plugins to use this functionality in WordPress.


Contrary to what some people believe, link building is a critical component of good WordPress SEO practices. This is how the process of link building works. When you create high-quality content, site A will link to you, passing along the link juice to your site. It is more likely that if it is an authority site, Google will associate you with a more solid link profile, which will assist you in rising in the ranks. Because of this, it is advisable to offer a hyperlink to another website. The opposite is true if the material on site B is irrelevant to your topic or of poor quality. As a result of this, you will almost surely be penalized, and your ranking will almost certainly suffer as a result.

Don’t accept links from websites that aren’t related to your field of expertise. Only high-quality websites should be linked to your website (content). with relation to your website.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I install SEO-friendly plugins and themes for my WordPress site?

To install SEO-friendly plugins and themes, navigate to your WordPress dashboard, click on “Plugins” or “Themes,” then choose “Add New.” Search for reputable SEO plugins like Yoast or All in One SEO Pack, and themes designed for SEO optimization. Install and activate them to enhance your site’s SEO capabilities.

How can I optimize images on my WordPress site for improved SEO?

Optimizing images for SEO involves using descriptive file names, adding relevant alt text, and compressing images without compromising quality. Ensure images are appropriately sized, and consider using a plugin for automatic optimization. This improves page load times, and user experience, and enhances SEO by providing relevant information to search engines.

What is the significance of local SEO for WordPress websites, and how can I implement it effectively?

Local SEO is vital for businesses targeting a specific geographic audience. Implement it by optimizing Google My Business, including location-specific keywords in content, obtaining positive local reviews, and ensuring consistent NAP (Name, Address, Phone Number) information across online platforms. This enhances local visibility and attracts relevant local traffic to your WordPress site.

Follow These WordPress SEO Tips for Better Ranking in SERP

In conclusion, mastering WordPress SEO is a gradual and enduring process, requiring patience and trust in the methodical implementation of the outlined strategies. Just like waiting for the ripening of fruit, the results of your SEO efforts may not be instantaneous, but persistence is key. This comprehensive guide, enriched with invaluable tips from an experienced SEO freelancer, serves as a robust resource to elevate your website’s rankings.

If, however, you find that patience doesn’t yield the desired results and you’re eager for accelerated growth, consider hiring SEO experts. Their expertise can provide tailored solutions, ensuring your website achieves the optimal results you envision. Remember, with the right strategies and expert guidance, your WordPress site can thrive in the competitive landscape of search engine rankings.

WooCommerce vs Magento vs Shopify: eCommerce Battlefield https://www.wpwebelite.com/blog/woocommerce-vs-magento-vs-shopify/ Sun, 19 Nov 2023 09:26:00 +0000 https://www.wpwebelite.com/blog/

Table of Contents

  1. WooCommerce vs Magento vs Shopify Comparison Table
  2. WooCommerce Overview
  3. Magento Overview
  4. Shopify Overview
  5. Ease of Use
  6. Features
  7. Security and Performance
  8. Design and Customization
  9. Apps and Add-on
  10. SEO
  11. Customer Service & Support
  12. Pricing & Additional Costs
  13. Pros & Cons
  14. Brands
  15. Frequently Asked Questions
  16. WooCommerce vs Magento vs Shopify: Final Conclusion

As a result, starting an eCommerce business can be a great idea if you are looking for a way to earn extra income. As a matter of fact, setting up an eCommerce store to sell products is now easier than ever before, with the help of WooCommerce, Shopify, and Magento.

Therefore, people often get confused when choosing an eCommerce platform. To make understanding these three eCommerce platforms a little bit easier for you, we are going to dive deep into each of them in order to make it easier for you to select. So, here it is WooCommerce vs Magento vs Shopify comparison.

WooCommerce vs Magento vs Shopify Comparison Table

WooCommerce Magento Shopify
Launch Date
Ease of Use
Require Developer Assistance
Only with Shopify Plus
DNS & Hosting
Plugin that works with WordPress
Premium: Yes, Community: No
Site Performance
Customer Service
Yes (Support Form)
Yes (With Enterprise Edition)
Integrated with WordPress
Built-In + Inbuilt Analytics
Premium or Free

WooCommerce Overview

Originally, WooCommerce came from a company called WooThemes. The WooThemes company was founded in 2005 by Mark Forrester, Magnus Jepson, and Adii Pienaar and produced premium themes for WordPress.

Later on, James Koster and Mike Jolley joined the team to work on WooCommerce. The two of them were working on an eCommerce program, Jigoshop.

In 2011, WooCommerce released its first version, and since then it has become extremely popular. Within two years of its release, there have been 1 million downloads. Within three years of its release, WooCommerce had reached four million downloads.

The growth of this product was impressive, which is why Automattic acquired it from WooThemes in 2015. Since the acquisition of this plugin by Automattic, they have become a leader in WooCommerce development.

It was the same year that Automattic first acquired WooCommerce that the plugin garnered over 7 million downloads. Over 22% of the top 1 million WordPress websites are running the WooCommerce plugin, and more than 28% of all eCommerce stores are powered by the WooCommerce plugin.

Magento Overview

In 2004, a UCLA student went looking for a way to earn some extra money. Rather than wait tables or pour cocktails, though, Roy Rubin decided to create his own business with his friend Yoav Kutner. They decided to call it Varien.

Varien didn’t begin with a huge plan – it wasn’t exactly what business schools teach. However, it was just a way for Roy so he could continue to study while he kept his skills sharp.

The two of them did not have a master plan, but even so, they landed their first major contract for Varien in 2007, which would go a long way toward helping them fund their next venture, Magento.

The company’s first product, Magento, was released in 2008, and immediately swept the eCommerce world by storm because of its immense customizable features. It became an instant hit because of its unlimited possibilities.

In 2010, eBay came knocking at Magento’s door. They invested an amount that would result in them owning 49% of the company. Following the acquisition of the entire company by eBay, the company entered into an agreement with PayPal to integrate the company’s premium processor into its popular platform. In 2015, following the split of eBay and PayPal, Magento is once again an independent company.

Magento is the most flexible eCommerce platform available. It began in 2008 and now has more than 500,000 users. Magento offers two services: Open Source, which allows anyone to create a website for free, and Magento Commerce, which charges for all hosting services.

In 2018, however, Adobe acquired Magento for a whopping $1.68 billion by acquiring the business.

Shopify Overview

During Tobias Lutke’s desire to create a website to sell snowboards online in 2006, he realized just how challenging it is to build, run, and manage an eCommerce website and business. So he created an eCommerce platform, which enabled it to be as easy to sell online as if you were doing it as a hobby – Shopify.

One of Shopify’s biggest contributions has been redefining the point of sale (POS) for eCommerce. A Shopify payment service was implemented in 2013. With this addition, merchants are no longer dependent on third-party payment gateways. In 2017, they produced brick-and-mortar stores, which accept debit and credit cards directly through an iPad POS system. Even small businesses without large POS systems still use the iPad POS every day.

Additionally, Shopify’s presence in the eCommerce space enabled power to be possessed by many, revolutionizing the process of conducting business. In 2015, when Amazon closed its Webstore, which hosted merchant services, the company recommended Shopify as its “preferred migration provider,” resulting in a surge in Shopify stock. In 2017, Shopify announced direct Amazon integration capabilities. Consider this article about eCommerce product strategy to increase your chances of success.

Ease of Use


The WordPress platform is not hosted, so you have to handle things like installing, managing updates, keeping backups, and ensuring that your store is secure.

In order to install WooCommerce, you have to install WordPress first and this can be quite complicated. There are several steps that you need to take in order to install WordPress:

  1. Get a domain name on WordPress
  2. Sign up for a hosting account
  3. Install WordPress
  4. Find and install a WordPress theme.

When you have completed these steps, you are able to set up the WooCommerce plugin on your WordPress ecommerce website. Upon activating WooCommerce, a setup wizard will appear on your screen. To run your store, you will have to complete five steps.

As a matter of fact, we highly recommend you choose a trusted WordPress hosting service that will take care of the entire setup process for you, including domain registration, hosting, and WordPress installation because the last two are steps that require some level of understanding about the web. A WooCommerce development company will help you in simplifying the process if you find it a bit confusing.


Magento has a steep learning curve, which makes it difficult to get started. It is impossible to manage a website on this platform without the assistance of a Magento developer or a web hosting provider. Working knowledge of PHP, cloud hosting, HTML, and other programming languages is required; otherwise, running a website on Magento is not possible. It takes a considerable amount of time and effort to learn Magento. Therefore it is a bit tough to develop an eCommerce store by yourself, so a Magento development company will help you ease up your work.


It provides you with a working structure of an online store that is ready for you to use. It is, therefore, preferable to edit the existing items that already exist in a store, as opposed to creating a custom store from scratch.

  1. Pre-made designs are available for you to choose from, so you don’t need to be an expert in graphic design.
  2. The templates are responsive, which means that they will adjust themselves to any screen size, which is good news if you have a website that is going to be viewed on desktop computers, tablets, and mobile devices.
  3. There are several online payment options available to you. You do not need to work with sensitive information related to your credit card. On top of that, Facebook can be used to sell your goods.



Because WordPress is open-source, it allows third-party developers to create extensions and plugins. Adding tons of interesting features to WooCommerce taps into that further. It’s easy to edit aesthetics, sell on Facebook, increase email marketing techniques, understand user behavior, and much more.

Here are some of the features you’ll find inside WooCommerce:

  1. Payments through PayPal and Stripe built-in (and additional gateways for a fee).
  2. Rates and taxes for shipping can be adjusted Product categories and products are unlimited.
  3. Control of the stock level.
  4. Adapted to mobile devices.
  5. In terms of data control, you are in total control.
  6. It is compatible with the current theme of your WordPress site.
  7. There are literally hundreds of plugins to choose from.
  8. It allows you to advertise on Facebook and manage your stores on Facebook for free.


  1. Inventory Management & Cataloguing
  2. Managing Magento’s inventory in bulk is possible with Magento’s inventory management system. By using Magento’s inventory management system, you can synchronize your online shop with your warehouse stock.
    Moreover, the platform applies different tax rates in different locations, which solves yet another headache associated with large-scale operations.
  3. International Support
  4. The platform lets you register, purchase, and ship products using multiple languages and currencies.
  5. Hosting Choice
  6. Magento gives you the freedom to fully control the look and feel of your store. The platform has a web hosting solution built-in, which ensures that integration is smooth and swift.


In addition to the core function of an online shop, Shopify comes with a host of additional features.
Whether you are looking to improve your shop’s frontend performance or just make your life a little bit easier in the backend, these features are sure to please:

  1. Calculate Real-Time Shipping
  2. Shopify excels at simplifying complicated tasks. Regardless of where your business is located, Shopify calculates shipping costs.
  3. Build Detailed Customer Profiles
  4. Shopify facilitates re-targeting your clients with tailored offers by giving you the tools to understand your clients.
    A buyer’s journey is fully documented for you – their preferences, the medium they prefer, and the price range they are willing to pay. Customer loyalty can be built on the information you have about them.
  5. Embedded Analytics & Reports
  6. In addition to tracking your traffic, sales, and user journey, Shopify’s embedded tracking system provides you with key insights about your customers.

Security and Performance


Payment security is one of the most important aspects of eCommerce. It is important to maintain security when providing online payment services to your customers. WooCommerce is a self-hosted platform, so you might need to take help from a hosting provider to get an SSL certificate to secure your store. In addition to keeping your security system up to date, you will also have to keep up with plugin updates and any other tasks needed to ensure the optimal operation of your security system. WordPress always keeps updating its system for security and bug fixing and its team constantly monitors and edits the code to mitigate any threats.


Magento provides you with the possibility to secure your site according to the level of security that you desire. There are regular patches and updates available for your site. Using these updates and patches, you can implement extensions that will enhance your site’s security and performance.


Despite Shopify is an eCommerce platform that’s as secure as any top-tier platform, it is vulnerable to attacks as well. Many merchants consider it to be the most reliable eCommerce platform. Level 1 PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard) compliance is achieved by Shopify development, which meets all six PCI requirements. It is also responsible for maintaining a secure network, for a vulnerability management program as well as a regular examination of test networks.

Design and Customization


In terms of customization, WooCommerce provides its users with unlimited options. It is possible to enhance the look and function of your store in almost any way you wish. The result will be better control of the appearance of your store and the ability to add unique features to meet the needs of your business. It is possible to customize the WooCommerce product gallery, edit the shop page, change the header of your website, etc, in order to improve the appearance of your eCommerce store.


Magento offers two default themes that can be used for theme creation: Blank, which can be used to create a custom theme, and Luma, which is a demo theme. This theme is designed to be responsive, which is intended to render your storefront’s display on a variety of devices.

In addition to that, Magento provides 16 other pre-made themes in its marketplace that are available for purchase, with a price ranging from $0 to $499. It is also possible to go to Themeforest, Magenest, or Template Monster in order to take advantage of more feature-rich options on this platform.

With a Magento store, you get access to unlimited customization options regarding the design of your store, due to the open-source nature of Magento. Regardless of the integration level, you choose to work at, you will be able to modify almost anything or even create your own theme from scratch.


You’ll be delighted to learn that Shopify offers over 70 themes in its theme store. There are some premium themes (between $150 and $300), but there are many free ones. Customizing them can often be done without touching a line of code, as they come with customization options. These templates are all mobile-friendly, making them compatible with any device.

The premium themes offer more customization options, but if you want to do it yourself or hire a Shopify expert to do it, you’ll have to master the Liquid programming language. There are more than 1,200 Shopify themes available on Themeforest, so you are not limited to what Shopify provides.

