It behooves investors to take advantage of the wealth of information provided in a company's financial statements to help them evaluate the company as a potential investment. In terms of overall profitability, the net income is the obvious starting point when analyzing a financial statement. This bottom-line dollar amount on a company's income statement is an excellent indicator of profitability because it puts a value on the amount a company takes in, once all costs of production, depreciation, tax, interest, and other expenses have been deducted. However, net income shouldn’t be used exclusively when evaluating a company.
Operating Profit Margin
The operating profit margin is another important indicator of profitability and efficiency that compares the amount a company earns before interest, and taxes on sales are calculated. The margin helps analysts and potential investors gauge how successful company managers are at controlling expenses and generating revenue. A high operating profit margin strongly indicates that a company is shrewdly managing costs and generating sales.
Assessing Stock Price and Profitability for Shareholders
Financial statements can be used to assess the company's stock price and profitability for shareholders. A variety of metrics are useful in this process. Earnings per share (EPS) is an indicator of return on investment, showing a company's per-share profitability. The price-earnings (P/E) ratio uses a stock's EPS, compared to its present share price, for evaluation purposes. The price to book (P/B) ratio is considered a foundational value metric for investors, as it reveals the market's valuation of the company in relation to its intrinsic value.
Dividend Payout Ratio
The dividend payout ratio is another useful metric that measures a company's growth, financial stability, and returns paid to stockholders. The dividend payout ratio calculates the percentage of company earnings paid out to equity investors, in the form of dividends. The higher the ratio value, the more reliable a company’s earnings can sustain dividend payouts, and the more stable a company is considered to be. Retained earnings, the number of profits not paid out to shareholders as dividends, shows what portion of profits a company is reinvesting in expanding its business.
Assets and Liabilities
The breakdown of assets and liabilities contained on a company's balance sheet provides investors with a reliable snapshot of the company's overall financial health, as well as its debt situation. Debt ratios, such as the current ratio, which can be calculated from the information provided in financial statements, let analysts assess a company's ability to handle outstanding debt. Major capital expenditures can be used in evaluating a company's current financial condition and can telegraph the potential for growth.