The World's 6 Biggest Corn Producers

More corn is produced than any other grain crop, and for good reason. It is a staple food for many people and helps to feed a growing world population. It's also a major component of livestock feed.

According to the United States Department of Agriculture's (USDA) "World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates" report, nations worldwide are projected to produce 1,225.45 million metric tons of corn for the 2023-2024 season and 1,220.54 million metric tons for the 2024-2025 season.

Corn is considered a multipurpose agricultural crop around the globe. It is used in consumer items, industrial products, biofuels, as a sweetener in many processed foods, and it's the main ingredient in corn oil, corn starch, and corn syrup. It's also used to create ethanol fuel, and even the cobs have industrial uses due to their absorbent qualities.

Read on for information about the world's major corn-producing nations in the 2022-2023 season.

Key Takeaways

  • Corn is the most produced crop in the world.
  • It's a cash crop due to its consumption as food and as a component in many types of products.
  • The U.S. produces more corn than any other nation.
  • Despite the challenges of war, Ukraine continues to be a top corn producer.

1. United States

The U.S. is by far the world's largest producer of corn, with a 2022-2023 production of 346.74 million metric tons. The estimate for 2023-2024 is 389.69 million metric tons.

The acreage dedicated to planting corn changes from season to season, but in all about 90 million acres of American land are planted with corn each production year. While the nation is an exporter of corn, most corn produced is used for domestic consumption as livestock feed and ethanol production. About 12% was exported in the 2022-2023 season.

2. China

China's 2022-2023 corn production was 277.20 million metric tons. For 2023-2024 the production estimate is 288.84 million metric tons. Its corn is used almost exclusively domestically.

While the country is a major corn producer, the number of acres that Chinese farmers dedicate to corn will likely decline now that the government has ended price support on domestic corn. Farmers are expected to switch to higher-value crops such as soybeans. If corn demand remains high while supply dwindles, China could increase the amount of corn that it imports.

3. Brazil

Brazil produced 137 million metric tons of corn in 2022-2023. The USDA projects that it will produce 122 million metric tons in 2023-2024. In addition to producing corn, the country is a major producer of many other crops including coffee, sugar, and soybeans. Though it consumes more corn than it exports, it is considered a major exporter of the crop.

4. India

The list of top producers stays pretty stable from year to year. That said, India is moving up the list. In the 2022-2023 season, it produced 38.09 million metric tons of corn. The USDA estimates that it will produce 37.50 million metric tons in 2023-2024 and 2024-2025. India is neither a major exporter nor an importer of corn.

5. Argentina

Argentina is a significant corn producer and exporter. Its 2022-2023 corn production was 36 million metric tons. For 2022-23, it's estimated that the national production will drop to 52 million metric tons. Argentina's domestic corn consumption doesn't amount to much. In fact, of the 2023-2024 figure, it exported almost 70%, at 25.24 million metric tons.

6. Mexico

Mexico rounds out the list of the world's top six producers of corn. According to the USDA, the North American country produced 28.08 million metric tons of corn in 2022-2023. That number is expected to drop slightly during the 2023-2024 season to 22.70 million metric tons.

Some research indicates that maize—what many people call corn—was grown and domesticated more than 8,700 years ago by indigenous inhabitants in the lowland areas of southwestern Mexico.

About the European Union (EU)

Data on corn production is not collected for individual nations within the European Union (EU). However, this region of 27 countries deserves an honorable mention as a major corn producer and consumer.

For the 2022-2023 season, the EU as a whole could be considered the third-largest corn producer in the world, with 52.29 million metric tons of corn produced. The production projection for 2023-2024 is 6123.19 million metric tons. At the same time, the EU is a net importer of corn to meet demand (importing 19.74 million metric tons versus exports of 4.2 million metric tons in 2022-2023).

Breakdown of Global Corn Production in 2022-2023

Here's a look at how the world's producers of corn ranked, by percentage of global supply.

Country/Region  Percentage of Global Production
United States 31.54%
China 23.37%
Brazil  10.28%
European Union 4.86% 
Argentina 4.45% 
India 2.83% 
Ukraine 2.47% 
Mexico 2.06%
Russia 1.38% 
Others 16.76% 

What Can Be Made With Corn?

Corn can be used to produce a multitude of products, including animal feed, corn starch, sweeteners, corn oil, soups, gravies, soft drinks, chewing gum, glues, sandpaper, and inks.

How Much Corn Is Used for Ethanol Fuel?

In the U.S., around 45% of all corn production goes to producing ethanol.

Which U.S. States Produce the Most Corn?

While corn is grown from the Great Plains states to Ohio, the most corn is produced in Illinois and Iowa.

The Bottom Line

More corn is grown throughout the entire world than any other grain crop. Its versatility makes it a commodity that goes beyond consumption as a food, as grown. Corn is used to produce an enormous number of other food products, as well as fuel and industrial products.

The top producers of corn by individual country are the U.S., China, Brazil, Argentina, Ukraine, and India.

Article Sources
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  1. USDA. "World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates," Pages 22-23.

  2. USDA. "World Agricultural Production: July 2024," Page 25.

  3. USDA. "World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates," Page 22.

  4. OECD. "China's Grain Reserves, Price Support and Import Policies: Examining the Medium-Term Market Impacts of Alternative Policy Scenarios."

  5. National Science Foundation. "Wild Grass Became Maize Crop More Than 8,700 Years Ago."

  6. Statista. "Distribution of global corn production in 2023/2024, by country."

  7. University of Iowa. "Uses of Corn."

  8. USDA. "Feed Grains Sector at a Glance."