Apps and Add-on


With the WooCommerce plugin running on WordPress, WooCommerce users can access the amazing plugin repository of WordPress, which has over 58,000 free and paid plugins across all areas of logistical, technical, and marketing needs. Furthermore, WooCommerce offers 592+ extensions that are designed specifically for use in eCommerce. We’ve also developed so many plugins and extensions for WooCommerce store owners and some of our best WooCommerce extensions are WooCommerce PDF Vouchers and WooCommerce Social Login.


In the realm of eCommerce platforms, Magento owns the largest marketplace, allowing it to be regarded as the most powerful one. In its marketplace, you will find a huge selection of almost 6,000 extensions, both free and paid, that will help you improve and expand the functionality of your shop incredibly.

Among its many features, Magento offers solutions that can cover the spectrum of content creation and customization, accounting and finance, payments and security, marketing, customer service, etc.


In terms of add-ons and apps, when it comes to Shopify, there are hundreds to choose from, both free and paid. Notably, most plugins can be included with just a click of a button. Using these tools, you can achieve things like trust icons which decrease the risk of cart abandonment, or social media buttons that improve your chances of building a community around your website.



There is no question that WooCommerce is the best choice among SEOs and marketers. It is mainly due to the fact that WordPress, on which it runs, is a very SEO-friendly platform.

Aside from that, WordPress is also a platform that is used by some of the world’s most robust and powerful SEO solutions. You can use various WordPress plugins like Rankmath and Yoast to optimize your eCommerce store smoothly. These types of plugins will help you to optimize product pages, add the Alt text of product images, and define the title and meta descriptions of each page. As a result, your eCommerce store is more likely to appear on top of the SERPs.

Additionally, Shopify allows you to use third-party integrations like Drop In Blog, which you can use to create an SEO-friendly blog for Shopify. This integration is seamless, and it allows more flexibility than the built-in Shopify blog feature. It has a built-in SEO analyzer that scores your content to help you improve your search ranking and attract customers to your website.


According to research, organic search engine traffic is the primary driver of traffic to eCommerce websites. That’s why having a properly optimized website is so important, and Magento 2 provides you with all the advanced SEO features that you’ll ever need to get your website on the first page of Google.

The fact that Magento was built with SEO in mind means that merchants can create SEO-friendly URL structures, incorporate meta-data throughout the website, implement rich snippets, which allow merchants to define mark-up data on product pages, create and optimize XML sitemaps, and take advantage of a wide range of other marketing features that are going to help you improve your search engine ranking.


It is also worth mentioning that Shopify’s SEO score is also quite impressive. Additionally, you can use a wide variety of apps to optimize your website so that it will perform well on search engines like Google and Bing.

Furthermore, Shopify provides product descriptions and titles for both your products and your pages, as well as the categories for which they belong. Furthermore, the robot.txt file and the sitemap are automatically generated by the system for you as well.

Customer Service & Support


As one of the most popular eCommerce platforms in the world, WooCommerce offers a wide range of support options that you can take advantage of when in need of help. Various guides, tutorials, and documentation can be found on the official website. The WooCommerce support team also has a support forum where users and experts can seek assistance. WooCommerce.com now offers 24/7 chat support to all customers who purchase premium extensions or themes from them. For third-party WordPress themes and extensions, those developers are responsible for any queries and support regarding their products.

The only thing to remember is that because WooCommerce is a self-hosted platform, your hosting provider is responsible for resolving server-related issues.


As of today, Magento 1 is not supported on the platform. Because of this, it is not possible for the developers to provide any updates or patches. The result of this is that you will have to figure out the platform on your own.

With Magento 2, the type of support you receive depends on the version of the software that you are using. If you are using Magento 2, you will also be using Magento Open Source and Magento Commerce.


Last but not least, why do business owners choose Shopify? They are offered 24/7 support no matter which plans they choose. There are times when you may encounter technical difficulties with your store, or just have a question you need to be answered, one of the team members will be able to assist you. I think this is a big deal for small business owners who don’t have their own developers on call, especially during a big online sales event like Cyber Monday when they don’t have their own developers available.

The community forum and help center are also available to you at any time if you do not require live support.

Pricing & Additional Costs


You can use WooCommerce for free, which is its greatest advantage. Even so, it is still important to note that there are some additional expenses aside from the fee for web hosting, the cost of a domain name, and the cost of an SSL certificate.

There is a chance that you will see an increase in your hosting costs as your store grows and more people come to your site, but your domain name fees will not change.

In addition, a WooCommerce store can incur costs if you purchase paid extensions. These are, however, typically one-time purchases. Free alternatives are often available as well.

A growing number of hosting companies are now offering WooCommerce hosting plans that are designed to significantly reduce the cost of the initial setup of a website.


The cost of Magento is almost zero when only using the Magento open-source version. This version can easily be downloaded and installed without spending any money.

However, if you decide to purchase the Magento Commerce edition, you will have to invest a great deal of money. In this edition, the fee for a yearly license starts at $22,000.00 for business owners who do not make more than $1,000,000 in revenue per year. This fee will increase according to the estimated annual gross sales of your business. That is to say, the higher your income, the greater your fee will be.

If you decide to use Magento Commerce Cloud to run your store, the license fee is two times higher than that of Magento Commerce, varying from $40,000.00 to $190,000.00 for the same gross sales revenue tier as Magento Commerce. It is because of this reason that you should only pay for this version if you have a large business.


Shopify’s subscription fees are not insignificant and aren’t something to be taken lightly. In terms of the overall price, a website builder such as Shopify may be somewhat expensive depending on what you need from your eCommerce site. In general, a basic Shopify Plus plan costs $29 a month, a more upgraded plan costs $299 a month, and if you need an enterprise-level Shopify Plus plan, you can expect to pay at least $2,000 per month. The only drawback is that Shopify is all-in-one, so there is less of a hassle and you can take advantage of a bunch of additional features that are especially useful for people who are less tech-savvy.

Pros & Cons

Pros of WooCommerce

  1. No limits to customization. There are no limits to creating an online store that is unique and has its own identity.
  2. Many WooThemes can be found in this category, specifically designed for WooCommerce websites.
  3. A search engine optimization-friendly site that allows you to edit your store’s metadata.
  4. Reviews and ratings for products and stores pre-installed on the website.
  5. Organize and filter reports based on the categories they fall under.

Cons of WooCommerce

  1. The lack of customer support is one of the main issues with WooCommerce compared to other eCommerce platforms.
  2. The cost of setting up a WordPress website is free, but the cost of hosting it will need to be paid.
  3. Using it for WordPress sites is easy, but setting it up from scratch is a bit challenging if you don’t have coding knowledge.

Pros of Magento

  1. The platform is flexible in terms of how users can use it.
  2. Provides free-of-charge services through the platform.
  3. A supportive community is available and is able to assist lost users to navigate issues that they may encounter.

Cons of Magento

  1. It sometimes takes a long time for the page to load.
  2. It would be necessary for non-technical users to learn how it works, especially for both admin and user management.
  3. The application requires a large server in order to function smoothly.

Pros of Shopify

  1. Shopify offers more than 100 mobile-friendly storefront themes.
  2. You do not need to know any coding in order to create a website.
  3. The company offers 24/7 customer support by phone, email, and live chat.
  4. A user-friendly administration area.
  5. Connect your website to social media marketplaces.

Cons of Shopify

  1. The default product attribute set only consists of three options.
  2. There are more than 100 themes available, but only 10 of them are free.
  3. The company charges a transaction fee per sale.


Brands using WooCommerce

  1. Blue Star Coffee
  2. Clickbank
  3. Awesome Invention
  4. The Specter Magazine Shop
  5. Porter and York

Brands using Magento

  1. Ford Motor Company
  2. Coca-cola Company
  3. Jaguar
  4. LandRover
  5. Tommy Hilfiger
  6. AsusTek Computer

Brands using Shopify

  1. Redbull
  2. Heinz
  3. Taylor Swift
  4. Kylie Cosmetic
  5. Fitbit
  6. Penguin Books

Frequently Asked Questions

Which should I choose - WooCommerce, Magento or Shopify for my store?

It depends on your business needs. WooCommerce works best for small businesses on WordPress wanting some customization. Magento suits mid-large enterprises needing advanced features. Shopify is simplest for quick startup.

What are the pros and cons comparing WooCommerce vs Magento vs Shopify?

WooCommerce is customizable on WordPress but needs more developer effort. Magento handles enterprise complexity but costlier. Shopify is easiest to start but less control vs others. Compare by flexibility needs.

What hosting factors should I consider when choosing my ecommerce platform?

Determine traffic projections, peak loads, uptime needs, security priorities plus inhouse skills to manage hosting for optimal speed and reliability. Cloud infrastructure works best for enterprise capability.

WooCommerce vs Magento vs Shopify: Final Conclusion

That’s a relief! We have done our best to include everything needed to evaluate WooCommerce vs Magento vs Shopify.

Still, having trouble making a decision? Take a look at the broad criteria: Cost, technical support, themes, customizability, and performance. Look at your future expansion plans and make a decision once you have a brief idea of your requirements!

The following can be stated after comparing various eCommerce platforms:

  1. Shopify is the best platform for small businesses expanding online.
  2. WooCommerce can efficiently empower small, medium, large, and enterprise businesses.
  3. Magento is the ideal choice for large companies. You can also hire a Magento developer on an hourly basis at cost-effective rates.

Consider all characteristics of each platform to determine which is best for your business and future ambitions. If I were to give you a personal recommendation based on my experience, I would recommend you to choose WooCommerce in the beginning because it is free, then it is SEO friendly and it is also very easy to use. Get free consultations from our team of WooCommerce developers, who help you to find the best possible solutions for your business. Check out our other well-informative blogs on “Best WooCommerce Checkout Plugins” and “What Makes WooCommerce the Best eCommerce Platform?”

How to Hire Engineers for Startups: The Complete Handbook https://www.wpwebelite.com/blog/how-to-hire-engineers-for-startups/ Tue, 29 Nov 2022 13:33:27 +0000 https://www.wpwebelite.com/blog/

The demand for tech talent is reaching new heights with every passing hour. Today’s IT industry comprises tech listings, and as Forbes’ recent account indicates, large enterprises compete with startups to hire employees. Modern-day startups are driven by unprecedented growth and funding. These, combined with exciting job perks and pay, empower them to hire talent quicker than many large-scale companies.

However, it’s not all smooth sailing. Many growing startups still struggle with recruiting software engineers. This can be due to various reasons, from unclear candidate requirements and incorrect budget decisions to not having a proper hiring process. If these sound familiar, then this blog is just for you. Here you will find a practical, step-by-step approach to understanding how to hire engineers for startups hassle-free.

Let’s dive in!

Step 1: Determine your Ideal Candidate Profile

Spending adequate time building a candidate profile is key to hiring the right way. Here, you need to clearly state the skills, experience, and knowledge you want from your candidate. For instance, think about the following:

  1. Technology expertise
  2. Optional technical skills
  3. Seniority level
  4. Your objective for hire (what your expectations are from your new engineer)

Once you’ve set up a basic candidate profile, start thinking about your expected desirable outcomes from this position. These will help you understand the additional skills required to achieve those outcomes.

Ask yourself what impact this role will have on your team, the project, or the business. What results do you expect to accomplish with your candidate? For example, you can expect your hired engineer to help you build a web service MVP within three months, or they can be a technical leader, heading your project while you focus on scaling your company.

By forming this candidate profile, you will have a detailed picture of whom you want to hire in terms of experience, responsibilities, and competencies.

Step 2: Check Technology Adoption Levels

Assessing technology adoption levels will help you understand how challenging it will be to source an engineer experienced in the technology you want.

Studying industry reports is a great way to do this. Taking Stack Overflow’s 2022 Developer Survey as an example, it has listed the most popular web frameworks, which include the likes of: –

  1. Next.js (69.23%)
  2. React.js (68.19%)
  3. Node.js (67.36%)
  4. Nuxt.js (64.15%)
  5. Vue (63.16%)
  6. Express (59.15%)
  7. Laravel (54.47.1%)

While the entire list has various other frameworks, let’s take these and compare them. Based on the popularity percentage, finding a Nuxt.js engineer would be twice as hard as a Next,js engineer and almost twice as easy as an engineer experienced with Laravel. Evaluating tech adoption levels this way can help you strategize accordingly and understand how hard it will be to recruit for certain skills.

Step 3: Compare Salaries

After the first two steps, you will narrow your search to an engineer with the required skills. The next step is to scope salary expectations across various locations to determine which engineers will be more suitable for your budget.

Hired’s State of Software Engineers report covers an overview of salaries offered to top candidates in various markets and roles. It’s based on data from 366,000+ interactions between software engineers and companies and can be used as a great example to check average annual salaries in popular tech hubs, such as –

  1. Bay Area – approximately $157,000
  2. New York – approximately $148,000
  3. Seattle – approximately $145,000
  4. LA – approximately $143,000
  5. London – approximately $98,000

Thoroughly studying reports and comparing salaries can allow you to understand which locations to hire from. If you’re hiring remote engineers, you can scout other locations, such as India, Southeast Asia, Europe, etc., to find more budget-friendly candidates.

Step 4: Establish your Hiring Funnel

A key area many startups neglect is their hiring funnel. Skipping the main elements or not having a proper funnel can ultimately lead to an unrewarding hiring process. Here are the five critical elements your funnel should include: –

  1. Sourcing – Creating a list of potential candidates after posting jobs on job portals and picking the most promising ones.
  2. Screening – Getting on a call with your HR or recruitment specialist for an initial assessment to check which engineers meet the role requirements best.
  3. Interviewing – Further assessing candidates’ tech background and personality by interviewing them (this can also include test assignments).
  4. Making the Offer – Extending an offer to the candidate based on the interview and assignments’ outcomes. You may choose not to do so if they don’t meet your requirements.
  5. Negotiations – This is where your chosen candidate can reconsider their paycheck or ask for other perks, or there may be negotiations from your side.

Once your hiring funnel is in place, you can formalize it as a roadmap with clear time/cost expectations and responsibilities for every stage. This will help keep your team members on the same page about the hiring process and align for success.

Step 5: Optimize your Hiring Procedure

Upon assessing the costs and time spent on each stage of your hiring funnel, you can start optimizing it to get better results. Here are a few tips for this: –

  1. Establishing your budget and contingency plans – Apart from having a clear budget in mind, planning for a budget-exceeding hire is advisable, and deciding how much you’re prepared to spend. For instance, if your budget is $5,000 a month, you could afford an engineer to exceed that by an extra $1,000 if they’re worth it.
  2. Preparing interview questions in advance – Preparing questions ahead of time can easily optimize your hiring process by timeboxing the interview sessions. The faster your conduct the interview, the quicker you can decide and hire your desired candidate.
  3. Deciding quickly – Once the interviews are done, it’s good to decide on your next steps within 24 hours. This helps in giving candidates a quicker response and closing the deal fast to scoop up talent before your competitors can.

Step 6: Start Checking for Talent Availability

Once your hiring funnel is ready and you’re set on your requirements, you can start scouting for talent. There are two main ways to do this: –

  1. Hiring Platforms – Indeed, Glassdoor, Monster, and Careerbuilder are just some of the many hiring platforms where you can post your vacancies. You can also do it on LinkedIn, as the platform has a dedicated jobs section.
  2. Outsourcing Platforms/Vendors – An essential part to remember when deciding how to hire engineers for startups is how the entire process is on your plate. As a startup, you may find it challenging to handle every aspect of hiring, especially if you want to hire an engineer ASAP. The best solution here is to choose an outsourcing platform or company that will do everything. If you have the budget, you will simply have to pay the platform while they source, hire, and provide you with engineers and manage them.

Bonus tip: Avoid these Common Pitfalls

As mentioned earlier, hiring engineers for startups is not easy. There are apparent mistakes startups make, the most common ones being: –

  1. Finding perfect engineers
  2. Scouting talent locally
  3. Not checking a candidate’s motivation and cultural fit

To avoid these, make sure you keep an open mind. Trying to get a 100% match can quickly slow down your hiring process, so focus on the critical skills and hire an engineer for the same. Next, instead of restricting yourself to local marketplaces, choose remote developers. This will help you find the best talent from around the world, suitable to your budget and ideal for your requirements.

Lastly, during your interviews, have candid conversations to understand if your potential hire is a good culture and company fit. If not, they cannot be a good addition, even if they’re experienced in the technologies you want.

Wrapping Up!

It’s nothing new for startups to make mistakes while hiring. Be it early-stage or late-stage; a startup is always subject to certain roadblocks an enterprise isn’t. But overcoming such obstacles is what pivots a startup towards unprecedented success. I hope this blog helps you do the same by understanding how to hire engineers for startups seamlessly.

20 Famous Brand Websites Built With WordPress https://www.wpwebelite.com/blog/websites-built-with-wordpress/ Mon, 07 Nov 2022 11:03:52 +0000 https://www.wpwebelite.com/blog/

When developers Matt Mullenweg and Mike Little developed WordPress as a blogging platform more than 19 years ago, no one would have thought that it would become one of the free, open-source, fully-fledged content management platforms. Guess how many websites on the internet use WordPress for content management? Over 43%, which used to be 32% just five years ago, is expected to surpass the 50% mark in the next two years or so.

Nowadays, not only bloggers use WordPress as their CMS, but giant corporations, government authorities, celebrities, etc., also rely on WordPress for content management because it has a comprehensive range of themes and plug-ins, making it ideal for website development.

Before we look at all the websites using WordPress, it’s important to understand the latter’s uses and benefits.

Uses of WordPress

WordPress powers more than 14% of the top websites on the planet. But why? Let’s take a look at the uses of WordPress.


WordPress can be great at keeping your private stuff secured and the website safe. It constantly monitors the traffic to check if there is any suspicious activity. Moreover, there are strong encryptions, firewalls, regular security tests, and a dedicated security team to safeguard your data.

Managed Hosting

When it comes to WordPress, downloading the software and paying added expenses for hosting and managing a server is no hassle. Instead, you can focus on providing the masses with great content while WordPress handles everything else. Also, if you are a tech-savvy entrepreneur, you will be pleased to know that WordPress is an entirely secure, fast-managed host that keeps the servers optimized for even the most complex content on the website.

Benefits of WordPress

So, why do these celebrities and massive MNCs opt for WordPress for website hosting and content management? Let’s take a look.

Open-source & Free

One of the reasons SMEs opt for WordPress is that it is an entirely free and open-source content management system. You can download it, use and customize it any way you want without spending a penny. You only need to pay for web hosting and domain registration, which is why it can be excellent for budding entrepreneurs.

You Are the Owner

WordPress gives you complete ownership and control over your website, content, and data.

Easy To Use

When you sign up for WordPress, you don’t need to know how to code. Even if you have no experience with technology, you will be able to use WordPress.

Massive Community

WordPress has a massive and strong community with loads of blogs, tutorials, articles, and videos to help you understand the platform and create the best websites and content.

Thousands of Plug-Ins and Themes

There are thousands of free and premium themes and more than 59K plug-ins available on WordPress, making extensive customization possible for any website.

Are you still unsure whether or not WordPress is a suitable content management system for you? Then check out some highly popular websites on the planet using WordPress.

Government & Official Websites

These websites are, supposedly, the face of a nation’s government or its prominent and former government officials.

1. PM India


The official website of the Prime Minister of India is managed by the PM office. It gives you an insight into the central government’s track record, keeps you updated about the latest news regarding the Prime Minister, and even lets you interact with him. Additionally, you can check out the PM visits and PM funds and follow the latest media coverage on him.

2. The White House


It’s the official website of The White House, and helps you keep up with all the latest information on the US administration, including the President of The United States (POTUS), Vice-President, First Lady, and the whole cabinet. You can see the latest press briefings, speeches, and remarks and read the President’s official statements.

3. Sweden


This is the official website of the European nation Sweden. It helps you understand life in Sweden, along with the work and business, Climate, and culture, including food, celebrations, history, and art.

4. Obama


With this official website of the Obama Foundation, a non-profit organization from Chicago, you can check out all the excellent work done towards uplifting people in need worldwide.

News & Blogs Websites

News and blog websites are meant to help you follow the current affairs and trends around the world and even keep up with active socio-political issues.

1. New York Times


New York Times Company owns the popular newspaper and website New York Times. This website gives you an insight into the company’s business, the latest news, investor news, journalism, and even job openings. You can even check out the company’s board of directors, history, social responsibility, and awards and recognition.

2. TechCrunch


TechCrunch is a website giving you the scoop about the latest tech from around the world. It covers emerging start-ups, cryptocurrency, artificial intelligence, the latest applications, space tech, etc. With this website, you can also keep yourself updated about upcoming tech-based events and even take part in the events organized by TechCrunch itself.

3. Microsoft


This Microsoft website covers the latest news and lets you read the latest blogs on diversity, brand development, artificial intelligence, etc. On this website, you can also check out Microsoft Podcasts, customer stories, and the latest Microsoft research and participate in upcoming Microsoft events.

4. TED


One of the most followed websites for blogs and articles, TED Blogs lets you in on the latest social and political issues like women’s empowerment, cultural diversity, climate change, etc., covered by some of the best writers and orators from around the world.

5. Mozilla


Mozilla is one of the most renowned websites, and Firefox is among the most prominent web browsers used worldwide. But this website is all about blogs and articles related to the latest trends, technology, political issues, deep dives, internet culture, etc. With this website, you can download the pc and mobile applications and install the web browser.

Products & Services Websites

Every company needs a web page to keep its target audience aware of its latest developments. However, some companies also need them to exhibit and sell their latest products and services.

1. Capgemini


Capgemini is one of the top strategic partners to loads of companies around the world. This website tells you all about how this company has been helping businesses transform for the past 50+ years. On this website, you can check all the sectors Capgemini has been active in and the services it provides to its clients.

2. Evernote


This platform helps you sync and organize your notes, jot down the do’s and don’ts, connect the notes with the calendar, provide creative and innovative templates for different notes, scan the documents, save particular snippets from a website, etc. You can sign up for this system through this website.

3. Renault Group


It is the official website of Renault, one of the biggest automotive groups on the planet. On this website, you can explore everything about Renault, including its subsidiaries Dacia, Alpine, and Mobilize. You can also check out the blogs showing how Renault is innovating in the field of EVs, connected vehicles, and autonomous vehicles.

4. Bloomberg


This website gives you all the information about Bloomberg Professional Services. This technology company provides entrepreneurs and decision-makers access to an array of information, ideas, and the right people for the job. This website offers a vast range of buyer and seller side services, along with trading, financial data management, Bloomberg Tradebook, Bloomberg Indices, etc.

5. NowLoan


This Scotland-based website is a part of PJG Financial Limited and aims to provide people with a suitable loan in mere minutes. This website offers easy loans, submit necessary documents, emergency loans, student loans, wedding loans, same-day loans, etc. You only need to fill out a form, choose from the list of suitable loans, apply for one, and get funded.

Entertainment Websites

Entertainment is one of the biggest industries in the whole world. So you can expect even a minor entertainment entity to go about without a website.

1. Sony Music


Sony Music is one of the most frequently-visited music websites, where you can check out all the record labels owned by Sony, including Columbia Records, RCA Records, Epic Records, Legacy Records, etc., and take a look at the artists signed by them.

2. The Walt Disney


This website tells you all about the different ventures of The Walt Disney Company. You can see the investor news and events and check out the CSR or corporate social responsibility. Job seekers can even check out the openings and apply for them.

3. Spotify


Spotify is one of the biggest music and podcast streaming platforms on the planet. Although this website can’t help you listen to music, you can download the PC and mobile app from it quite easily. Moreover, you can check out the music industry news and the behind-the-scenes facts of your favorite podcasts.

4. 007


Everyone’s favorite international spy James Bond 007, also has a website where you can check out the stuff related to the Bond movies, along with the news and experiences.

Personal Websites

Nowadays, almost every major celebrity, athlete, author, entrepreneur, etc., has a website they use to shine a light on their public life.

1. Katy Perry


Like so many celebrities worldwide, Katy Perry has her own website where you can check out her music, videos, and book tickets for her upcoming shows. There are even Katy Perry merch and fragrances available for the superfans.

2. Four Hour Work Week


Renowned American author, investor, podcaster, entrepreneur, and lifestyle guru Timothy Ferris wrote the NYT bestseller The 4-hour Work Week in 2007. This website, however, covers the book and follows Ferris himself while also letting you check out his other books and the podcast.


These websites from almost every domain should be enough to show the importance of the content management services of WordPress. Every day thousands of websites are created with the help of WordPress.

So if you are thinking of creating your website or hiring a professional from a leading WordPress development company to create a website for you, make sure it is developed with the help of WordPress. It can make your website more creative and customized and massively improve its functionality. We have a team of skilled WordPress developers with more than five years of experience in developing websites for industries like automotive, social, telecom, educational, media, finance, event management, etc. You can hire our WordPress developers to build a feature-rich website for your business.

How to Examine & Improve Core Web Vitals for WordPress Site https://www.wpwebelite.com/blog/improve-core-web-vitals/ Fri, 09 Sep 2022 11:16:57 +0000 https://www.wpwebelite.com/blog/

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. What are the WordPress Core Web Vitals?
  3. Why Are Core Web Vitals Important?
  4. How to Test Your Core Web Vitals Score on WordPress?
  5. Tips to Improve Your WordPress Site Core Web Vitals
  6. Wrapping It Up!


Core Web Vitals is part of Google’s ongoing effort to improve the web performance of pages. Why? Slow websites and web applications force customers to switch to other sites because Google’s business is primarily web-based.

When it comes to your Google search results ranking, a lot of it comes down to your page’s use of relevant keywords, how many other websites link to your page, and the quality of those links. In August 2021, Google began to evaluate pages according to their performance and that is the main reason behind optimizing your WordPress website.

What are the WordPress Core Web Vitals?

What are the WordPress Core Web Vitals

In June of 2021, Google made an announcement about a change in user experience in order to improve it. The Core Web Vitals were one of the indicators of page experience that Google looked at and analyzed. The time it takes for your website to load, how responsive it is to users, and how stable its appearance are some of the key web metrics that are assessed and evaluated. When it comes to Google’s search engine results page (SERP), a higher score means better positioning.

The website owner should monitor and improve these core web vitals as necessary. These core web vitals reflect the three different aspects of the user experience.

In an effort to give the best possible results to its users, Google has researched a wide range of factors that can be used to evaluate the customer experience on a web page. It’s a process that never ends.

Page experience is primarily influenced by the following factors. Due to this, it aligned its core web vitals with them.

  • Loading performance – How fast content appears on the screen – LCP
  • Responsiveness – How fast a page responds to user input – FID
  • Visual stability – Whether the content on a page moves around on the screen while loading – CLS

Largest Contentful Paint (LCP)

This metric measures how long it takes for the most important thing to show up on the screen. This may be a picture or a text block. A high score gives users the impression that the site loads quickly. A slow website might frustrate users.

First Input Delay (FID)

This metric measures how long it takes for a website to respond to the first thing a user types into it. This could be a button click, for example. When a website gets a high score, it means that it responds quickly to what users do on it, which means that it is responsive. Again, slowness results in frustration.

Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS)

This rating measures how stable the site’s appearance is. What’s more, does the content move about on the screen as it loads, and how often? Slow-loading advertisements can be quite frustrating when you’re attempting to click on a button.

After you have gained an understanding of how the scores for your core web vitals are determined, what those scores mean for your website, and how to improve them, you will notice a rise in both the rating of your site and the number of user interactions.

Why Are Core Web Vitals Important?

Why Are Core Web Vitals Important

As the owner of a website, the success of your online business depends on how well you can manage the user experience. People are more likely to abandon their shopping carts and abandon a website with poor UX, such as slow page load times or confusing navigation.

Core Web Vitals are important because they let you track how well your WordPress site is doing.  They give you measurable data that you can use to evaluate your website’s user experience (UX) and then make any changes that are needed.

In addition, as each of the Core Web Vitals is a ranking indicator, they play a significant part in your SEO. Checking how your website performs on the Core Web Vitals not only improves its UX but also helps it rank higher in search results that are relevant to your business.

In the end, Core Web Vital does more than just improve your organic rankings, though this is a part of it.  It offers your viewers an exceptional experience. And this leads to more consumer engagement, a higher rate of conversion, and maybe even more good things.

It is also crucial to highlight that, despite the importance of Core Web Vitals, Google continues to rank pages with the best content overall, even if the page experience is a little bit poor.

How to Test Your Core Web Vitals Score on WordPress?

how to test your core web vitals score on wordpress

The core web vitals can be measured, tested, and reported using a wide variety of tools that are available to you. Among them are Google PageSpeed Insights, Google Search Console, and the Web Vitals extension. Taking a look at the features of each option, as well as when and how they should be used, we will also note down a few of their advantages.

Google PageSpeed Insights

PageSpeed Insights is a popular tool for checking the performance and speed of your web pages:

pagespeed Insight

It is very easy to use, all you have to do is enter your URL in the input field and click on the Analyze button. You will see a difference. The most effective way to diagnose performance problems is to find out what your real users are experiencing.

pagespeed Insight

One of the things we like best about PageSpeed Insights is that it provides you with diagnostics as well as opportunities for how you can improve your site for better speed and performance:

pagespeed insight

The other advantage of this tool is that the data it uses is derived from actual browser data. When you use PageSpeed Insights, you can quickly figure out where your website stands in terms of the things that are thought to be the most important. After that, it walks you through some easy steps that you can take to solve any problems with your website that could be a factor in the poor scores.

Google Search Console

Adding Google Search Console as the next tool to your arsenal will help you measure the health of your website by testing and measuring:

Improve performance on google

You may obtain the recently-added Core Web Vitals report from Google here. If you have verified ownership of your website and use Google Search Console, you will be able to locate and access this report, which is based on actual users, in the Enhancements section:

Google Search Console

This report can help you find and learn about possible problems on the pages of your website that hurt your web vitals and UX as a whole. You can also use it to find groups of pages on your website that have the same problems.

PageSpeed Insights and Google Search Console are populated with Chrome User Experience (CrUX) Report data. However, a benefit of using Google Search Console is that it allows you to examine the LCP data throughout your entire website, as opposed to randomly checking particular pages.

The Web Vitals Extension

If you use Google Chrome, you can also download the following extension that will allow you to access your Web Vitals information:

the web vitals extension

The Web Vitals Chrome addon is free to use and makes it simple to diagnose FID or CLS-related issues. You can use it on your own website and while browsing the web.

This small browser plugin uses the web-vitals library to measure each statistic and show the results. It gives a quick and easy method for comparing the performance of your website to that of your competitors.

Once the extension is installed, a square will be added to the top right-hand corner of your Chrome browser. Note that the color of the square will change depending on the Web Vitals’ performance. For example, if everything is within an acceptable range, the square will be green. If one or more of the metrics indicates a poor UX, it will be red (as will the metric that needs your attention). If the extension is unable to access and test the site you’re on, the square will be gray instead.

This is a simple extension that provides basic and straightforward information. Although there isn’t much information available beyond the metrics, it is a hassle-free way of obtaining this data on the fly.

Chrome DevTools

For a more detailed look at these metrics, you can use Chrome DevTools (and, more specifically, Lighthouse) to measure your Core Web Vitals in a lab environment:

chrome devtools

However, this method should primarily be used for measuring LCP and CLS. Considering that this tool loads your pages in a simulated environment with no real user input, it cannot provide measurements for FID. Instead, it uses a similar metric called Total Blocking Time (TBT).

Tips to Improve Your WordPress Site Core Web Vitals

tips to improve your wordpress site core web vitals

When getting your WordPress site ready for Core Web Vitals, you need to pay attention to a range of elements that pertain to the page experience.

Using an open-source web performance caching plugin is one of the quickest and easiest ways to get your WordPress site ready for the page experience upgrade. This is one of the most effective ways to get the job done. With the help of these plugins, which can enable caching and server-level compression, you can improve your website’s code and make it run better. All of these things have the potential to raise a website’s LCP, FID, and CLS scores.

Let’s have a look at the variety of methods by which you can improve the functionality of the WordPress website.

How to Improve the Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) on WordPress

largest contentful paint

Optimize Images

In WordPress, one of the most common reasons for low LCP ratings is the use of large picture file sizes. High-resolution images are beautiful, but they take up a lot of space.  heavy images can quickly become a burden when we talk about website performance and the PageSpeed score.

Optimizing your images is the best answer to this problem. This can be done either before or after the files are uploaded to WordPress.

Compression is necessary for image optimization. Depending on the compression method you use, the process may have a small effect on the quality of the image, but it can greatly reduce the size of the file and the time it takes to load.

Defer offscreen images

Reduce their dimensions to the shortest possible size. So, images are asked for early in larger blocks of content, where a preload could be helpful.

Imagify is an innovative WordPress plugin that automatically optimizes photos to the level of compression chosen without sacrificing quality.

WebP images allow you to create smaller, richer images that are approximately 25 percent smaller than PNGs and up to 35 percent smaller than JPEG files. Use the free WebP Express plugin to generate WebP images automatically for your website.

Use Page Caching

Page caching is the most common form of caching for WordPress websites, in which a static HTML version of each page is stored. It can make your site load faster and, in many cases, lessen the load on the server.

Caching pages accelerates server response time and decreases TTFB, hence enhancing LCP. Caching plugins for WordPress, such as WP Rocket, WP Fastest Cache, and WP Super Cache, provide a simple and intuitive interface for all sorts of caching. These plugins enable caching on your website quickly.

Lastly, ensure that the browser can efficiently cache files. Set the right Expires, Last-Modified, and/or ETag hashes in the HTTP header to stop the same file from being asked for again and again.

Optimize JavaScript and CSS

Your pages will load more slowly if you load JavaScript and CSS before the primary site content. If you reduce the number of resources on your site that obstruct CSS and JavaScript, the page’s primary content will load faster.

CSS @import statements block rendering and load styles sequentially. You should therefore avoid them.

Concatenate or minify CSS and Javascript files, and eliminate CSS that is not being used. Optimize your site’s code to address the PageSpeed tip “Avoid chaining important requests.”

Implement asynchronous and deferred functionality.

Leverage lazy loading

Since lazy loading is used, files that are outside of the visible area are not loaded when the page is first loaded.  This results in a size reduction of the page that is substantially greater, as not all photos load at the same time. Photos load as the user scrolls down the page, bringing them into view as they do so (or just before they come into view).

This method is especially important for websites that host a lot of YouTube videos or other media content. This is because videos and other features that use a lot of resources, like integrated Google Maps, need this method.

Lazy loading is when images on a page only load once a user scrolls down to them, enabling you to achieve LCP at a faster rate. You can do this with plugins such as WP Rocket.

Enable Server-Level Compression

Enable GZIP compression on your server to make your WordPress site work better with different server settings.

Use the free Check GZIP Compression or HTTP Compression Test tool to determine if your website supports GZIP compression.

If your server doesn’t have GZIP compression, you can add it with a plugin for WordPress like WP Rocket or W3 Total Cache.

Implement Preconnect in WordPress

“Preconnect,” tells browsers to set up an HTTP connection to an external domain linked from your page before they are asked to. So, it lets the browser set up a connection early before the HTTP request is sent. This eliminates round-trip latency and shortens the time you have to wait.

Thus, preconnect is a critical optimization tool for WordPress webmasters. Most modern browsers support Preconnect.

You can connect resources like scripts (jQuery and Google Analytics), stylesheets (font files from Google Fonts and third-party websites), and media files. WP Rocket provides a way to add preconnect.

Utilize a CDN

A content delivery network (CDN) is a great way to improve the way your website handles traffic. A CDN uses extra servers to help the origin server when there is a lot of traffic.  This technology is usually used by larger websites with a lot of regular visitors.

Due to the fact that requests from visitors do not have to queue up on the same server, CDNs can help improve LCP. So, the LCP score might be faster, which would improve the user experience overall.

It is also possible to add software such as an image CDN that optimizes and adjusts picture sizes in real time to a CDN’s capabilities. This can help a media-heavy website display its content more quickly.

Visitors to websites that use CDNs don’t have to depend on a single server to get content. They are made up of many servers that are spread out across the world and help send files like images, videos, audio, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to all network servers.

Some WordPress CDN providers, like Bunny.net, Sucuri, Cloudflare, and KeyCDN, can help you distribute cached static website content based on where your visitors are in the world.

How to Improve First Input Delay Scores on WordPress?

Less than 100 milliseconds is recommended for the FID time. Therefore, if it takes any longer than that on your site, your user experience (UX) is probably suffering as a result of it.

first input delay

Most likely, your FID will get better if you optimize your JavaScript, which is one of the best ways to do it. There are several ways to do this.

Minimize or Defer JavaScript

The response speeds of browsers can be sped up by delaying the execution of JavaScript. A deferred JavaScript job will be executed by web browsers after the rendering of a whole web page has been completed. The FIDs of non-essential JavaScript processes can be improved through deferring, and this can be done without impacting the user experience of the page.

Doing so will allow visitors to interact with your website while its JavaScript is still loading in the browser. You can do this by using a plugin such as Async JavaScript, WP Rocket, or W3 Total Cache.

Eliminate Non-Essential Third-Party Scripts

Another way you can improve FID is by removing any unnecessary third-party scripts. Too many scripts can clog your network and lead to slower response times.

There may be a delay in page load time if a third-party script that adds functionality to websites, such as live chat, advertising, and analytics, is used. Third-party code can make it hard to send too many network queries to different providers for large JavaScript jobs or image files.

You may run a PageSpeed Insights test on your website to see how your third-party scripts are performing. Third-party resources that have been loaded, as well as their transfer size and main thread blocking time, can be viewed here.

Third-party scripts can be loaded more quickly using async and deferred attributes. If you do this, you won’t have to deal with the problem of rendering blockage, and the page will load faster. Async and defer are reserved for external scripts. Therefore, important page loading scripts should not use these features.

Implement browser caching

Make use of the browser’s cache to cut down on load time and traffic on the network. The local copies of static assets that have been cached take less time to load the page’s content than the originals. It is always going to be faster to get a resource from your local cache than it is going to be to download it from the internet. Your FID score will improve as a result of caching because it makes it possible for your browser to run faster even when loading JavaScript.

How to Improve Cumulative Layout Shift Scores on WordPress

When page elements change as the page loads, the CLS is usually raised, which is bad. Your CLS should ideally not exceed 0.1. If it is greater than that, you can take measures to improve it.

cumulative layout shift

Specify Image Dimensions

Layout shifts are more likely to happen if you upload media assets with unknown attributes. This is because your web browser needs to figure out the picture size and layout orientation after the image has loaded. This is because the layout of the image has to be decided after the image has loaded. These kinds of occurrences are more likely to take place with large images and files that have a high resolution.

You have made the job of the web browser far more difficult by uploading media files that are missing their size parameters. Every single submitted visual media file needs to have both the height and width parameters filled in by you. Adding the width and height properties to your source code in a manual fashion is one way to accomplish this goal.

Optimize Web Fonts

When you use web fonts, the layout of a page can change, which can be bad for the user. It’s a measure of how long it takes for fonts to load. Flash of Unstyled Text (FOUT) and Flash of Invisible Text (FOIT) are both possible occurrences.

For example, text on a page can be “not-so-good” in style, for example (FOUT). The custom font takes a while to load. In the meantime, the fallback font will be displayed. The default font will be replaced after the custom font is finished. When this happens, the website’s typeface will change, and the text will inevitably change as well.

Alternatively, there may be a delay before any text is shown due to the fact that the custom font is still loaded (FOIT). If you want to see the page’s content, you must wait until the custom fonts are rendered. When this content is finished loading, it may cause the layout to change.

Plugins like WP Rocket can automatically optimize web fonts like Google Fonts.  Load web fonts and set CSS font-display to optional or swap. Ensure you use a similarly-sized fallback font to minimize the layout shift.

Finally, minimize web font usage. Consider using commonly available OS fonts when possible.

Avoid Dynamically ads

Advertisements are identical to embeds, but they carry greater weight. Their significance stems from their substantial contribution to the CLS. Ads that take too long to load cause a website to hop. There is an answer to this problem.

Simply reserve space for these advertisements in the code. When a website is in development, it also needs space for advertisements.

This place in the code will ensure that the advertisement’s content loads properly. It will not affect users in any way.

Placement is a crucial consideration when managing advertisements. Typically, adding advertisements to the top viewport causes a significant movement.

Reserve a spot for embeds and iframes

Iframe dimensions must also be included. Embeds require dimensions if you want to improve the user experience on your website.

These measurements must be included when embedding Google Maps or any other video.

You’ll get better results if you use a stand-in. A placeholder is typically used prior to embedding. Using fixed-width iframes is a best practice that should be followed.

Instead of using YouTube’s embedded code, you can use WP Rocket instead.

Wrapping it up

Going through the above-mentioned steps helps you to measure and optimize the core web vital score for your WordPress website. It will also help you to provide a better user experience to your website visitors. A good user experience has a big impact on SEO, in addition to having an effect on the conversion rate and bounce rate of your website.

If you’re still facing issues while optimizing core web vitals for a WordPress website, hire WordPress developers from a reputed WordPress development company. WordPress developers will help you to optimize your WordPress websites and get the most benefit in terms of higher ranking in search engines like Google. Also, do not forget to check our other article on a detailed comparison between WordPress vs Drupal.

How to Hire WordPress Developers (Complete Guide) https://www.wpwebelite.com/blog/how-to-hire-wordpress-developers/ Mon, 22 Aug 2022 05:43:05 +0000 https://www.wpwebelite.com/blog/

Table of Contents

  1. Consider These Things Before Hiring WordPress Developers
  2. Steps to Hire WordPress Developers
  3. From Where You Can Hire WordPress Developers?
  4. Finally, Hire The Best WordPress Developers

When WordPress was first released in 2003, its users primarily used it as a blogging platform all around the world. And now, WordPress is powering 43% of all websites. As a result, WordPress is everybody’s choice as it is easy to use and offers rich plugins and themes to use.

Therefore, there are a lot of WordPress developers available in the market, which will help you to build, manage, and secure a WordPress website. WordPress developers also help you to build SEO-optimized WordPress websites by following all the coding standards. But not everybody is fit to work for your company. However, it can be a tough challenge for any business owner or manager to choose an ideal candidate. To help you hire the best WordPress developers for your project, we’ve put together much information in this guide on How to hire WordPress Developers.

Consider These Things Before Hiring WordPress Developers

What’s UX Writing

1. Do You Really Need a WordPress Developer?

Before you start looking for a WordPress developer, you should first ask yourself why you require WordPress developers. This will help guide your search. Pre-built WordPress themes and plugins will be sufficient for your needs if the purpose of your website is to showcase your brand, or just regular blogging and nothing else.

If it’s not an eCommerce store, dynamic website, or enterprise-level WordPress website then there is no need to hire a WordPress developer. If your business required an enterprise-level website or wants to sell something on the internet, hiring a WordPress developer is the best choice you can make.

2. Company Or Freelancer? (Avoid Low-Cost Traps)

When you first start looking for a WordPress programmer, you are going to run into a dilemma: should you hire a freelance WordPress developer or a dedicated WordPress developer from a WordPress development company?

The Solution is dependent upon many factors:

  1. Cost: The cost of freelancers is typically lower than that of company services.
  2. Risk: Generally, companies tend to have a much better ability to mitigate risks than freelance developers do.
  3. The range of jobs: It is important to note that a company may be your best option when you have a large company and want to build an interactive website.
  4. Value: Which of the options is going to be able to provide you with the most effective long-term, residual price in the long run?

3. Consider Your Needs

If you aren’t building the site yourself, you should know what you need before hiring a WordPress developer. In order to increase the likelihood of a positive outcome, you should include as much detail as possible.

  1. Why do you want to create this website?
  2. Which type of website design do you require?
  3. Do you want to create a website for blogging, a portfolio, a static website, a dynamic website, or an eCommerce store?
  4. Which specific features and functionalities do you want in the website?
  5. What is your purpose to build the website? (Make money or just information serving)
  6. What is your time limit to complete this project?

These are the first pieces of information you should give your chosen developer. This way, you can rest assured that you and your business associate are headed in the same direction for your website.

4. Estimate Your Budget

Building a budget is a crucial first step in any project. Putting together a budget for the web development process in advance will help you choose the best WordPress developer for your project and give you a better idea of the total cost. In order to do so, you need to think about the following:

  1. Scope growth is the biggest cause of budget overruns, so make sure your project doesn’t get too big.
  2. The complexity of the requirements: evaluate the difficulty of the project. Costs tend to rise as a project’s degree of difficulty rises.

5. Check Ratings, Reviews, And Insist On Seeing Previous Work

Although a candidate’s platform evaluations and ratings are a good place to start, you should also consider their portfolio, and the number of projects they’ve completed. The developer’s ability to execute high-quality projects is demonstrated by the breadth and depth of their portfolio.

Having them pass a code test is the next logical step in this process. Here’s a straightforward method for filtering out job applicants who just don’t have the necessary proficiency. Whether you start working with freelancers or companies, you always have to check their past client experiences with them by looking at their previous work, code quality, and portfolio.

Having looked at the list of things we needed to do before we could hire a WordPress developer, let’s now take a look at how to hire a WordPress developer when you are ready to hire one.

Steps to Hire WordPress Developers

What’s UX Writing

1. Soft skills

Competence in technical areas is essential, but soft skills are just as crucial. You don’t want to hire a WordPress developer who is difficult to get along with or who doesn’t share your enthusiasm for the job or is not serious with their work and productivity.

People who hired developers and who did the job technically but not according to the way it was initially decided are the subjects of numerous online tales of horror. Finding employees that share your creative outlook and can get the job done is a top priority.

Here are a few things to consider as soft skills:

  1. Communication Skills: You are required to be able to communicate with the individual by any available method, such as the phone or a video conference. It is going to be challenging to get them to produce the output that you desire if they are unable to keep a conversation going. In addition to this, you need to make sure that there is a definite difference between the ability to speak and the capability to communicate in an efficient manner.
  2. Attention to Detail: When they are tasked with developing a website for you, it is essential that they follow all of your requirements. Your developer ought to have a keen eye for detail and the ability to notice mistakes and solve them as soon as possible.
  3. Ability to Meet Reasonable Deadlines: This is an extremely significant point. The most important thing is to find someone who can meet appropriate deadlines. Also, someone who can take care of you if any problem arrives in the middle of the project, and who can anticipate these problems to the greatest extent possible and provide you with accurate information is someone you should look for.
    If you are hiring a WordPress web developer, it is necessary that you be considerate regarding the deadline. The main reason for that is the employer is unaware of what is happening behind the scenes. The employee that you hired might make it look easy, but you are unaware of the fact that it might have taken several hours to get it working.
  4. Confidence and Independence: A person who is confident in their abilities and expertise would know what to do in the event of urgency. Obviously, communication is still crucial, but in the event that you are unavailable, they must be prepared to make decisions based on their knowledge regarding the best course of action.
    On the other hand, you’d need someone who can confidently inform you whether your website requirements are possible or not, as opposed to being a “yes guy” who cannot deliver. However, exercise caution in placing too much faith in those who lack a track record of success.

2. Basic Technical Skills

WordPress is constantly evolving as it is one of the best CMS tools right now available on the market. It is necessary for you to see if your WordPress developer has the basic technical skills to help you with your project.

  1. HTML: It is one of the most important fundamental abilities a developer should have. so that he can easily provide you with tools to create a website from scratch.
  2. CSS: It determines how the page’s elements are displayed on the screen, including the colors, font size, style, blocks, animations, backgrounds, etc. In essence, it is the page’s graphic style that makes the content aesthetically appealing.
  3. PHP: This is a language for server-side programming language. The backend of WordPress is powered by this language, so they must be proficient in it.
  4. SEO Knowledge: SEO is the practice of generating website traffic through organic search results. It is usually beneficial for a website to reach more people. Numerous elements, including site content, must create a unique and relevant web page title and meta description.
  5. Security: Automatic systems regularly monitor the Internet for common vulnerabilities. Most hackers don’t break into your site to steal information, but to spread malware, redirect visitors to scammy websites, or recruit your server for a botnet. Therefore it is necessary that they have knowledge of securing your WordPress site from any of them.
  6. Speed Optimization: Speed is of critical importance for websites. Google has discovered that 53% of mobile users abandon a site that does not load within three seconds. So, they should develop a website while keeping speed and efficiency in mind.

3. How Much Does It Cost

Hiring WordPress developers cost is an important factor for business owners, whether they are working with freelancer developers or experienced WordPress developers from a reputable company.

  1. Freelance WordPress Developers: Because the freelancer is not forced to make a commitment for an extended period of time, hiring WordPress freelance developers can be handy for tasks that are only temporary. Developers that work on a freelance basis are typically self-employed, giving them the flexibility to work from home and set their own hours.
    According to Upwork, which is regarded as one of the most well-known freelance marketplaces on the globe, the usual hourly rate for a WordPress expert freelancer ranges from $12 to $28.
  2. Full-time WordPress Developers: These are the best alternative when you need a programmer for a long period of time. Finding a WordPress developer may take longer if you are in a remote area, but once you do, you can count on a dedicated employee that is invested in learning your business inside and out.
    According to talent.com, across the United States, a WordPress developer can expect to earn a median yearly salary of $72,500, or an average of $37.18 per hour. Typically, those just starting out in the workforce may expect to earn $55,000 annually, while those with years of experience can make as much as $107,500.
  3. Dedicated Remote WordPress Developers: Employ remote WordPress developers if you require extra freedom with regard to location and time zone, as well as the capability to obtain the ideal knowledge at a reasonable price because of their professionalism, remarkable programming talents, and excellent command of the English language possessed by its developers. You can also hire full-time remote WordPress developers from countries like India at an hourly cost of $15 to $30 or Monthly of $2000 to $4000. The cost of hiring full-time remote WordPress developers varies based on the experience of the developers.
    WordPress developers are a viable option for companies that are looking to expand their project teams, save money, or avoid time-consuming recruitment processes.

4. Project Brief

The top WordPress developers will want you to have a project brief drawn up before your first meeting. A project brief is a document that specifies all the tasks you’d like the WordPress developer to complete on your site.

This is what you can expect to find in a well-written project:

  1. Scope of the project: When you are hiring a WordPress developer for your project, it is necessary that you tell them beforehand what you want on the website. so that they can see if they are capable enough to build whatever your requirements are. Also, when you say your requirements beforehand, they are able to audit your website and see if the changes you need on your WordPress website are possible or not, and if it is really necessary, it could be done simply with a plugin installation.
  2. Your buyer’s journey: whether you have an eCommerce website or not, the buyer’s journey is very important. With this, the developer is able to visualize how they need to make a website so that the customer can easily go from page to page instead of getting lost in the middle. And if the design and structure of your website are easy to navigate, then there is no doubt that the visitor will convert into a lead and lead into a potential customer.
  3. Current design assets: You need to keep this in mind if you have a pre-existing website and you want the developer. You are going to hire a WordPress developer to make some changes that it required. Then make sure they don’t harm the current design when doing some tweaks.
  4. Your branding message: Your branding message is the most important thing because that represents your company and your work. It will help you to build trust between you and your customer. So, it is vital that your developers keep that in mind while making the website for you.
  5. Third-party integration: You have a clear idea about the third-party integration you will require in your website, for eg; which SEO tool you need in your website and which payment gateway you require if you are accepting payment from customers. Thus, your WordPress developer will be able to correctly integrate these into your website and implement the necessary security measures to protect your customers’ data.

5. Prepare a List of Questions

If you’re in the process of selecting potential employees, then interviewing some of them is a must. If you want to make sure you ask the right questions and get to know the candidate thoroughly.

A few questions you could ask are:

  1. What is your experience of coding in WordPress development?
  2. Do you stick to the WordPress development coding standards? Why and why not?
  3. Have you created any custom-made themes yet?
  4. What typical faults do developers make while building themes, in your opinion?
  5. What methods do you use if you optimize web pages for search engines?
  6. Which open-source plugins have you researched as a developer? I was hoping you could shed some light on how they function (It’s okay if you don’t understand much; the point is to judge their skill.)
  7. For how long do most of your development projects run?
  8. Tell me about the projects you’ve worked on that are similar to mine.

Different types of questions can help you learn more about the technical and social abilities of the people you’re interviewing. You could also ask for examples of their previous work.

Additionally, the majority of video chat platforms, such as Skype and Zoom, provide you the ability to share your screen with the person you are interviewing and vice versa. This might help you provide the WordPress developer with a clearer notion of the desires and expectations you have for the website after it is finished being developed.

You are giving the WordPress developer that you are interviewing the opportunity to demonstrate the method that they intend to take when working on your project.

6. Make a Contract

Once you find a WordPress developer to hire, it’s important to get everything in writing. Even though the person will probably be professional and kind, you want to make sure the project is done the way you want it to be.

At this point in the process, it’s important to make a contract that can’t be broken. This legal agreement can help make sure that both parties understand what the project entails and how they will be paid.

  1. Sign NDA (Non-Disclosure-Agreement) / NCA (Non-Competition-Agreement).
  2. Terms of Payment Method.
  3. Terms of Terminating the Contract (if the need arises).
  4. Ownership of the Final Result of the Project.
  5. Project Scope and Timeline.
  6. Post-Project Warranties, such as Bug fixes, Support, etc.

From Where You Can Hire WordPress Developer?

What’s UX Writing

1. Reputed WordPress Development Companies

If you’re looking to hire skilled WordPress developers who can handle WordPress development, migrations, custom integrations, theme design, security, and performance optimization, you should seek out the top WordPress development company who are solely dedicated to WordPress development.

You can find such WordPress development agencies on top rating firms like Clutch, as well as on google review where you can examine their rating and see the reviews given by their clients. This type of company offers different engagement models, so you can hire WordPress developers on an hourly, monthly, or dedicated basis. This gives you the flexibility to complete your task with maximum proficiency and with the utmost code quality.

2. Upwork

Upwork is a bidding website formed by combining the well-known freelancing websites Elance and Odesk. Simply create an account on Upwork, provide a listing of the project you need, and accept bids from developers. You will be approached by individuals who will present their work and experience before making an offer, and you will choose the one that is most favorable to you.

So that you can select the most qualified individual, you can look at their cover letter, customer reviews, and portfolio. Upwork even suggests the most competent profile in the network to work with. Upwork is a leading platform for finding the right talent on the Internet. The caliber of its users varies, but if you look hard enough, you can find WordPress developers that can meet your needs.

3. Codeable.io

Codeable.io stands apart from other WordPress development platforms as a dedicated freelancer hub. Codeable’s best feature is that it quickly matches your requirements with developers that have the necessary expertise.

Codeable accepts only the top 2% of applicants. This is, of course, the best way to guarantee that the people you hire will perform at the highest possible level. Once again, a great place to find talented WordPress developers to hire. Instead of posting an ad for your open position, you can define your needs and get a price estimate before any development work is done.

4. Toptal

Toptal is an excellent choice to consider if you are looking to recruit top talent but don’t want to waste time sorting through resumes of applicants of which you are unsure whether or not they are qualified. Toptal only hires the best of the best. It turns out that out of the over 100,000 applications Toptal receives annually, they only accept 3%.

They employ a stringent screening procedure to ensure they only work with the top talent in the world. This also implies that hiring a freelancer through Toptal will be more expensive than usual. Their name originates from the phrase “top talent.” This indicates that their goal is to locate and work with the most talented WordPress users and developers.

5. WordPress Jobs

The WordPress.org staff manages the WordPress Jobs website, which acts as an official jobs board. Posting a job ad is free and does not require a user account.

The available positions are organized into many groups. As stated in the advertisement, developers who are interested in working with you can get in touch with you. The next step is for you to make your own judgments about them. Job ads on WordPress.org are not verified, and WordPress.org has no control over the developers who may reach out to you.

Frequently Asked Questions

What skills and qualifications should I look for when hiring WordPress developers?

When hiring WordPress developers, seek candidates with a strong command of PHP, proficiency in JavaScript, and experience with WordPress themes and plugins. Look for individuals with a proven track record, a solid understanding of web development principles, and familiarity with responsive design for optimal results.

How can I ensure effective communication with hired WordPress developers throughout the project?

To ensure seamless communication, establish clear channels using project management tools, regular meetings, and defined communication protocols. Emphasize the importance of transparency, provide detailed project briefs, and encourage an open dialogue to foster collaboration and understanding between your team and the hired WordPress developers.

What considerations should be made regarding budget and payment structures when hiring WordPress developers?

Consider your project scope, complexity, and timeline when establishing a budget. Explore payment structures such as hourly rates or project-based fees, ensuring they align with industry standards and the expertise of WordPress developers. Prioritize a balance between cost-effectiveness and the quality of services to achieve successful project outcomes.

Finally, Hire The Best WordPress Developers

If you’re starting a new business and wanted to build your first WordPress website, then it’s time taking process and some technical skills are required to build it from the scratch. So to make your task easy, a WordPress developer can help you to develop a WordPress website for your business.

Finding the appropriate WordPress developer for your project can seem like a difficult task, but that’s the reason we have made this guide for you. Everything from what steps to take before hiring, while hiring, and where to hire is covered in this blog for you to make it as easy as possible.

A thorough approach to hiring a WordPress developer is ideal to see if they’re a good fit for the team. If you’re looking for your existing or for long-term work, you can always take help from our experienced WordPress developers, who are the best suitable for your business and at a very competitive price in the market. Just contact our experts and book your 30-minute free consultations with our experts.

Pros & Cons of Choosing WordPress as Enterprise CMS https://www.wpwebelite.com/blog/pros-and-cons-of-wordpress-as-enterprise-cms/ Fri, 05 Aug 2022 10:49:59 +0000 https://www.wpwebelite.com/blog/

Table of Contents

  1. What is WordPress?
  2. Difference Between WordPress.org and WordPress.com
  3. Enterprise-Level Companies That Use WordPress
  4. Pros of WordPress CMS
  5. Cons of WordPress CMS
  6. Final Thoughts On WordPress As Enterprise CMS

Enterprise websites typically represent the reputation of huge global corporations and include multiple pages, subdomains, subsites, and other elements. That is the reason you need to choose the appropriate CMS for website development. The majority of CMS solutions feature capabilities for editing and publishing web content. They enable users to create dynamic web pages with rich content without having to understand HTML or other programming languages. In any CMS, you can have more options like themes, templates, plugins, and other tools, which will help you to design, create, and manage your website.

As WordPress is the most popular CMS compared to other CMS platforms. Many enterprise-level companies to fortune 500 companies use WordPress CMS for their website development. WordPress is the first choice that comes to mind when anyone wants to develop a website for their business or personal portfolio. However, some individuals continue to doubt if it is a viable solution to develop a WordPress site for a business. If you’re running an enterprise-level business, and you’re thinking to create your website with the help of WordPress CMS, then this blog will walk through the pros and cons of WordPress for choosing as enterprise CMS. And based on that, you can make the right decision for your business website development.

What is WordPress?

What is WordPress

According to a 2022 survey by W3Techs, WordPress is the most popular CMS that powers over 64.2% of all websites. WordPress is the principal CMS for millions of websites, including personal blogs, corporate websites, online stores, and government officials’ websites. WordPress is open-source CMS with a huge community of developers and designers to extend the platform’s features.

WordPress is a user-friendly CMS that enables you to develop and maintain modern, functional websites with ease. As WordPress is an open-source CMS, anyone can make customization based on their requirements. In 2003, WordPress began as a blogging platform, to develop blogs and personal web pages. WordPress has matured and gained immense popularity among both individuals and businesses over the years.

We can attribute WordPress’s immense popularity to the plethora of adaptable and user-friendly features that have been added over the years. WordPress has evolved from a CMS largely used by hobby bloggers to a platform utilized by many organizations and giant companies.

Difference Between WordPress.org and WordPress.com

Difference Between WordPress.org and WordPress


WordPress.org is free and available to anyone who wants to use it, and you will need to so that you can run a self-hosted WordPress installation. Before you can create a self-hosted website, you must register your domain name and acquire a web hosting service. Your website’s performance will be determined by the type and caliber of web hosting plan you select.

Self-hosting also gives consumers greater control over the web server space they rent from their web hosting company. The self-hosted version of WordPress enables WordPress to reach its full potential. Users can search for and install any WordPress themes or WordPress plugins, including those they have created themselves.

Self-hosted WordPress is ideal for customers that seek high levels of flexibility and customization, and who intend to scale their websites in the future.


WordPress.com is a web hosting service that utilizes a website builder based on the WordPress CMS for all of the websites it serves. WordPress.com is hosted, meaning it administers the web servers that store the websites of its customers.

Users who register for the free service must use a branded domain name, such as yourwebsitename.wordpress.com. One must upgrade to a premium subscription to use a custom domain name.

Other restrictions apply to the free version. For instance, WordPress themes and plugins cannot be installed by users. Overall, hosted WordPress.com is more appropriate for customers who want to develop a website quickly and don’t mind restricted customization and flexibility.

Enterprise-Level Companies That Use WordPress

WordPress is the world’s most widely used website builder and content management system. It is possible to create practically any type of website, WordPress blog, online store, and enterprise WordPress website development. It contains thousands of free and paid plugins that may be used to increase your website’s capabilities.

The majority of websites utilize WordPress due to its adaptability, user-friendly admin interface, and extensive theme and plugin library. WordPress may be installed without having to write any code or required any programming language knowledge to create, manage, and delete any content on WordPress.

Having stated that, let’s examine the most prominent brands that use WordPress as their CMS.

1. Sony Music


Sony Music is a multinational music brand whose website is powered by WordPress. The website features its artists, the latest news, a Twitter feed in the sidebar, and more.

2. TechCrunch


TechCrunch is a renowned technology website that covers the most recent news about startups, gadgets, events, and other relevant topics.

3. Time Magazine

Time Magazine is among the oldest American news websites and publications. The website covers numerous themes, including politics, health, technology, entertainment, and science.

4. The Rolling Stones


The Rolling Stones website features their most recent events, music releases, online store, and other information. This website features vivid hues, interactive elements, and video.

5. Spotify Newsroom

Spotify Newsroom is the press webpage for the music streaming application Spotify. In addition to news, updates, and music releases, there is a sign-up form for an email newsletter.

Pros of WordPress CMS

Pros of WordPress CMS

After extensive research, the following are the main advantages of selecting WordPress as enterprise CMS:

An Open Source CMS

Based on PHP and MySQL, WordPress is a free and open-source content management system. Open source software enables you to make minor adjustments and modifications to your website. You can install extensions and plugins for more functionality, and you can even modify the code to alter other elements based on your requirements.

One of the most significant advantages of WordPress is that you do not need to require any developer’s help to make some changes in the content, you can do it by yourself without requiring any coding skills.

Open-source software is, as its name suggests, accessible to everybody. Because the source code of open-source software is publicly accessible. WordPress Support Forum is available, where new WordPress developers to experienced WordPress developers share available solutions for anyone’s problem related to WordPress. Still, if you or your team facing any struggle with WordPress website development, you can also take advantage of hiring expert WordPress developers from reputed WordPress development companies.

In addition, open source software powers the majority of the Internet. Some significant examples include:

  1. Apache is the most popular web server software in the world.
  2. Linux is the most popular web server software.
  3. The most prevalent DNS server software (routes internet traffic) is BIND (DNS).
  4. HTML, PHP, Ruby, Perl, and Python are languages for programming.
  5. WebKit is the browser engine that Google Chrome and Safari use.
  6. Mozilla: The browser engine used by Firefox and Opera.

Cost Effective Website Development

You must have considered developing a website for your online business. How much does a website development cost? Costs do play a significant role in the development of commercial websites. In fact, the costs associated with utilizing a CMS may be a deal-breaker for you. Consequently, you may spend the budget you’ve set forth for an enterprise-grade CMS on website creation, premium themes, and paid plugins.

A WordPress website’s cost relies on several factors. WordPress CMS is free of charge but the preferences may vary for each site and the cost depends on your budget, goals, requirements, etc. The Cost of website development also depends on the below factors:

  1. Website designing with premium or advanced templates, extensions, and plugins.
  2. WordPress security and Hosting management cost.
  3. The complexity of the website development.
  4. Allocated resources in the WordPress development.

With any enterprise WordPress website development, the costs do not stop at development. You must also consider the costs associated with patches, updates, support, and maintenance. You may use the costs saved here to purchase premium WordPress themes, paid WordPress plugins, managed hosting solution, a Content Delivery Network (CDN), and other development and marketing tools that may be required to support your enterprise website. You’ll still end up saving costs without compromising the usability or the performance of your website.

Fast Performance

The Speed and Performance of the Website play a vital role in the ROI of the website. The poor performance of the website affects traffic, speed, usability, and conversion rate which should be taken into consideration. Web page speed is a ranking factor for SEO which means a slow-loading page or website can lower your website ranking. Therefore, you should not take speed and performance for granted.

WordPress supports many plugins like W3Total Cache, WP Rocket, WP Smush, and many others, which help you to increase the performance of your WordPress website. You can also increase your website core web vitals score for desktop and mobile versions by using above-mentioned plugins. If your objective is to create a high-performing website for an enterprise company, I strongly suggest you should hire WordPress developers with experience in enhancing the speed and efficiency of WordPress websites.

Huge Library of 3rd Party Plugins & Professional Themes

WordPress has a huge library of free and paid WordPress plugins, currently, on WordPress.org there are 59K+ plugins available in the WordPress repository. And the numbers are still increasing day by day, as many WordPress plugin development companies develop new WordPress plugins which fulfill customers’ requirements and match current trends.

Some free WordPress plugins are usually ideal for small businesses or those looking to give WordPress a try, but I suggest you should go with a premium WordPress plugin if you’re developing a WordPress website for enterprise-level businesses. With premium WordPress plugins, you may get more advanced features that enhance your website accessibility and functionality. You can use the most popular WordPress plugins like RankMath for SEO, Social Auto Poster for Social Media Auto Posting, WooCommerce PDF Vouchers for the WooCommerce store, WP Rocket for Speed Optimization, and many others.

Same like 3rd party plugins, WordPress has a huge library of professional themes. WordPress themes are a great choice for making an attractive website design that stands a part of the crowd. WordPress theme is a group of code, features, and styles that you can add to your website. It’s basically a set of tools to help you build your website. Its features and styles can be changed without touching the code by using page builders or any other plugin.

On WordPress.org, there are 9K+ WordPress themes that are freely available for different categories. For different businesses, you’ll get different options for website development. You can also get premium themes from a marketplace like Themeforest. For fast, secure, and easy-to-use WordPress website development, you can use some premium WordPress themes like Astra, SeedProd, Divi, OceanWP, and many more.

WordPress Supports Multisite & Multilingual Functionality

Numerous enterprise businesses operate multiple websites to serve their worldwide clientele. Additionally, it is feasible to have multiple sites under the same brand. Therefore, WordPress is one of the greatest platforms for website building if you require multisite support. Companies can manage all of their websites using a single CMS, thereby conserving server, resources, time, and additional costs.

Additionally, WordPress supports multiple languages, allowing visitors who do not speak English to interact with your website. WordPress Plugins such as Polylang and WPML permit site visitors to select their preferred language for their convenience.

SEO and Mobile Friendliness

SEO enables websites to rank naturally at the top of search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo, Yandex, and many others. SEO’s influence on business websites and its ROI can be significantly greater than that of Small and Medium size websites.

Here is why enterprise website SEO is so important:

  1. It enables large businesses to control an entire market segment.
  2. Organic visibility aids businesses in enhancing market share, brand recognition, public relations, etc.
  3. SEO enables businesses to reach a wide variety of consumers at various customer journey stages, resulting in a substantial increase in conversions and income.
  4. WordPress is renowned for being highly mobile- and SEO-friendly out of the box. In addition, you have a vast selection of WordPress plugins and themes to help the SEO and mobile-friendliness of your company website.

The number of smartphone users worldwide has exceeded three billion. Consequently, it is essential that the platform you choose be responsive and mobile-friendly, especially if you offer items or services online. WordPress’ default themes are responsive by default. One can always create their own theme in WordPress with available responsive front-end theming frameworks which makes the final theme secure and fast performing.

Effective Social Media Integration

It is essential for businesses to maintain an active social media presence today. However, driving engagement on social media can be difficult. Daily posting can be time-consuming, particularly for small teams without a social media manager. Connecting your social media accounts to your WordPress website is simple. You can also use a WordPress plugin like Social Auto Poster which allows you to automate social media posting directly from your website. Including social share buttons on each new post, for instance, is a passive method of increasing interaction, and if users like your post then they can easily share your post on their social media accounts.

Smooth Migration Support

Thankfully, WordPress is rather easy to migrate. It contains connections to plugins that further simplify the procedure. While setting up a new WordPress website is relatively simple, moving it from one host to another can be difficult. If you are unfamiliar with the migration procedure, a single error can result in data loss, downtime, and even a drop in search engine results. Fortunately, WordPress is a platform that supports numerous plugins that can assist you. These plugins create automatic backups of your website, manage the transfer, and prevent any downtime that may occur during the migration of your website.

Thriving Global Developer Community

Since its introduction as a blogging platform, WordPress has had an astonishing growth curve. This is largely due to the hundreds of WordPress communities throughout the world that contribute to the global success and popularity of the WordPress CMS. The robust global community of WordPress developers and designers is constantly on its feet, actively contributing to the open-source software, correcting problems, assisting users on public forums, and shaping the platform as it exists today.

The WordPress community consists of professionals and experts who aid people with questions and concerns. The WordPress global community runs user groups, support forums, and documentation. With this vast ecosystem behind you, you and your team may simply obtain support. Having a solid CMS support system is a long-term victory for your business.

Managed Hosting Services

Scalability, performance, security, and robustness are important for enterprise websites. Any hindrance here can hurt a company’s ROI, reputation, and revenue. All of the above criteria depend on your company website’s hosting and infrastructure. WordPress offers managed hosting choices like WordPress VIP, WP Engine, Kinsta, etc.

Compared to other enterprise CMS choices, these managed hosting companies optimize WordPress. These hosting providers offer GIT integration, various staging environments, and daily backups.

Here are some benefits of WordPress-optimized managed hosting:

  1. Effectiveness
  2. Cost cuts
  3. Server Security
  4. Auto-backups
  5. 24/7 assistance

This may be one reason you choose WordPress as your company’s CMS.

Security concerns. As WordPress powers more than 64.2% of the web, it’s inevitably the platform most targeted by hackers. Installing a WordPress security plugin and applying other best practices can reduce the risks.

Third-party content. Since most WordPress themes and plugins are created by third-party developers, some may be buggy. Before installing a new plugin or theme, always read its description and reviews.

Page load time. Too many plugins may slow a site down. To fix this, uninstall unnecessary plugins and clear the WordPress cache.

Cons of WordPress CMS

Cons of WordPress CMS

Before picking WordPress as your enterprise CMS or migrating from another CMS, consider its downsides too. In this part, we’ll discuss WordPress’s drawbacks as an enterprise CMS.

Additional Features Require More Plugins

WordPress makes it easy to install and manage themes, as they only require proper configuration to function. However, this is not the only characteristic an enterprise CMS website should possess. Plugins are required if you need to add more functionality.

For instance, the platform has different plugins for SEO, eCommerce, and marketing. Some of these plugins are free to use, but the majority require payment. Installing and administering all of these plugins to provide the required functionality for your website can be time-consuming and cumbersome over time.

Vulnerable to Attacks

Given WordPress’s popularity as a CMS, it’s not surprising that several malicious persons attempt to hack and exploit WordPress-based websites. Despite the fact that all websites are subject to online attacks, those that utilize WordPress are more likely to encounter them.

For businesses managing eCommerce and payment gateways, there is a chance that hackers will attempt to breach your database and steal sensitive client data. Those with blogs and comment sections might also be easily targeted by spammers. When website vulnerabilities are exploited and made public, prospective and current customers will lose faith in brands. Hackers may target eCommerce and payment channels to steal client data. Brands lose credibility when website vulnerabilities are exploited and made public.

Again, Vulnerable to Attacks can be prevented by developing high-level security on the website especially if you have file uploads on the website. For static websites, you can already have paid plugins like Wordfence that can help you to improve the security of your website.

Website Down Without Notice

Undisclosed website disruptions may occur for a variety of causes. If you are not paying attention to your website, you may not notice that it has gone offline. It could be down for a few hours or even days, significantly harming your business. There are many reasons for the website to go down like wrong connections, domain validity errors, inaccessible website, suspended hosting account, server connection errors, theme or plugin conflict, and hacking issues. At this tough time, you have to employ a WordPress development company to help you get it back online, which is an additional expense you do not want.

Plugins Conflict

While the tens of thousands of WordPress plugin alternatives may increase the platform’s flexibility, they may also result in “plugin bloat.” Plugins conflict often refers to a problem in which your WordPress website’s performance and speed are degraded due to excessive plugin usage. Sometimes some WordPress plugins are not compatible with other WordPress plugins, which provide almost similar or near to the same functionalities in your WordPress website. So it is more important to check plugin compatibility before installing it on your WordPress website. The extra functionality of WordPress plugins may be accompanied by less-needed code.

Frequent Updates

WordPress users complain about frequent updates. WordPress core and plugins often release updates to improve site features and security. Updates can improve your site’s performance and security. These can be annoying. Automatic updates may potentially be risky. Because upgrades might cause website difficulties and glitches. You have to examine your WordPress website after every core WordPress update, plugin update, or theme update, if you find some error or bug then you need to revert back to the previous version of WordPress, plugin, or theme. You can also hire WordPress developers or a WordPress development company to monitor your website’s upgrades. This improves and manages the consistent performance and security of your website.

Final Thoughts On WordPress As Enterprise CMS

After reading the pros and cons of WordPress as enterprise CMS, I believe you can make a decision for your WordPress website development. One size doesn’t fit all businesses. So based on your requirements, you have to take a decision about which CMS is best suitable for your enterprise website development. But my opinion is always to stick to WordPress for Enterprise website development, because of its flexibility, scalability, and availability of expert WordPress developers.

Also be sure to learn more about WordPress SEO tips and tricks, how to speed up WordPress websites, and don’t worry about the security of your site, here are some WordPress security tips to keep your website safe.

What’s New in WordPress 6.0 [Arturo] https://www.wpwebelite.com/blog/whats-new-in-wordpress-6-0/ Wed, 25 May 2022 05:10:47 +0000 https://www.wpwebelite.com/blog/

Table of Content

  1. Site Editor
  2. Block Editor
  3. Block Pattern
  4. Design Tools
  5. Enhancements to Accessibility
  6. Conclusion

WordPress 5.9 just came out and said hello to the world, but the lead developers don’t seem to have had much time to catch their breath. Matas Ventura posted the first outline of the 6.0 roadmap. It talks about the kinds of things that are planned to come out this year.

Arturo O’Farrill, a Grammy Award-winning jazz musician, was the creative mind behind the name “Arturo” and WordPress 6.0. Over the course of the past five decades, Arturo has published more than 15 Albums, and he is widely recognized as having a significant impact on contemporary Latin jazz.

Explore WordPress 6.0, which was developed to assist you in realizing your creative potential and making the process of website development feel more natural.

WordPress 6.0 is the end of Phase 2 of the Gutenberg project, which includes the tools for building visual websites. They are very important to the future of WordPress development, but developers are likely to shift their attention to Phase 3 for WordPress 6.1 and beyond.

In addition, version 6.0 of WordPress provides an incredible number of updates, new features, and bug fixes. These improvements include more than 400 editor updates and 500 editor bug fixes. More than 189 tickets have been resolved, and this includes the addition of 91 new features and improvements.

Indeed, there is a great deal to talk about. Without further delay, let’s have a look at what’s new in version 6.0 of WordPress.

We’ve tested WordPress 6.0 and compared it to the previous release. Let’s have a look at some of its new features and upgrades that enhance the whole site editing experience.

#1. Site Editor

The addition of the site editor in the last major update was a great step in improving the ability to customize posts and pages. With new features added to the WordPress 6.0 editor and some of the restrictions removed, it became even better.  Here are some enhancements for WordPress 6.0.

Global Style Switcher

As a result, users have the ability to pick their preferred global style from a list of existing ones without having to spend much time choosing.  Therefore, by using the interface to specify a global style, you can add a new style to an existing global style without having to change the existing global style.

Selecting Text Across Multiple Blocks

It is impossible to choose text from across a number of different blocks in WordPress 5.9. The block editor will frequently select all of the text contained within the block.

WordPress 6.0 will make it easier to simply select only the text you want to select.

Retaining The Block Style

With this new feature, the block’s look remained the same even after it has been changed into another block. This includes the block’s original color and font.

For instance, the text color of a block that is being converted into a heading will not change as the block is being converted. When extra buttons are added to the content, this feature is also applied to the button block in the content.

More Template Options

In earlier versions of WordPress, the number of template types that users could choose from was restricted. Now, WordPress 6.0 adds a number of new template types, such as Author, Category, Date, Tag, and Taxonomy.

Because of this change, it should be easier to change things on your site. To give it a test run, all you have to do is choose a new template from the drop-down menu, add the necessary building pieces, save your changes, and then check out the final product on the live site. Honestly, it really is that easy.

The browse mode and site navigation structure for the site editor arrived in WordPress 6.0.

In addition to these big changes, the new version of WordPress also changed the appearance of the site editor. These improvements include selectable blocks on the list view, the addition of a code editor and preferences for the main site editor, and improved placeholders for a variety of different blocks.

#2. Block Editor

Significant improvements to WordPress blocks will be made in WordPress 6.0, and a variety of new blocks will also be made available. Here is a list of some of the most important changes that could be coming in the next release:

New Blocks in the Block Theme Editor

The following blocks are available for use in themes and templates in WordPress 6.0


You are now able to put comments within a block that contains a query loop. It incorporates sub-blocks such as the comment author’s name and avatar, in addition to the comment content and edits link. You are free to change them each time to emphasize what you are saying.

   2. Read More

You are no longer able to merely add the text for ‘Read more’ into the Excerpt block like you were able to do in WordPress 5.9. This is no longer the case.

In addition, a separate block is included in WordPress 6.0. You have the ability to change the text, background, and border of the link, which will allow it to stand out more.

  3. No results in the Query Loop

When adding one of such blocks, it is now possible to insert a No Results block inside of a Query Loop block. On the other hand, the block will only be shown if the selected query does not yield any results.

  4. Post-Author Biography

In addition to the Post Author and Avatar blocks, a new post-author biography block is also provided.

  5. Avatar

The avatar block enables the display of a user’s avatar (profile photo). You can choose whether to display the avatar of a specific user or the current post/author.

Block Style Previews

Before WordPress 6.0, previews of block styles were in the block sidebar, which took up a lot of space in the Styles panel.

With version 6.0, only the names of the different styles are shown in the Styles panel. However, when the style name is hovered over or is the focus, the style previews appear outside of the sidebar.
This modification minimizes the size of sidebars and should make style names more apparent.

Block Locking UI

The More Settings drop-down menu has a new Lock option that opens a window where you can stop users from moving or removing blocks (or both).

This is especially useful for editing templates and blocks that can be reused, where you can also restrict editing.

Featured Image Expansion

Featured photos will no longer be restricted to featured image blocks in post content. They can be incorporated into media and text blocks, as well as cover blocks. This upgrade will expand the design choices overall.

More Transformation Options

Six new block transformation options, including paragraph to code, group to row, and tag cloud to categories, are included in WordPress 6.0.

Nested Quote Block

It will be allowed to nest blocks and include paragraphs, lists, and code fragments within the quote.

Miscellaneous Block Editor Enhancements

The following is a list of a few additional significant improvements that have been made to the block editor in WordPress 6.0.

1. Border for Columns Block

You now have the ability to put a border all the way around the columns block.

2. Gallery Images Spacing

You can modify the amount of space that exists between each individual image within a gallery block.

3. Quick Shortcut to Add Internal Links

You may now add links much more quickly by simply adding the title of the post or page, followed by two square brackets.

4. Select Multiple Blocks in List View

Users will have the option of selecting several similar blocks in the list view by using the SHIFT+CLICK or SHIFT+UP+DOWN keys respectively. After that, they are able to move them up or down, as well as conduct other actions.

#3. Block Pattern

Block patterns play a significant role in the process of building websites using WordPress 6.0. On its own website, WordPress has already introduced a pattern directory and a pattern creator for users to utilize.

The most important change that is currently being planned is the replacement of the quick block inserter. If you click on the plus sign in the editor’s content-box, the inserter will give you pattern options instead of block options.

Utilizing layout transformation patterns is yet another viable alternative. At the moment, patterns are only used for the purpose of producing new material. In this suggestion, the argument is made that patterns ought to be able to change the arrangement of existing information without the data being lost.

#4. Design Tools

WordPress 6.0 tries to make the user experience better by adding more ways to customize, adding more API support to the design tools, and adding more ways to personalize. In addition, there are some further minor improvements, such as a better interface for the color palette and border management.

The following is a list of some of the most significant improvements that have been made to the design tools in WordPress 6.0:

Layout Transformation for Multiple Blocks

In WordPress version 6.0, the block toolbar and the design tool panel will each get a number of new ways to change blocks. Users are able to transform several blocks into container blocks, such as groups, rows, and stacks, with the use of this functionality.

Custom Post Date Format

The tool for making post-date blocks will give you the option to use a custom date format for the blocks you make.

Gallery Block Gap Spacing

In the block design tool, the gallery block will have a gap configuration. This will allow users to modify image gallery layouts better.

Web Fonts API

Webfonts API integration was taken out of WordPress 5.9, but it is added back in WordPress 6.0. It is now possible for users and theme developers to add web font settings to the global styles interface. Since WordPress 6.0, a new Webfont can only be registered via the theme.json.

Utilizing the theme.json file is pretty simple. To satisfy this need, simply adding a new font family to the typography section will do. The code presented below is an example of Webfont registration:

Trying it out is easy. All you need to do is download the Inter Webfont from Google Fonts to the./assets/fonts folder, and then add the above code to the settings. typography section of Twenty Twenty-Two theme.json. Save the file and return to the site’s editing area when you’re finished.

The resulting image can be seen in the editor in the following picture.

The Webfont API only registers fonts required to render blocks on the current page, which is especially handy for web fonts defined in style variants. Additionally, the API reduces the number of HTTP queries by registering and enqueuing font families.

Typography Support For Container Blocks

The block types of group, row, and stack, each have their own set of typography options.

#5. Enhancements to Accessibility

Each new WordPress release enhances the platform’s usefulness by making it more user-friendly. WordPress 6.0 will have a multitude of enhancements that will enhance the accessibility experience for users.

Listed below are some of the most significant accessibility enhancements.

  1. If no extra ALT text is provided for featured photographs, the post title will be utilized.
  2. Improved tab order in blocks containing placeholder components.
  3. Search notification in block search.
  4. Read the description for placeholder-equipped blocks.
  5. The text labels of the Admin bar will be readable by screen readers on smaller displays.


There are many more under-the-hood updates in this new version of WordPress. Comment down which is your favorite update of all.

Also, now creating a website will be more fun because Gutenberg just “Gotten better” and still you have any problem with the development of a WordPress website or you want to take maximum advantage of the benefit you will get out of the update then hire a WordPress developer from a renowned Web development company.

What is Headless WordPress? & Why is it Beneficial to Your Business? https://www.wpwebelite.com/blog/headless-wordpress/ Thu, 24 Mar 2022 09:43:41 +0000 https://www.wpwebelite.com/blog/

Table of Contents

  1. What is a Headless CMS?
  2. What is Headless WordPress?
  3. Benefits of Headless WordPress
  4. Drawbacks of Headless WordPress
  5. Examples of Headless WordPress
  6. How Do I Install Headless WordPress?
  7. Final Thoughts About Headless WordPress

WordPress is an outstanding CMS (content management system). It incorporates easily navigable website components and can be customized to execute virtually any task via the use of a range of plugins developed by WordPress experts. On the other hand, there are times when your requirements go above and beyond what can be done with the standard WordPress themes and plugins. Developing a frontend for WordPress requires you to write your own plugins and widgets, ideally in PHP, to display content. Surely, I don’t need to explain how inconvenient this can be for certain people.

Fortunately, there are other options available. One of the solutions is to use a headless WordPress CMS. What is headless WordPress? It is a site where you are able to fully manage the content of your website with the help of WordPress, and there are so many other front-end options available, that it will help in actually displaying the content to the visitors. There are many benefits to a website built with headless WordPress, but one of the main advantages is the ability to decouple content editorial teams from developers.

With Headless WordPress, marketing and content teams can keep using WordPress while developers can use tools they know like React, GraphQL, and a familiar Git workflow. This blog will explain what a headless WordPress CMS is, the benefits and drawbacks of utilizing it for your WordPress website, and how to install it. Before we get started, let us define what a headless CMS is and what distinguishes a headless CMS from a traditional CMS.

What is a Headless CMS?

Traditional CMS vs Headless CMS

A headless CMS is any form of back-end content management system in which the content repository’s “body” is decoupled from the presentation layer’s “head.” A headless CMS’s content is provided via APIs for seamless presentation across several devices. A headless CMS is a content repository system that allows control of website content, has no presentation layer, and displays data on any device.

Therefore to overcome the limitation that was there on traditional CMS, Headless CMS is implemented – here the presentation layer of any website is known as the “Head” of a CMS. So, if you cut out the presentation layer then it is what we call “Headless CMS.”.

This type of headless CMS lets you choose the right presentation layer for a digital platform, but it doesn’t solve the main problem of organizing content so that it can be reused on many different platforms and channels.

Like a headless CMS, a headless architecture is a way to publish dynamic content across many platforms and devices. In a headless architecture, content is stored in its raw and unformatted state, and the way it looks when it’s shown doesn’t depend on a front-end system.

What is Headless WordPress?

What is Headless WordPress

In a Headless WordPress system, WordPress is used to manage content, but other front-end technologies are used to show content to site visitors.

Some people say that WordPress is a Monolithic CMS. Despite having a powerful backend for making and organizing content, the front-end is still very focused on how it looks. As a side note, WordPress adds display functionality to themes and plugins, which can be linked to the front end of a website. This can make the website look better.

With WordPress, however, you can use its powerful content management features to cut it in half, leaving behind a fast and lightweight CMS that is easy to use. Enjoy the content management that you’ve made in WordPress even as it grows beyond your theme thanks to the REST API.

In this case, you would be able to use all of the back-end features of the platform, but it would no longer be a proactive system. You would only be able to get the information you need when you need it. This is in contrast to how WordPress currently sends content to mostly browser-based sites.

Headless WordPress has both good and bad things about it, so now that you know more about it, you can decide if you want to switch from traditional WordPress CMS.

Benefits of Headless WordPress

Benefits Headless WordPress

Front-End Flexibility

You can do a lot with the Front-End using readymade WordPress themes and plugins. Front-End is also customizable using custom plugins and themes but not everyone wants to manage WordPress this way.

With headless CMS, You can keep the backend in WordPress that you know and love, and build the frontend using frontend technology like Vue, React, Angular. You can use WordPress API to get data from the backend and render it using frontend technology. This is especially beneficial for front-end developers who want to work inside another application, use different coding languages than what WordPress uses.

Additionally, what if you need to change your front-end system? Or, what if you want to redesign your site, WordPress makes these all easier, since your content is decoupled from the front-end. You can do the design changes as much as you want, but the content remains unchanged.

Optimized Site Loading Time

WordPress loads web pages dynamically. WordPress uses PHP to fetch all the required data from the database and assemble them into a page then send a page to a user. If a website has a lot of different plugins then it will take more time to load the page. We can use an optimization plugin to improve the performance but still, we don’t have that much control which we want on performance. slow page loads can hurt the user experience and reduce conversions.

With a headless CMS, You have a separate frontend that will interact with the WordPress backend using API to grab the web page content so you have all the control over performance. WordPress websites that are powered by the frontend are incredibly smooth and responsive, with millisecond load times, it helps to increase Core Web Vitals score and improve WordPress website SEO.

Lightweight Design

If you use Headless WordPress, you will drop a significant amount of weight. Your system only incorporates content databases and API calls. As a result, your website will be lighter in weight and much faster than traditional WordPress.

Multi-Channel Publishing

Headless WordPress is used a lot to post content to a lot of different places. This means that you can post one piece of content and have it show up on a lot of different websites, apps, and social media profiles right away.

With the help of Headless WordPress, you are able to connect to the other website with REST API. You can share content on websites and multiple social media platforms. In simple words, when you make changes to some content, it will reflect across every device connected to it.

Improved Security

WordPress is a favorite target for fraudsters and people who don’t do the right thing online. The fact that headless WordPress is usually safe to use and can be improved with plugins and by following standard WordPress security best practices, raises security to a whole new level.

There is a low chance that your back end will be hacked because of security issues, even though your front end might be affected by third-party integrations.

You can’t keep the record of all the credentials when you have a Headless WordPress therefore it is a bit more complex to use – for which considering assistance from a WordPress development company can be a strategic move that can benefit you with much more security than traditional WordPress.

Great Control

With Standard WordPress CMS, you are not able to control each and every element separately. When the head is different and the body is WordPress then you’ll have limitless control over the development of the site.

Front-end developers will now be able to deal with the dynamic use of JavaScript.

Increased Scalability

Another important thing to think about when choosing a headless WordPress installation is how easy it is to grow. People who use your service won’t have to deal with a lot of downtimes because we’re giving out content through API requests.

Headless WordPress can be used with almost any other platform because the front-end isn’t there, so it can be used with almost anything else. Because of this, it is able to use the most cutting-edge technology.

Drawbacks of Headless WordPress

Drawbacks Headless WordPress


This means you won’t be able to use the “What You See Is What You Get” (‘WYSIWYG) editor in a Headless WordPress installation. You won’t be able to use the live preview feature. So, you won’t be able to see what your customers are seeing on the front end, which makes it hard to manage the process of making content.

As a result, if you don’t like programming or coding, you won’t be able to get all of the benefits of a static WordPress installation.

More Maintenance

With the help of Headless WordPress, you are easily able to replace regular WordPress themes with static pages on the front end. Now because you have a static generator for you to show the content, It will be necessary for you to keep two different code bases up to date. Therefore, if you have two code bases in different places, then you need to set up separate workflows for maintaining them.

And as time goes on, it will become more and more difficult and time-consuming to keep headless WordPress websites up and running.

Advanced Programming

To get the most out of Headless WordPress, you’ll need a dedicated WordPress developer since you’ll need to integrate more advanced technologies and frameworks.

The reason for this is that even though you are still using WordPress’ backend to publish content, you will need to use JavaScript and the REST APIs to support all of WordPress’ core features.

Tougher Credentialing

A lot of credentialing should be more strict than it is now. Users who use a headless CMS will need a different set of credentials than those who use a combined CMS. This can be a long process, but it will make the environment more secure.

Slow Without Configuration

The use of headless WordPress goes hand in hand with the need for developers to be able to work with the software. Headless WordPress can actually be bad for security and performance, at least if it isn’t set upright.

Using REST APIs can be very slow, even more so than loading and visiting a traditional WordPress site. Caching and the use of SHORTINIT can quickly solve this problem, but it’s not the only way. There are other things to keep in mind, too. For example, if you set up the APIs without knowing how to make them work better, you might have a much more frustrating time.

Another thing to think about is security. Even though headless WordPress makes your site more secure and less vulnerable to DDoS attacks, there are also some downsides to it. Use the API to load WordPress files manually, and you could leave your site open to hackers if you don’t protect it properly.

Examples of Headless WordPress

  1. TechCrunch
  2. Haruki Murakami
  3. The Guggenheim Museum
  4. Frontity
  5. Beachbody on Demand
  6. Facebook Brand Resource Center

How Do I Install Headless WordPress?

To manually set up WordPress as a headless CMS, you’ll need a new installation. You can either utilize the standard WordPress installation process or the one-click install feature offered by most hosting providers. Change the default wp_ value for database and table prefixes to anything else and use a strong password.

A blank theme is also required for WordPress to work. Because you won’t be using WordPress to show content, your theme can be as minimal as two files: index.php and styles.css

The index.php file in your theme will redirect users to the static website’s homepage, preserving the backend but removing the frontend. After setting up the redirect, upload it to WordPress and activate it.

The final step is to use the REST API to receive material from the Headless WordPress installation and display it where you want it. You may use a variety of JavaScript frameworks to build static websites that display content from headless WordPress. The most popular JavaScript Frameworks are ReactJS, AngularJS, and VueJS.

When using WordPress as a headless CMS, you may need to add more content fields. In those circumstances, the Advanced Custom Fields plugin is commonly used to add more fields and call them via an API. This approach may require the ACF to REST API plugin to appropriately format the API calls.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the benefits of Headless WordPress for my business?

Headless WordPress offers enhanced flexibility by decoupling the frontend and backend, allowing for diverse content delivery across various platforms. This skillfulness ensures seamless user experiences and efficient content management, fostering better engagement and scalability for your business.

Should I switch to Headless WordPress?

Switching to Headless WordPress is advantageous if your business values flexibility, scalability, and the ability to deliver content across multiple channels. It’s particularly beneficial for projects requiring customized frontends, enabling a more tailored and modern digital presence.

How can Headless WordPress empower my business to deliver an amazing user experience?

Headless WordPress empowers your business by enabling the creation of dynamic, interactive user interfaces. This separation of concerns allows for optimized frontend development, resulting in faster load times, enhanced performance, and a more engaging, responsive user experience across various devices.

Final Thoughts About Headless WordPress

Don’t forget headless WordPress is not suitable for everyone. You can achieve better website performance by using traditional CMS, with the help of various WordPress plugins and themes available in the market. But if you are familiar and experienced with front-end JavaScript frameworks like Angular Js, Vue Js, React Js, or any other technology then you can use headless WordPress for better website performance and flexibility.

However, since most small businesses and individuals do not have enough time to set up and learn Headless WordPress, it is not worthwhile. For big businesses who need a powerful multi-channel solution, headless WordPress offers the best CMS on the market.  Read more about “Top 10 WordPress Development Companies in India” and “How to Make WordPress Websites Accessible for Users“.
